Half A Heart

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Oh Sehun, the CEO of Two Moons Designs, had been going through a lot of things in his life, things he didn't even want. For instance, getting married was the last thing he wanted. His life was a complete mess in his eyes and he apparently had no idea how to clean that up.

Kim Sarang, a fresh graduate from her university, was looking for a decent job since she was very against the idea that her boyfriend should take care of all her expenses. She ended up attending an interview for a post in the Two Moons Designs and got chosen as the personal assistant for the very strict CEO. 

Park Chanyeol, the ever so sweet boyfriend, couldn't ever speak against his girlfriend because he just loved her so much. He was an architect and did a lot of travelling but . Leaving Sarang behind made him worry and now that she was going to start working, it only added to his concerns.



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—❊ fairvoyance graphics。

// Jelly Bubble // Graphic Shop




Not an actual update. A blank update to bring this story back in the tags! I hope that's legal lol


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220 streak #1
Chapter 4: ❤️
Chapter 30: It's so good to read this. Their relationship's development and how Sehun is so understanding and patient.🥺 Thank you for writing this 🥰
Chapter 30: Awwwwwww i kinda hope that there are more sights to their life that we got but anyway i still am glad that they get the happiness they deserve.
Chapter 28: I didn’t realize I was holding my breath reading this chapter when the last scene made me exhale. Finally.
Chapter 27: Please no:(
Chapter 23: Please no:( sehun just got his happiness for a short moment
Chapter 21: I really like tge development of their relationship!!!
It’s sad yet so cute everytime sehun asked for her consent to touch her.
Chapter 19: Actually I’m scared for their future bcs what if sarang started to remember all of these horrible things and go berserk again.. poor sekai
Chapter 6: Awwww does sehun started to fall for her?!