Work in progress

The Coffee Shop

Moonbyul and Yongsun were friends, really close friends, but friends nonetheless. Yongsun had become a regular at the coffee shop, sometimes with Wheein, other times by herself. When Wheein had about how frequently she was turning up there, Yongsun had claimed it was because the cakes were too delicious for her to resist. Although Wheein did agree with her on that matter, she was doubtful that the cakes were the main thing that Yongsun kept going to the coffee shop for.


Wheein growled in frustration as she rolled around on Hyejin's bed, "I don't understand, surely they like each other right? I wish they would just go out with each other already."


"From the way they look at and interact with each other, I'd definitely say so, but I also know that Moonbyul is a big coward when it comes to things like this. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't even consider telling Yongsun about her feelings if she wasn't at least 100% sure Yongsun liked her back in the same way." Hyejin replied matter-of-factly.


Wheein pouted, snuggling against Hyejin affectionately, "Yeah you're right. Ugh, why must they be so similar in that aspect?" She fell quiet for a while, deep in thought before suddenly straightening excitedly, "What if we gave them a push?"


Hyejin turned, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "What have you got in mind?"


-x ------- x-


Moonbyul shifted her hat, shielding her eyes from the glare of the sun. "So... remind me why we're here again?" she questioned as she stared at the big sign above her. 


"Obviously we're here to have fun, duh. What else do you do at an amusement park?" Hyejin snorted.


"I got that part, but why the two of us? No offence but it just doesn't really seem right to me."


"I know, I'd rather Wheein than you to be honest, but we can't always have what we want you know. So be patient and just continue with whatever you were doing before."


Moonbyul stared slack-jawed at Hyejin who was calmly leaning against a railing admiring her recently manicured hands. Even though they work together and have been friends for longer, sometimes she still didn't understand what went on in her brain, although a part of her didn't particularly want to anyway. Moonbyul shook her head in resignation and leaned on the rail next to Hyejin.


"Should I even bother asking what we're waiting for?"


"Not what," countered Hyejin, "who."


"Ok... so who are we waiting for?"


"Hmm I don't want to tell you," snickered Hyejin, and it only intensified when Moonbyul sighed in exasperation. Luckily for her, Hyejin's teasing game didn't last long as they heard a cheery voice call out at them from behind. Turning, she saw none other than Wheein and Yongsun making their way to them, waving so excitedly Moonbyul wouldn't be surprised if their arms fell off in the process.


"Surprise!" shouted Wheein and Yongsun, both of them sporting nearly identical Cheshire cat grins on their faces.


"So you guys planned this together? What's the occasion, did I miss something?" Moonbyul raised an eyebrow questioningly.


"Nope, we just decided to prank you because it seemed like fun," giggled Yongsun. Wheein and Hyejin both nodded enthusiastically in agreement.


Moonbyul snorted, "Wow, I'm friends with three little kiddies." Deciding to play along, she added, "Come along now children, remember to stay close to unnie and don't get lost!"


She instantly regretted those words as the other three took them literally, and she suddenly found herself squeezed by three separate bodies. Her brain nearly went into overdrive as she breathed in the lovely fragrance Yongsun gave off, and she couldn't stop thinking about how much she could feel when Yongsun pressed her body against hers.


"Gah get off me!" she yelled as she squirmed out of their reaches. "As much as I know that you love me, please keep it in your pants, we are in public you know," she winked at them, then chortled as she got three different reactions.


Yongsun blushed and quickly averted her eyes, Wheein pulled a face showing her disagreement, and Hyejin looked back at Moonbyul seductively while slowly her lips. What a sight it was.


After they all calmed down from their fits of laughter, the four of them finally entered the amusement park, much to their amusement. Once they stepped in, Wheein and Hyejin ran off by themselves, leaving Moonbyul with Yongsun. The two of them wandered around for a bit, surveying their surroundings and wondering which ride to try out first. As they walked, Moonbyul was conscious of how close they were. Their arms brushed against each other as they walked, and while she really wanted to hold the other's hand, she thought it would be too awkward.


While Moonbyul was thinking of different ways she could touch Yongsun in a way that wouldn't make things awkward, Yongsun was excitedly looking around as if it was her first time at an amusement park.


"Ice cream!" Yongsun's delighted squeal broke through Moonbyul's train of thought. She looked up and was greeted with the sight of a massive plastic ice cream spinning round rhythmically to a jingle.


Stifling her laughter, Moonbyul said, "Alright you big baby, stay put and I'll go get us some ice cream."


She didn't have to wait long before she secured two cones, strawberry for Yongsun and chocolate for herself. She hummed the ice cream stand jingle as she made her way back to Yongsun, it was a catchy little tune.


However, her happy mood vanished as she was greeted with an unpleasant sight. Standing close – too close – to Yongsun were two eager guys blatantly flirting. Yongsun looked confused and uncomfortable at the unwanted attention, subtly angling her body away from them. Moonbyul scowled as she saw one of them try and put his arm around Yongsun's shoulder in an attempt to lead her away. They clearly didn't get that she wasn't interested. Her anger rising, Moonbyul strode forward purposefully and shoved herself in between them. If looks could kill, the guys would have been incinerated. She glared at them, "She's not interested, go away." One of them, evidently the smarter one, decided it wasn't worth it and frantically dragged his friend away, fleeing the scene quickly.


Moonbyul turned to Yongsun, frowning with worry, "Are you okay?"


"Yeah thanks to you," Yongsun replied with a grateful smile. "You looked really cool just then you know."


At those words, Moonbyul's heart leaped with joy and she mentally fist-pumped, but reminded herself to keep a cool demeanour. "I know, I'm always cool."


"Pfft, now that really isn't cool." Yongsun teased.


"Whatever, here's your ice cream. Thankfully it hasn't melted yet."


"That's because your hands are like your heart – so cold."


"Well that's okay, because I've got you to warm me up." Moonbyul took the chance and snuggled against Yongsun affectionately, pretending to warm herself up. Her victory was short-lived as she was immediately smacked by Yongsun who wore a pout on her face.


"Yah, there you go being all greasy again. Come on, let's go on some rides."


Moonbyul couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun. After demolishing their ice creams, they went on a rollercoaster spree and she was pretty sure they had both screamed themselves hoarse from it. She mentally congratulated herself for choosing to check out the haunted house. Yongsun had clung onto her for the whole time they were inside, and it was also hilarious watching her jump from every little thing. Now, they were looking for something not as adrenaline-inducing to ride on, and she spotted the best thing.


"Hey Yong, let's ride that," Moonbyul pointed to a large wheel that was slowly turning.


Yongsun nodded in agreement, and off they went. Moonbyul was slightly nervous as they slowly rose up into the air, not that she was scared of heights, but the Ferris wheel had always seemed an intimate space for couples and she wasn't sure if she would be able to control herself in this kind of situation. As they climbed higher and higher, the city night view began to reveal itself.


"Whoa, this is pretty amazing. It's so pretty," Yongsun gushed, her eyes glued to the scenery outside.


Looking from behind, Moonbyul nodded, "Yeah it is." As she said those words, her eyes shifted from the city lights to Yongsun and she smiled fondly at her companion.


They sat next to each other for a while in silence, admiring the view. Then, Yongsun shifted closer to Moonbyul so that they shoulders touched, and rested her head on the latter's shoulder. "Thanks for being here with me Byul," she murmured softly.


Moonbyul leaned back against Yongsun and replied gently, "I'd be happy anywhere with you."


The two of them stayed in that position for the rest of the ride, content with each other's presence in their own happy bubble. Neither of them noticed not one, but two cameras documenting their interaction behind them. Armed with their devices, Wheein and Hyejin had sneaked onto the same ride behind Moonbyul and Yongsun, snickering to each other as they continued to take photo after photo.


"This is going to make a great album," laughed Wheein.


"We should take some photos of us too while we're here," Hyejin suggested.


Wheein, being the perceptive being she was, instantly understood her unsaid intention and pulled Hyejin close. "You're such a baby sometimes you know, but that's okay. I love you all the same Hyejinie."


Needless to say, the rest of the photos on their cameras consisted of just the pair.

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cjmoo_ #1
Chapter 3: My heart!!
I like the title of this chapter.
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 1: Aww what a cute start~
lovechoco #3
Jihunknk_ #4
Chapter 2: Update soon
aila123 #5
Chapter 2: This is good author nim
moonsunlove123 #6
Chapter 1: looks nice..keep update.