
Bloody Amour


The scarlet moon reappeared on the dark sky as the black cloud shirked slowly, giving the city below bloody horrifying light. No one was around; everyone was dead scared and hid inside their bricked-walled house, praying they would be saved. It’s sacrifice night; that’s why fear ate them alive.

Black shadows moved fast through the valley, heading to the town plaza where his food awaited. He stopped as he stared on a young girl, probably seventeen or something, tied by rope and was scared to death. He slowly approached the shaken girl as his fangs showed up. Just when he was about to march and enjoy his food, he dashed back, avoiding an assault from unknown attacker.

“You better ready to go to hell for disturbing my meal time,” he cursed.

“Is this how you live now, Junsu?” the attacker’s voice shocked the hell of him. He knew the voice, no, he used to love this voice.

“Get the hell out of my business, Yoochun,” Junsu warned as Yoochun loosed the rope from the poor girl and told her to run to her house. Junsu gritted his fangs as he marched toward the running girl, just to get thrown away by Yoochun.

“STOP IT!” Yoochun shouted as he regretted he pushed Junsu too hard till the wall the man crushed cracked.

“I SAID, MIND YOUR OWN ING BUSINESS!!!” Junsu shouted back as he threw another attack to Yoochun,” THIS TOWN IS MINE! EVERY OF THEM ARE MINE!!!”

Yoochun couldn’t believe how Junsu had really changed. The man used to love living with human and used his strength to help them. Junsu used to be a vampire disguised as human and lived his normal live with Yoochun. They used to be a happy married couple even though in the end they couldn’t really overcome their differences and the outbreak of the relationship took place. It was the darkness night that changed their life forever.

“JUNSU! STOP!” Yoochun gave his final warning but Junsu didn’t listen. Without any other choice, Yoochun used his silver bullet to bring the berserk vampire down. Junsu grinned in pain as the bullet made a hole on his shoulder.

“Damn you, hunter!!!” Junsu cried in pain.

“I was…a hunter, at least till you turned me into the same beast as yourself,” Yoochun spoke the words he knew he would regret later but he got to say it; it’s the fact. Meanwhile, Junsu could only lean on the wall nearby as the silver bullet finally showed the effect. The wound was burning him alive. His legs felt weak as he fell on the cold cobbled-stone ground. It was silver asses in the bullet that caused his consciousness became blurry.

He somehow could see few folk of the town came out from their houses with sharp weapon. It might be his end; yet, he couldn’t believe he would end like that. The city was supposed to be his food-storage. He should get his meal once a month and it should be a teenage girls or boys because they tasted the best. He should be the one monopolizing the human, not killed by them. He should be the victim not the villain.

Without any spoke words, Junsu closed his eyes tight. Till the end, he didn’t know whether he did the right thing to get his revenge on human or not.

---Few Days Later---

It hurt, and his head was spinning so badly; he’s starving because it had been more than a month since the last time he fed human blood. He tried to drink animal blood few times but it just got his appetite worse than ever. He’s nearly on the edge of breaking down and he knew it. Sighing, he got up from his bed and walked through his wooden balcony. The wooden house on the top of the tree in this forest was his. He used it to be exiled in order to prevent himself from hurting others. At least it was till few months ago till he could almost-100% control his thirst.

Startled by a small vibration from the other side of his house, he approached the guest room and saw the man was already awake, but barely.

“Junsu…” he called the name softly as he swore Junsu almost vanished in a blink of eyes if the wound didn’t prevent him to do so; Junsu was shocked, scared, and afraid, Yoochun knew it.

“You know…” Yoochun approached slowly as he continued,” I won’t hurt you anymore. I’m sorry I shot you but you left me no choice. It’s whether I took you away like a hunter or the angry folk would kill you that day…or maybe someday, I have to stop you, Junsu ah…”

“I didn’t ask for your help or concern, you should leave me alone from the first place,” Junsu said coldly as he switched his eyes to a window next to him, pretending to see trees.

“If…If the reason you act like this is because the accident we had a year ago, it’s not your fault, Junsu ah. I never blame you,” Yoochun sat on the bed as he pulled Junsu’s face facing him,” It’s not your fault, please stop blaming yourself and come back to me, Junsu ah…”

“But…I turned you into a monster, Yoochun,” Junsu spoke,” A monster that will hurt and kill human…A cursed being that no one wants in this world, I---“

Junsu couldn’t finish his sentence as Yoochun silent him with his lips. It hadn’t changed, the way Yoochun’s taste. Junsu was almost tearing up as he realized how he had missed Yoochun, how his day was unbearable without him as he took his revenge on human; the human that had hurt his Chunnie so badly.


“He’s here...Are you sure we have to do this? I mean, he’s been really kind to us. He helps us and the town a lot,” an old man whispered as a group of people hid in an abandoned alley.

“It’s his trick! Don’t you get it? He’s a beast, he drinks human’s blood, and we have to kill him!” a younger male whispered.

“You don’t have any idea what that beast has done to our hometown, we don’t want the same thing happens here,” another spoke.

Without any spoke words. The group of people counted down before they pulled their target into the alley. Their target was shocked and defenseless, he didn’t know the danger he’s in.

“What’s wrong with you guys? Let me---!!!” he couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a sharp silver knife pierced his stomach, making he felt so lifeless of the pain.

“You BEAST!” Another attack came and he closed his eyes, scared, but the main never came.

“DON’T TOUCH HIM!” A well-known voice shouted as the newly-showed up figure kicked the group’s asses. He immediately rushed to the wounded man.

“Junsu…JUNSU! Look at me!!!”


Junsu’s eyes were dark and he barely breathing. Yoochun cursed as he realized the wound was caused by silver, Junsu couldn’t take silver; vampire couldn’t take it. Yoochun used the medicine in his pocket, which he made himself, and tore his jacket to warp Junsu’s wound. Being a hunter made Yoochun knew how to deal with vampire and how to treat them. He was too occupied with his job saving Junsu till he didn’t realize some of the group has gotten up and ready to attack back.

“Akh!!!” Yoochun grinned in pain as he felt sharp object smashed his back head. He fell on the top of Junsu and his sight slightly blurred as the time passed and the kicked continued. He had to protect Junsu, no matter what. He had to. That’s the only thought he could have till the last minute he finally became unconscious.


“You wasn’t there when I woke up,” Yoochun broke the kisses,” I knew something was wrong with me and I found out you turned me to save me from dying…Why did you leave me alone, Junsu ah?”

“Because…Because it’ll be dangerous if you stay with me,” Junsu’s voice finally went back to the way it used to be when their living their happy married life, Yoochun smiled.

“Silly reason, I was a hunter, Junsu. Both of use didn’t live normally from the very start, danger always comes to us,” Yoochun stared on Junsu’s face till the man blushed a little.

“Stop looking at me,” Junsu pouted.

“I guess, you’re not really changed much, aren’t you?” Yoochun smirked as he pushed Junsu on the bed and kissed the lips again,” I miss you so much…”

“Yoochun stop,” Junsu pushed away,” I have done bad things to those human and I know most of them didn’t know the accident that happened to us, but I couldn’t help to hate every human because few of them hurt us…”

“That goes the same to the bad people that hurt us, Junsu ah. They’re also having the same thought as you did,” Yoochun explained softly as he caressed Junsu’s cheek,” Human and vampire are different that’s why problem always occurs between them but not all human are bad to vampire and not all vampire are bad to human.”

“What do you mean?” Junsu blinked.

“Just like how I used to be human and you’re a vampire, we still could live married happily, right? Moreover, I was a hunter, Junsu…I killed you species, but you’re different. You made me realized that love knew no boundaries, you’re so special…”

Junsu definitely blushed red this time; he even wondered how his cheeks could be burning from Yoochun’s embarrassing confession even though vampire supposed to be pale and cold. Using his hand to cover his face, Yoochun laughed.

“Come on,” Yoochun pulled Junsu up from the bed.

“Um…what are we doing? I mean, what are we going?” Junsu shuttered.

“I know that brain of yours started to think something naughty so I decided we should get some breakfast first,” Yoochun teasingly smiled.

“I’m not!” Junsu denied.

“Let’s steal some blood supply from the hospital, I’m starving,” Yoochun spoke as both of them jumped from the tree house.


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wheres-my-cookie #1
This is the cutest thing ever! *-* And the too :P
Chapter 3: dayummm~ nice story~ <3
karinokta #3
Chapter 3: i just remember twilight scene when they 'play' on bed :)))
nice story ;)
Chapter 3: Cute and y one..
If only u make this one as chaptered fic, it would be awesome! This is my first time reading vampire junsu, mostly i read vampire yoochun and human junsu.. so this one just great!
The was hot, unff bloody ! I know that junsu's lips are able but, with blood on it, i could imagine how yoochun that blood away :9 yumm
Chapter 3: i love this story :) then again i love every story of yours i read :D
kyouya3 #6
@Xiahsmiles thx u for reading^^
Good story, i really liked it thanks :)
kyouya3 #8
@Osameru thx u dear for reading^^ hehe~
DeadMeru #9
CHUWAAAA~~ !!! <3<3<3 how cute...(I was fearing a bad ending because of the poster T^T *wipes imaginary sweat*) *definitely off to your other stories* ^-^
kyouya3 #10
@VieVIP yeah, I made the poster in scary mood, lol...Thx u for reading^^