
Extraterrestrial encounter

They took the bus to  the ride to the countryside  where they've very much dreaded being dragged to since they preferred cities than farms and small towns Chanmi sat beside her childhood bestfriend who happened to be the same age as her which of course made oth of them in the same school , same classes for over 10 years , he sat with his earphones being the oh-so-shy-and-collected cool guy he was letting the girl sit beside the window playing her favourite otome games as always , in front of them sat Chanyeol napping , drool arround his lips , and Jimin who was immersed into wathing the vies , to feel the silence in the group was almost the most rare thing to happen , but since everyone wasn't expeting to ride t bus , everyone of them slept late at night wich resulted in the quiet peaceful mood they had the entire way , they were expecting the Chan sibilings parents to drive them , since they've been nagging them to take the vacation and all , the old couple said they had some urgent work to do and promised to be there in a week ..
4 hours later , the four friend , cousins , sibiling or whatever they were called , were standing in front of small restaurent sine Chanmi had obliged them to take her to eat saying that she was starving and might faint , which as a result made the three males decide to feed the girl to avoid carrying her all the way into the mountain-like village they were headed to , and being the considerate sister , cousin , friend she was (please do note the sarcasm), Chanmi decided to order the most expensive meal they had .. and after making sure no one  was going to complain further , she ate as much as she wanted  and tapped he belly as a sign of satisfaction..
Arriving at their grandparents house after bidiing jungkook goodbye and promising to meet later that day , the Park cousins had to endure the huge bear hugs from their grandma and some great punches(the boys) from their grandpa , they were excused to unpack and rest for the rest of the day .
That afternoon , the three of them met again with jungkook and decided to head to the small town since they had nothing to do , they bought some sweets n hung arround the places they used to play in ,w henthey were young before moving to Seoul ,Chanmi were first year college students majoring in computer ingeneering while Jimin majored in electronis and was two years older than them and finally Chanyeol the oldest who just draduated from arts college ..
"oh!" Chanmi exclaimed catching the boys attention on their way home "what's wrong now , hungry again" Jungkook said groaning , she ignored his question nd pointed to the sky "look , there are shhoting stars everywhere " everyone glanced at the sky , sseing millions of stars with some shooting  here and ther in the clear night sky , the view was mesmrizing nontheless which made them sid down in the ground watching the stars as they moved , and then Chanmi caught a different star , looking rather red than whatever coulour the other stars had , she kept folloing it as it moved right and left before disappearing into the dark night sky , but she deided that was her imagination and nothing else . 
the next day , they spent all the day working hard in the farms and helping arround with the other farmers until it was dinner time , after they showered and cleaned off Jungkok added along to eat dinner with them before going home and sleeping his head off leaving Chani and Jimin in the Balcony watching stars et again without Chanyeol who went over his old friend's house to spend the night there . they were silently arguing over who collected more oranges than the other , and Chanmi as always ended up winning the argument , the sat silently there watching the sky which was oddly clear from any star , until they saw the red point in there moving here and ther alone , which grew bigger as time passed , making the two cousins blink thrice rubbing their eyes , glancing at each other , then again at the growing point "holy what is that ??...." Chanmi questioned her male partner eyes glued to the shining thing in front of her "we're not hallucinating are we ? " 
the boy beside her gulped :"do you think that's an alien ship or whatever it's called ?" 
"thank goodness we think the same thing fo the first time  , can you believe it oh my god !! " she replied stil gaping ahead of her 
"you can save your sarcasm for later , what we gonna do now?" 
curiosity got the best of her making her grab the boy's hand and pulling him towards the weird shining plate 
"what the hell you!!! are freaking walikng us to our very own death ! are you out of your mind ?!! " the boy struggled to shake her grip off him chanmi kept pulling him 
they slowly walked towards the huge ship slowly .. getting in front of it holding onto each other with eyes as wide as saucers watching in silence and waitng for something to move or  show up .
Chanmi was about to get closer when the door to the saucer opened and a fog appered making everything blur arround them they were about to scream ther lungs out when two hands cupped their mouthes , expecting a three  green hand ,it took Chanmi a strong will not to puke right there and then  , not being able to feel her cousin's presence beside her she started freaking out  , and then the fog disppeared and a wide grinning boy appeared in front of them looking all innocent , he looked alot like a human except he walked out of a space ship , causethereis now way a boy would be living in their farm , which was now half damaged because of the ship, and his purple eyes , the boy looked absolutely gorgeous and adorable with that box smile on his face he said "HELLOOO , where is this place?? nice to meet you let's be friends " grinning wider and hugging the still gaping pair 
"did you just come out of that thing right there ? " the girl asked pointing towards the ship,just to make sure , he nodded .
"that means you are an alien , why aren't ou green? " 
"why don't you have three fingers instead of five ?" 
"why do you have two eyes and not only one in then center  ? " 
"why do you look like us ? " 
"hey look his eyes are changing colourrrsss oh my goodness i'm gonna pee myself Miiii " 
"weren't they purple a second ago ?" Chanmi cocked her head to the side questioningly 
"maybe he is angry run run run , they are turning red"Jimin grabbed his cousin's hand and was ready to make run except the fact that his legs felt glued to the ground , and Chanmi was still gaping with her starry eyes at the gorgeous creature  .

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