Would you do me the honour

Would you do me the honour

Beta: sruthijayadevan
Pairing: YunJae, slight hint of YooSuMin
Universe: DBSK
Genre: Romance
Length: One Shot
Rating: PG-13
Warning: fluffy-fluff


He woke up due to the ringing of his alarm clock before he turned it off and looked through the still dark room. His alarm clock showed the time of six a.m. It was too early for the sun to even rise on a day in February yet. He grumbled sleepily and rubbed his still sleepy eyes when he slowly sat up to leave his bed and to go to the bathroom first before he had to wake his still sleeping and dreaming band mates.

The first one he wanted to wake was the oldest; his secret love. He entered the room of YooChun and JaeJoong quietly, not wanting to wake the younger baritone singer yet. He slowly sneaked up to the bed of JaeJoong who was still sleeping peacefully. He carefully sat down onto the bed right next to the sleeping man and watched him how he was breathing steadily and lying there in total peace. He smiled dreamily at the angel next to him when he some hair out of his face, caressing the soft cheek. JaeJoong slightly moved under this touch and purred softly.

“Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead,” the slightly younger one breathed into JaeJoong's right ear, causing the other one to move again.

“Mmmm, thirty more minutes .... YunHo,” responded JaeJoong softly when he snuggled into his pillow a little bit more.

“But only thirty,” replied YunHo, smiling sweetly at the dreaming one before he stood up. He walked towards YooChun's bed to wake up the sleeping baritone singer.

“YooChun, wake up,” YunHo said while he was slightly shaking YooChun's shoulder.

“Mmmm, hyung, too early,” the younger one replied sleepily when he turned to the side.

“Yah! Come on. We don't have much time before we have to start our work today,” YunHo said a little bit harsh, causing the other one to open his eyes slowly and to get up, grumbling in disappointment. YunHo went away from the bed and wanted to go to the room next door where JunSu and ChangMin were still sleeping.

“Why aren't you waking JaeJoong-hyung first? He's always the last one who is waking up,” YooChun complained yawning when he slowly got out of his bed. He and the soon-to-be woken band members didn't know that JaeJoong was always the first one that was woken by YunHo.

“Stop complaining and go into the bathroom before you have to fight with ChangMin over it,” replied YunHo and made his way to the room next door. He the light as soon as he had entered the room, causing one of the sleeping men to move in his bed. It was ChangMin who soon afterwards sat up in his bed and was yawning fiercely while he was stretching his still sleeping limbs.

“Good morning, ChangMin-ah,” YunHo greeted him as he walked towards the sleeping JunSu.

“Morning,” ChangMin mumbled back when he slowly got up and walked towards the door to go to the bathroom, rubbing his still sleeping eyes.

“JunSu, wake up,” the leader said while he was shaking JunSu's shoulders, causing the younger tenor singer to grumble.

“Hrm, hyung, please. Ten more minutes,” JunSu replied sleepily, turning to the side.

“All right, but just ten or else you won't have enough time for breakfast again,” YunHo replied before he slowly left the room.

“Argh! YooChun-hyung, hurry up! I need to go to the toilet!” ChangMin shouted towards the bathroom door and was slightly pounding on it.

“Shut up! I was first and I want to enjoy my damn morning shower!” YooChun shouted back. His shouts were accompanied by the rushing of water.

YunHo went further towards the kitchen, walking past YooChun's and JaeJoong's room. He noticed in the corner of his eye that JaeJoong's sleeping figure was slightly moving in his bed. Thirty minutes were already over and the lead singer slowly got up, keeping his promise like he did every morning.

YunHo entered the kitchen and the light. He looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall and saw that it showed seven a.m. Their first point on their schedule would start in about one hour. Even today, on Valentine's Day, they had a full schedule for the entire day which meant that they most likely would come back home totally exhausted in the late afternoon or evening.

“Morning,” a sleepy sounding voice ripped YunHo out of his thoughts, causing the leader to turn around and to face the tired JaeJoong who was standing in the door case of the kitchen.

“Good morning,” YunHo replied softly, smiling at the older man whose hair was totally dishevelled. “Did you sleep well last night?” he asked concerned about JaeJoong's health.

“Too less if you ask me,” JaeJoong replied, yawning when he came into the kitchen to make breakfast for his band mates. He still hadn't fully recovered from his last cold which caused YunHo to worry even more about his secret love.

“You want to make breakfast now? Why aren't you showering first? It would be better for your own health,” YunHo said worried to JaeJoong.

“It's okay. ChangMinnie-ah is in the bathroom right now and I can't sit around and do nothing while the others will be hungry the whole time. Don't be so serious, leader-ssi,” replied JaeJoong softly yet a little bit harsh. He was totally happy about YunHo's attention in his heart but was so confused at the same time through his secret love to him that he didn't know how he should react towards the leader's worry.

“You know, I can make breakfast, too. I just was about to do so when you came in,” responded YunHo as he stood next to JaeJoong and saw what he was going to make for breakfast today; fried eggs.

“All right. But I'm just going so that you will already be quiet,” the older one gave up and left the kitchen, smiling when he made his way to the now empty bathroom.

“JaeJoong-hyung, hurry up. I want to shower now before YunHo-hyung is telling me again that I won't get breakfast when I get up too late like he does every morning,” JunSu's voice called out towards the bathroom where the sound of a hair dryer could be clearly heard when twenty more minutes had passed. He was late again and the other three band members were already eating their breakfast.

“Hyung?” the smaller man asked worriedly after he neither had received an answer from the older man, nor heard the sound of the hair dryer. It made YunHo worry even more about JaeJoong and his health.

“Shut up! I'm almost done. Why can't you just let me relax for some minutes on a day?” JaeJoong's muffled voice replied, causing the leader and JunSu to feel a little bit relieved. Soon afterwards JaeJoong stepped out of the bathroom, already dressed and a fruity smell of strawberries surrounding him.

“Urgh, hyung! Why do you have to use the strawberry-flavoured shampoo all the time?” JunSu asked the older lead singer when he slightly scrunched his nose.

“Be quiet! I use what I want,” responded JaeJoong when he made his way towards the living room where YooChun, ChangMin and YunHo were still eating their breakfast and were laughing over the scene they had just picked up. JaeJoong made himself a fried egg and settled down next to YunHo, eating it slowly and without much appetite because he wasn't that hungry.

It was already ten to eight a.m. when JunSu finally came out of the bathroom.

“Damn, Junsu-yah! If you still want breakfast you should hurry!” YunHo shouted through the hallway, causing the tenor singer to rush into the living room to get at least something to eat before they had to leave soon.

Their schedule for today was full of practices for singing and dancing, photo shootings, a video recording and some show performances.

During every little break or the change of the place, the exhausted JaeJoong tried to relax or even take a short nap which caused YunHo to worry even more about him. The other three were occupied with themselves. YooChun and ChangMin were sticking together the entire day, speaking about something none of the others knew. Later that day, shortly after they had left the last place of their schedule for today, the two men were talking with JunSu who seemed to feel a little bit uneasy yet happy. But YunHo was too occupied with his worries about JaeJoong to even notice what was going on between his three dongsaengs.

It was already getting dark outside when they finally reached their home and JaeJoong was the first one that went inside and vanished immediately into his bedroom, leaving the door wide open. The others were following him suit inside and were closing the door behind them. YunHo went straight towards the bedroom JaeJoong just had rushed into while the other three were fighting over the fact who would be the first that could go into the bathroom.

YunHo entered JaeJoong's and YooChun's bedroom and saw JaeJoong lying on his bed as if he just had let himself drop onto it and had fallen asleep right away. He came closer to the totally exhausted man and noticed that he really had already fallen asleep, his chest moving up and down steadily. YunHo sat down next to JaeJoong and looked at the peacefully sleeping figure, smiling at him but yet worried about the older one. He slowly pulled back the blanket of JaeJoong's bed as far as he could and carefully lifted the sleeping man up in his arms who was slightly moving his body while he was doing so. JaeJoong snuggled his head against YunHo's chest and purred slightly while the leader was carrying him further up to the head of his bed. YunHo placed JaeJoong gently down and covered him with the blanket. The sleeping lead singer snuggled himself even more into his blanket and pillow before he was breathing steadily once again. YunHo knelt down in front of JaeJoong's peaceful face and caressed his cheek gently.

“Sleep well, Boo,” YunHo whispered before he bent forward and planted a soft kiss on top of JaeJoong's forehead.

“Hyung,” a voice addressed YunHo, startling the leader and made him look towards the door where the voice had been coming from.

“God, YooChun. Make a noise when you're entering a room or else someone will die because of a heart attack,” YunHo replied whispering, not wanting to wake JaeJoong, and went towards the baritone singer.

“Is he sleeping?” asked YooChun quietly because he was worried about his roommate.


“Poor hyung. He's the one that needs holiday the most out of all of us,” YooChun said, earning an agreeing nod from YunHo.

“So, what did you want to tell me?” the leader asked YooChun who apparently had come to him because of something.

“Oh, right. I just wanted to tell you that JunSu, ChangMin and I are going out, if you don't mind,” the baritone singer asked for YunHo's permission to stay out for some hours, hoping that the leader wasn't against it.

“Hm, okay. But be careful of crazy fans and so on.”

“Yeah, we will. Thanks, hyung. Oh, and you take good care of Jae-hyung, okay?”

“What do you think I would do, huh? Shall I leave him alone in such a state?” replied YunHo slightly angered.

“No, of course not. You're misunderstanding me. I just meant that you should take good care of him,” YooChun responded, confusing the leader with his puzzling words. “Okay, we're leaving then.”

“Good. See you later,” YunHo said goodbye to his dongsaengs that were vanishing into the dark staircase.

“Alone now, huh? Maybe I could-” YunHo spoke to himself when he went into the living room, smiling dreamily.


JaeJoong slowly woke up, opening his eyes and faced the darkness inside of his room. He sat up and looked at his mobile phone to find out the current time. It was already half past nine p.m. which meant that he had been sleeping for more than four hours without a disturbance of his band mates. He got up and walked towards the window, feeling quite refreshed after his nap. He was fascinated by the sight once he looked out of the window. It was white outside and still snowing, causing him to smile widely. He grabbed a woollen blanket, covering his body in it and put on a pair of slippers before he left his bedroom and made his way to the living room. He went straight towards the balcony and opened the big glass door, stepping out so that he could watch the snow falling onto the streets and even onto the balcony. He didn't notice the man that was standing in the dark corner next to him, watching him lovingly.

“Beautiful, isn't it?” the man asked, causing JaeJoong to be startled and to turn towards his direction.

“YunHo! Don't give me such a heart attack!” replied the lead singer, trying to slow down his hard pounding heart.

“Sorry. I didn't mean to,” YunHo apologized chuckling, causing the other one to pout slightly. “But it is beautiful, don't you think?”

“Yeah, really beautiful. Even a miracle,” Jaejoong responded softly, looking at the falling snow and the white streets dreamily.

“Not as beautiful as you are,” ghosted towards JaeJoong's right ear when YunHo left the balcony to go inside. The lead singer was stunned. Had he heard correctly? He felt how warmth was rising to his cheeks and how his heart began to beat faster. He slowly turned around to face YunHo but was stunned once again. The living room was filled with the light of candles which he was sure of weren't there a minute ago when he had walked through it to reach the balcony. He slowly stepped into the warm living room, still amazed at the sight.

“Do you like it?” YunHo's voice asked, coming from the table next to JaeJoong.

“H-how did you-” the amazed lead singer tried to ask YunHo when he turned towards the younger one.

“I had a lot of time while you were sleeping,” replied YunHo smiling at the speechless JaeJoong, causing him to blush slightly. YunHo stood up and came closer to JaeJoong who was still overwhelmed by the romantic sight in front of him.

“JaeJoong,” he uttered slightly nervous, causing the other one to look at him with his big doe eyes.

“What is it, YunHo-yah?” JaeJoong replied softly with a somewhat shaking voice.

“There's something I wanted to tell and to ask you. Would you listen to me?” the leader asked with an almost whispering voice but still good enough for the older one to hear who just nodded in slight anticipation as a response. YunHo took a deep breath. Now the time had finally come. Now he could finally tell JaeJoong his secret feelings that he had tried to hide in front of the other one but he was sure that he had totally failed over the years.

“Oh, maybe we should sit down first,” YunHo said with a nervous laugh before he guided JaeJoong towards the sofa so that they could sit on the soft piece of furniture.

“S-so, what do you want to tell me?” JaeJoong asked nervously, hoping to hear something he wanted to hear for such a long time now.

“R-right,” YunHo replied, laughing nervously. He took a deep breath, trying to fire his courage, “Kim JaeJoong, I wanted to tell you that I, Jung YunHo, love you more than anything else in this world. You're the most precious to me and it is making me sad to see you in such an exhausted state like today. It's breaking my heart when I see that you're sad or even hurt. You earn my heart since the first day I have seen you,” YunHo told JaeJoong everything his heart had been capturing over all these years they had been together through Dong bang Shin Ki. He reached with his hand into the pocket of his jeans and pulled something out before he began to speak again, “I want to ask you, Kim JaeJoong, would you do me the honour of wearing my ring?”

YunHo was avoiding JaeJoong's face all the time. He knew that the lead singer would show a reaction but he didn't know what it would be. When he now looked into the face of the older one, he could see tears streaming down the flushed cheeks of JaeJoong, his mouth covered with his right hand.

“Y-yunHo,” he mumbled softly between his sniffing.

“Are you all right?” YunHo asked him concerned, worried that he maybe had hurt him and earned a soft nod from JaeJoong.

“Yes, yes, yes,” the lead singer chanted over and over again, slightly confusing YunHo. “Yes, I'd be glad to wear your ring,” he answered almost whispering, smiling at YunHo who wasn't sure if he really had heard correctly.

“R-really?” YunHo asked to be sure of JaeJoong's answer.

“Yes, because I, too, love you so much,” JaeJoong confessed to YunHo when he gave his answer once again.

“Can I have your hand then?” YunHo asked nervously with a smile on his lips when he wanted to pull the ring over JaeJoong's ring finger.

“W-which one?” responded the lead singer still totally nervous yet in full anticipation.

“The left one,” answered YunHo happily. JaeJoong guided his trembling left hand towards YunHo who gently took it into his own trembling palm and pulled the small ring over JaeJoong's ring finger, gazing dreamily when he did. He embraced his now lover tightly, wrapping his arms around JaeJoong's slender waist who was wrapping his arms around YunHo's neck.

“I'm so happy that I could die,” he breathed into JaeJoong's neck when he was nuzzling his nose against it.

“Me, too,” replied JaeJoong with a soft whisper when he was nuzzling his head against YunHo's shoulder. They were cuddling like this for quite some time, just inhaling the scent of the other one and enjoyed the warmth of one another.

“YunHo?” JaeJoong addressed his now lover when he was staring at his new ring.

“Yeah, Boo?”

“What metal is it from?” he wanted to know because he knew that it wasn't white-gold.

“It's platinum. Only for you,” YunHo breathed into JaeJoong's neck, smiling against the soft pale flesh. The lead singer soon afterwards pulled back from the embrace and looked into YunHo's chocolate-brown eyes, tears glistening in his brown orbs when he bent forward and pecked YunHo's rosy lips.

“You're crazy, you know that?” he said between his sniffing and sobbing, smiling widely.

“Yeah, crazy over you,” YunHo responded when he bent forward this time to capture JaeJoong's plump red lips with his own, causing both to close their eyes. Their first tender kiss was soon turning into a deep passionate one as soon as YunHo started to and nibble on JaeJoong's bottom lip, causing him to let out a soft moan and to slightly open his mouth. YunHo used this chance and slid his tongue into JaeJoong's cavern, examining every corner of it. His tongue invited JaeJoong's to a breathtaking dance which caused JaeJoong to moan softly into YunHo's mouth. The two kissing men were breaking apart only when their lungs were finally screaming for new oxygen. YunHo leaned back against the sofa still gasping for air. The gasping JaeJoong joined him when he snuggled against the warm body of the leader, hiding his flushed face in YunHo's chest.

Minutes passed by as they were just cuddling and enjoying the presence of the other one. Their breaths went slowly back to normal when JaeJoong began to speak.

“Where are the others, Yunnie?” he wanted to know after he had finally noticed that JunSu, YooChun and ChangMin weren't in the apartment.

“Oh, they left to go somewhere. I don't know where but they left as soon as you were already asleep,” replied YunHo, slightly wondering why they weren't already back.

“They're late, aren't they? Maybe we should call them,” suggested JaeJoong because he was worried that maybe something had happened to their dongsaengs.

“You're right,” responded YunHo as he grabbed his mobile phone that was lying next to them on the table to call YooChun. The free sign was working which meant that YooChun's mobile phone was ringing but still after some minutes nobody answered the phone, causing the calling ones to feel worried.

“Y-yoboseyooooh,” YooChun finally answered the phone, causing the two listening men to feel relieved.

“Yoochun, where are you guys?” asked YunHo the man on the other end.

“Yeah, and when are you coming back?” JaeJoong wanted to know, too.

“Ah-I don't know,” the other man responded, sounding a little bit breathless.

“Nnnnh. Uuuuh, yes,” YunHo and JaeJoong could clearly hear JunSu's voice as if he was standing right next to them.

“Mmmh, still so tight,” came the response of ChangMin towards JunSu's accompanied by YooChun's own groans.

“I-I think we're disturbing something,” JaeJoong whispered softly towards YunHo before he turned away from the mobile phone, covering his flushed face with his hands.

“R-right, erm, see you at the latest tomorrow,” uttered YunHo when he was swallowing his saliva and looking straight ahead with his wide open eyes before he finally hung up. “I-I think they will be back sometime tonight or at least tomorrow,” YunHo said as he tried to calm down the heated situation a little bit.

“Sure,” replied JaeJoong when he was calm enough to face YunHo, still a slight blush decorating his face.

“Maybe we should go to bed. We have to wake up early again tomorrow,” suggested YunHo when he reminded himself of the full schedule tomorrow that would start at nine a.m. this time.

“Hm, okay,” grumbled JaeJoong back, a small pout decorating his plump lips because he didn't want to let the romantic time with his YunHo end here like this.

“Mmmh, such a cute little pouting mouth. Makes me want to kiss it away,” YunHo breathed against JaeJoong's pouting lips before he gently placed his own on top of them, kissing the lead singer tenderly.

When they finally broke apart, gasping for air once again and looking into each other's fluttering eyes, they were slowly getting off of the sofa and were blowing off the candles before they were walking out of the living room with intertwined fingers, the woollen blanket lying forgotten on the soft piece of furniture. When they were standing in front of JaeJoong's bedroom, the taller one bent down and pecked JaeJoong's lips gently.

“Good night, Boo,” YunHo breathed against these luscious plump lips of his lover.

“Good night, love,” JaeJoong responded quietly, smiling against YunHo's rosy lips before he pecked them gently. They were sharing another sweet innocent kiss before YunHo finally let go of JaeJoong's addicting lips and his hands and went towards his own room, looking back at his lover again and again who was still staring at him lovingly with a smile on top of his lips. After minutes of staring and smiling at each other, both had finally entered their rooms so that they could at least find some hours of sleep even though they most likely would just dream and think of the other one.


On the next morning - it was already half past eight a.m. - YooChun, JunSu and ChangMin were still sleeping who had been coming back home in the middle of the night, just five to seven hours ago. The older ones were already awake and making breakfast or reading the newspaper, stealing lovingly gazes from each other from time to time or even a small kiss as long as the others weren't awake yet.

“Morning,” YooChun and ChangMin greeted the older couple almost in unison and were yawning fiercely.

“Good morning, you two. Settle down and eat breakfast. It's already late,” YunHo responded as if he never heard what had happened last night at the other end of his mobile phone. When it was nearly nine a.m. JunSu finally stepped into the living room, too, still totally sleepy and exhausted after the last night. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana which was lying in a bowl on the kitchen counter.

“Good morning, JunSu-yah,” JaeJoong greeted the tired man who was slowly chewing on his banana.

“Morning,” JunSu mumbled back, looking at the older one with half-hooded eyes which were snapping open almost immediately when they spotted something interesting. “Hyung, did you get yourself engaged?” he shouted out but was still unheard by the other three in the living room.

“Huh? What makes you thinking that I'm engaged?” JaeJoong asked confused over JunSu's sudden outburst.

“That ring. It's on your left hand. That commonly means that you're engaged with someone,” JunSu explained, smiling widely since he already knew who the other part of this 'engagement' was and left the kitchen soon afterwards.

“Engaged?” JaeJoong asked himself quietly when he stared at the small platinum ring which was the most beautiful proof of YunHo's love to him. He looked at his lover and blushed slightly, a happy smile decorating his plump lips, “Engaged.”

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Chapter 1: haha! were they too everwhelmed by the fact that they just got engaged and then heard something akin to a that they settled by cuddling only? ok, my bad, cuddling isn't out of ordinary, we don't even know if they decided to spend the whole night together afterall, hahaha!
loveyunjae4ever #2
Chapter 1: 2009?woahhhh almost 8 years already?back than yunjae are engage but now they are married!kkkkk
Thank you for this!
and its still amaze me that both yunho and jaejoong just kissing and cuddle!kkk
Kattan69 #3
Chapter 1: Congrats, Yunjae,
Neng2ovid #4
Chapter 1: Hahahaha curious as to what happened with yoosumin. But yunho didn't do anything with jae. Now that's a shocker