
Leo jolted awake, eyes flying open as the last of his dream faded into the back of his brain, forgotten and the least of concerns. Leo was first aware of the chains around his wrists, then the ones around his ankles, neck, and waist. Biting his tongue to keep from screaming hard, and the coppery taste of blood numbed him, oddly enough. Tranquil for the moment, Leo examined the room wearily, there was zero furniture save for a silver chair straight before him, above him the chains were held up by rusty old hooks, hanging to the ceiling, with the tiles from said ceiling resting on the wall behind Leo. Aware that if he was in this situation, then the others might be too. Leo only allowed himself a small moment to panic. 'Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, this is bad bad bad i want mom and dad and to be home safe.' And then he told himself to calm down, panicking wouldn't help, and to stay quiet, just in case the person who chained him up was nearby. Wriggling his arms and legs just a little caused him to feel a horrible burning sensation, painful enough to make Leo gasp and take a minute to breath, crimson blood trailed down his arms, staining a white shirt that Leo absently rembered as the one he wore in the video, chained up. More blood trickled onto the floor from his ankles, staining the concrete. Shaking, Leo rested his head against his right arm slowly, mindful not to jostle it. "What am I going to do?" He muttered to himself, starting at the door behind the chair, which then squeaked open.

N stepped into the room, wearing a literal hazmat suit over what looked like the outfit we wore in chained up. "N?" Leo said, rising his head to stare at the shorter man, who looked somehow much taller. "Hello, Leo." The older man greeted, nodding his head at Leo, "your are awake, and bleeding, no surprise at all." Leo clenched his teeth, remainder himself of the chains, and asked hoarsely, "did you do this?" And N just smiled, walked over, and placed a hand on Leo's leg, "who else could have done it?" 

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I am going to rewrite my stories.


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Hyukluck #1
I dearly apologize for my earlier comments, which may have been seen as 'rude' and 'mean', I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Hyukluck #2
Chapter 2: Why has no one subscribed to this dang story yet? IS IT BECAUSE I KILL THEM?