Chapter 10

I Can't


Sorry for the late update, but my internet has been slowly dying these past few days. It took me ten minutes just to get this up -.-


 “Don’t know which flowers to get?”

Nichkhun turned around. It was the shopkeeper.

 “Yeah.” He answered sheepishly.

“…your wife? Or girlfriend?”


“Ahh, yes of course. You’re still so young. Do you know which flowers she likes?”

He shook his head, his ears turning red. How could he not know?

“In that case, how about red camellias or red roses? Red camellias symbolize beauty and red roses symbolize love.”

Nichkhun thought about it, but he honestly didn’t know whether to get red camellias or red roses. One would represent her beauty while the other represented his undying love for her.


He smiled as he walked out of the store, bouquets in hand. He ended up getting two bouquets of flowers. Twenty two red camellias and twenty two red roses. He hoped that she would like them. As he got into the car, he dialed her number. No answer. He tried again. Still no answer.  He was pretty sure she didn’t have a schedule today but why wasn’t she answering her phone? Maybe he should go surprise her at her apartment.

He knocked on the door. No answer. Where was she? He used the spare key she had given him and opened the door.

“Annyeong? Victoria-ssi?” He walked around the apartment. He saw that the door to her room was slightly opened. He peered into her room and was shocked by what he saw. The only things in her room were a bed and a desk. Everything else was gone. Her clothes were gone, the thing that normally sat on her desk was gone, everything was gone. He fumbled for his phone. He tried her number again. Still no answer. What happened?

He scrolled down his contacts list and finally found the number he was looking for Khuntoria’s daughter : Amber.

“Yeoboseyo?” Said the voice.


“Yes? Ah! Nichkhun-appa? What’s up?”

“Do you know where Victoria-ssi is? I’ve been trying to call her all day, but she didn’t pick up. I’m at her apartment right now, and she’s not here either. Her rooms empty, and I can’t find her anywhere.”

“Wait, what do you mean her rooms empty? Are you sure she’s not there? I haven’t seen her all day either, but she didn’t have a schedule today? Wasn’t she supposed to go over to your place?”

“Everything’s just gone. She was supposed to come over around five, but since she didn’t pick up any of my calls all day, so I thought that I would come over to check on her. But I can’t  find her anywhere. Where could she be? I’m worried about her.”

“I’ll call our manager. Maybe he’ll know something. Wait at the apartment. Krystal and I are coming over. We’ll be there in ten minutes.”

He lay down on her bed. He could still smell her on the sheets. Where could she be? Why was all her stuff gone?

He heard loud pounding on the door.

“Ya! Open the door! Open it now!” it was Amber’s voice. He hurried to door. Did she find out where Victoria was?

He opened the door. BAM! He felt a fist collide with his face and he collapsed to the ground in pain.

“Eonni! Calm down! Stop!”

As he slowly got up from the ground, he came face to face to a worried Krystal restraining a furious Amber.

“What was that?” he managed to get out.

“That was for what you did. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about! I can’t believe you had the guts to come here and to even look for her. Thanks to what you did, we probably won’t ever get to see Victoria-umma ever again! You happy now?”

Nichkhun was confused, “What do you mean? Where’s Victoria? What happened?”

With tears streaming down her face, Krystal replied,  “She’s gone.” 

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Wow. This need a new update stat!
kyulyea #2
finnaly for three of them will meet soon. update please..
can't wait it.!! >,<
Usagii #3
it's said update, but this is an old chapter. where is the new one author-nim?????
ezwanie #4
Cant wait for the three of them to meet. Wanna see khun's reaction...
ezwanie #5
Omo..she's going back to korea...and that means she'll meet khun..and I bet that kid is his!! Cant imagine what the scene will be like...sure there will be lots of tears, frustration, confusion, happiness or in other words..chaos!! Thanks for the update..cant wait for the next one...daniel jung sounds like a real threat to khun though...
coolgirlaamy #6
OMG what is going on ? Victoria has a son? And is she married?
I don't like the sound of this Daniel Jung character for some reason.
Ahhhh, I need to know more. Update soon please ;)
aarasa #7
thanks for the update! oh the plot thickens!! who's Daniel Jung? Who's Nicky's father? what is the relationship between Vic and Daniel? how is Khun going to find Vic? ahhh so many questions! I guess I'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out hehe ^^
2pmfxhearts #8
IT'S KHUN'S CHILD RIGHT! NOT DANIEL'S?? :/ i actually had to read back to see if ummm...well...if they did 'anything' before. HAHAHAHA! :P update soon!!! ^^
ezwanie #9
Omo.....did she had kid with khun? Cause the kid name is nick..and who the hell is daniel jung?? Ahhh ..cant wait for the next update. Thanks for the chapters.
emilysims #10
Khun's baby? and who is Daniel Jung???!!! please update soon