Chapter 4


The next day we made a blueprint of the whole building how we are going to enter and the exit we need to get out from. But we had some help with our plan. jooheon, hyungwon, kihyun and minhyuk joined in the plan to help us get changkyun out. We told them the risk and never coming back to Mid Nova whatsoever and that our lives were about to change forever if we do this. I wasn't surprised when they all agreed to risk everything. Will we didn't have much to lose anyway. All of us are orphans who were raised in Mid Nova it been our home since we were small children but it never felt like one. So doing this escape is going to be hard for all of us but we all knew Mid Nova wasn't going to be our home forever.

After our training all 6 of us got ready for the big day. We packed all the things we need and leave. we didn't want the others to know what we were up to. One because I was pretty sure they would snatch us out. They never liked changkyun and after the incident, they wanted him dead. So we made the decision not tell them. we left them a small letter talking about how we don't longer want to be part of Mid Nova and want to do something different. We thank them for the letter. And left it for them on the dining table in the kitchen.

We made our way out of the school and into shownu car we quickly put our bags in the back and jumped in. The drive to the building where changkyun was being held wasn't that far from the school. We planned to enter the building when it gets dark so we don't get caught. And hopefully, there wasn't going to be that many guards outside. Shownu parked the car in the back of the building so no one could see it. We just sat there for few hours talking about our plan and what we could do. “ hyung where are we going to go when we get changkyun out.” jooheon said looking at me worried. I seriously didn't know, to be honest i didn't even thought of it. All i was thinking of was how we were going to get changkyun out that i forgot where we would go after we did get him out. I rubbed my face with my hands and sighed loudly. “ i know this place up in the mountains that no one uses we could go there.” kihyun said taking a map from his backpack. “ okay the 4 of us will break in and get changkyun while the 2 of you stay here and wait for my signal. Then we go to that place kihyun said.” shownu said looking at each of us with a serious face that i knew for fact if we mess this up even a little, things could go wrong. We all nodded and got ready.

Shownu, kihyun, jooheon and I jumped out of the car and told hyungwon and minhyuk to wait for the signal. They smiled and told us all 4 of us to be safe. “ you guys ready.” we all nodded then went invisible. We walked to the front entrance i knocked the 2 guards standing there out and used there badge to open the door. “ jooheon i want you to stay here incase something happened.” i said to the red hair who nodded. The 3 of us run through the long white hallway making ourselves to the room changkyun was being held in. all 3 of us look at the white door that stood in front of us with curiosity. I was about to open the door with the badge when a loud scream come from inside the room. The scream sound so painful with so much sorrow within. I saw kihyun go pale when he heard it. shownu pushed me aside and open the door. We all went pale once we saw who the scream was coming from.

Changkyun was tied up with both of his hands and legs spread on the bed while 3 men stood in front of him. One of the man was holding a green needle that i didn't like whatever it  was. The other 2 men laughed holding changkyun down knowing the belt they tied him with would not hold him long. The man brought the needle to changkyun arm changkyun scream for him to stop while tears were running down his face. The man only smiled and pushed the needle in changkyun arm. Changkyun screamed again this time louder his skin went pale lips going blue. I saw him gasp for air. Something within woke up I used my speed to knock down the glass door down shocking the 3 men. I stood there looking at all 3 men with a death glare. Before I could do anything else, Shownu knocked all 3 men with his strength a power he only uses when he is angry. Kihyun ruruns to changkyun who was tied to the bed shaking. “GUYS THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG.” kihyun shouted untieing changkyun. Shownu and I were looking around when the alarm with of. We could hear footsteps coming from the hallway. I tried to use my powers and it wasn't working something was stopping me from using them I could see shown was also struggling to use his. We both started to panic and made ourselves to were kihyun and changkyun were. Kihyun held changkyun bridal way on his arms. All 3 of us looked at each other nervously thinking of another way to get out. I looked around hoping to find an exit but there were none. The door flew open and jooheon run in looking at us with a relive. “Come on we need to get out I manage to knock so of the guards down but there still more.” He said holding the door open. Shownu took changkyun from kihyun and we run out of the room. Once we made it out of the room our powers come back. The whole building was dark and thank god kihyun had night vision. He lead us to the exit but before getting to it shots were being fired we tried to dodge them and run through the exit. Shownu knocked down some of the guards who were standing in front of the exited while holding changkyun. We made it out when we heard a loud gunshot and shownu covering changkyun the bullet hit him in the stomach. He fell to his knees trying not to drop changkyun. Me, kihyun and jooheon rushed over I grabbed changkyun while kihyun helped shownu was looked like he was in a lot of pain. Minhyuk and hyungwon stopped in front of us and we all jumped and the car.

“ Are you guys okay,” Minhyuk asked worriedly he looked over to changkyun and shownu. Shownu gives a small smile saying he will be alright. Hyungwon drove the car as fast as he could in the dark. I was relieved no one was following us. Kihyun was holding a cloth to stop shownu bleeding, jooheon was asking shownu if he was alight for the 6th time in a row since we got in the car. I held changkyun who was still not waking up. We drove for 35 minutes before shownu was starting to losing conscious from bleeding. Kihyun was telling him to hold on for a bit. Jooheon was trying his best not to cry. When changkyun opened his eyes. He looked at me confused and scared. “you are wake how you feeling.” I asked when I saw changkyun looking at me. He didn't answer and look at shownu who was trying to stay awake. “ Hyung is he okay,” Minhyuk asked when changkyun moved closer to shownu. We all looked at him while he placed a hand on shownu stomach and couple seconds later changkyun let go and fell unconscious. I quickly grabbed him before he fell forwards. We all looked at each other confused with what happened but then shownu looked around and touched his stomach with a shock. “ guys what happen what happened to my wound.” He asked we looked at him then at changkyun. “omg he healed you.” Minhyuk said with a gasped. We all stared at changkyun shocked before pulling up to the place kihyun told us about. "He has a healing power hows that possible I mean I didn't know that existed,”  Hyungwon said looking back when he stopped. “ I don't know how it's possible but I think there's a reason why those people wanted him dead and I don't think they will stop until he is,” Kihyun said opening the car door. I picked changkyun up and we made our way into the dark place. 

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iamelly99 #1
Chapter 5: Author-nim, please come back and continue ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: Omaigad masiti. There always reasons why I should read and sbscrbs yours. U have really wide imaginations scale. And its always interesting to know more about the plot. Also I'm not bored to read again n again n again.
I hope I can see the coming chptrs very soon.
Good luck ;)
Alphaxx #3
Chapter 5: Pleaseeee continue..i think i have start love all of ylur story
Chapter 5: i love this kind of story which is quite rare to find these days, im rooting for you author-nim!
Chapter 5: I love this kind of story.
Chapter 5: interesting chapter :)
Chapter 5: Great update @o@ It was well written

I've always been searching for a fic with a transfer power. So I'm glad to see I'm not the only one woth that idea.
Chapter 4: This is great . Can't wait for the next update.
Chapter 4: I got goose bumps when i got the notifacation. I love how shownu shielded changkyun ToT

lily2109 #10
Chapter 3: This story is so exciting!!!it's hard to find fanfic like this.Please update soon~