What Really Happened at M.O.T.T.E. Manila


Hi Everyone!

I know I promised to update my other stories but this concept just came to me all of a sudden? 

I watched M.O.T.T.E Manila Live! Yes, I am one of the lucky ones. ? It was a beautiful experience. I have no words, I'm still in Daragon Heaven? I have this habit of wanting to balance things, the way I obssess about having salty foods with sweet foods in every meal.? I know,its weird. I am weird. Lol. But anyway, thats why I came up with this semi angsty version of how I imagined how MOTTE Manila came to be.

I hope you indulge me with this. And please dont hate me. Hengsho!?



"She left already?" 

"She still hate me that much huh?"

Soon Hoc looks at his friend JiYong, pouting like a child. Sulking in the corner after he found out that Dara went ahead of their scheduled flight. He knows Jiyong is looking forward to his concert in Manila for the longest time. And though he feels sad for his friend, he also understand why Dara did what she did. As much as he loves Jiyong, he loves Dara as well. Who doesn't? The woman is an angel. She doesn't only have a pretty face, her heart is more beautiful. He wants to be optimistic about this whole trip. He knows Jiyong is pulling all strings to make it extra special. 


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372 streak #1
Chapter 1: please update soon...thank you!
Tabimuchere #2
Chapter 1: Kyaaah daragon,can't for the next update,thank you for the story..
RolDeej #3
Chapter 1: I'm hoping the Semi is more prevailing in the semi-angst description. Hahaha my heart is bursting. I've been rewatching ...and watching the Motte Manila videos and I still can't get over them. I have been watching Daragon Videos/ investigations and hoping against hope that they do end up together. That they will get together before Ji Yong leaves for the military.

I have been watching videos of other Motte concerts and I feel that the Motte Manila was where he was the happiest. I just saw a fancam video of GD singing Missing You in Jakarta and it was "meh" compared to the one with Dara. Oh God my heart! Please!

I feel that KJY needs Dara especially after his first IG live. I felt sad and scared for him. He needs Dara. Hahahaha so even in this fanfic, let me see/read that! Jebal! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
waninalin #4
Chapter 1: Pleaseeee.......
next update
Chapter 1: cant wait for the next updates. this looks real good?
Chapter 1: I am one of those lucky people who attended Motte in Manila. I can't freaking move on, my feels is just too much. Lol
I am looking forward to this story. Let's spazz and spazz because Daragon is life!!! Kekekekeke
jonangee #7
Chapter 1: I dont mind where this story goes in the end. Since u said angst, its ok for me even if dara move on with someone else. For the many things that happened im open to any possible ending.
greiyz_14 #8
Chapter 1: Love it!more please authornim
RolDeej #9
More please! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
fkc102597 #10
I've been waiting for this! Plz update authornim. Even though iI'm not there to witness the concert. If this story will be completed it feels like I have also witnessed their performance. If excited