

~Ppali ireona...ireona.. arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~

"Yahhhhhhh dawnie... stop making noise in this beautiful morning..I'll go and meet you..then I will kill you for making this alarm exist.."Younghee blabbering while take her phone and....

"Oh godddddddd..It is 9 a.m..MY CLASSSSSSSSSSSSS"Younghee hurriedly take some bath.....

"Fuhhh..for my first time i take bath about 3 minutes.."

While preparing myself,beep sound from phone shook Younghee..

-Younghee,class for today cancel..😂😂 sehun had a fever..-Ahjumma Hamster

Younghee sigh heavily and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of milk..

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