ChaSang - Exhausted
Vixx One - ShotsHyuk is the maknae, he is the youngest so he needs his hyungs but lately becouse of tiring schedules they always busy. They'd ignore him couse they too tired so poor Hyuk belives s hate him.
- N Hyung...
- Not now Hyuk, hyung is tired
- But...
- Just leave me alone 'Said N disappearing into his and Leo room,if only he turned around he'd saw Hyuk's hurt expression'
He was sad so the only thing he wanted in that moment was to talk with any of his hyungs but the only answer he got was - I'm tired or - Just leave me alone, but that didn't suprise him, they hated him, at least he belives they did. He was left alone, he couldn't even be in his room becouse he would disturb sleeping Hongbin so he went to dance studio in order to practise they new choreography. Hyuk was practising hard for a week now and he was exhausted but he just didn't want to be in they dorm.
After another hour of dancing he's vision became blurry and the last think he hard was music then he's world shut down.
* Meanwhile in the dorm - Hakyeon p.o.v *
- Hyung are you hungry? I'm making ramen
- What?
- Wake up already N-hyung
- I am awake
- But your brain is clearly not, well if you have any
- I just woke up and you're already dissing me, very mature Ken, go get Hyuk so you could both tease me more
- I would but I don't know where he is
- What do you mean?
- He's not in his room and he doesn't answer my calls or other calls for the matter
- How long he's out?
- About 3 hours, at least I woke up then and he wasn't here
- Did you look for him?
- We were waiting for you to Wake up
- We should go do studio
- But first let me eat something
- You will eat after we find Hyuk
- But he's adult and...
- Go get others
- Fine
When he got out of the room everyone were waiting for him.
- Let's go!
Members went to dance studio and first thing they heard was music blasting through the walls.
- He's definitely here
After they opened door first thing they saw was they maknae lying unconscious on the floor.
- Hyuk!
- Hyuk wake up! 'But he couldn't, he's eyelids seemed weight too much'
- What are you waiting for?! Call ambulance!
- I already called N hyung, they should be here any minute
Ambulance arrived 5 minutes later, N was riding with Hyuk and Ken was driving rest there.
Doctor came after 20 minute.
- Han Sanghyuk!
- Here!
- You don't have to worry too much, he's just exhausted so he needs to rest for couple days, you can go see him but he didn't wake up
- Thanks doctor
Only N went to his hospital room couse they didn't want to stress him more, he sat next to him holding his hand, after couple minutes he begin to speak.
- I'm sorry Hyukkie, I should have notice sooner but I promise that we will take better care of you from now on
- H-Hyung? 'Weak voice spoke'
- Hyuk how are you feelling?
- I'm fine hyung, why are you all here?
- That's stupid question maknae, we were worried about you
- So you don't hate me?
- What?
- You were ignoring me for couple weeks so I assumed...
- That we hate you? 'He didn't said anything' We could never hate you Hyukkie, you are our little maknae, you are my little maknae
- I'm taller then you
- I can see you feelling fine now 'Doors opened'
- Guys come in
- Maknae
- Hyuk
*I'm so gład I have them as my hyungs*