chapter 3

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My head is spinning. I keep seeing visions of Kim Taeyeon and its slowly driving me insane. The biology test before me is as blank as it was when I got it. There just isn't enough room in my head for biology when I'm busy worrying about the great mystery that is last weekend. 

I wonder if I should go to a hospital. But if I do, they'll call my parents and then they will find out that I've been out all weekend.


I have a feeling that I've told one parent that I'm staying with the other one for the weekend and then snuck out to do God knows what with God knows who. And if I get busted for that, not only do I get in trouble but my newly divorced parents are going to have a fight of the century.


Also, I got Hana tangled up in this. My mom would throw a fit and poor Hana would be on the receiving end of her wrath just because she helped me. I may not be Hana’s biggest fan but she was really sweet to me this morning. I don't want to throw her under the bus. 

So, it's settled then. If my amnesia doesn't get worse, I'm not going to a hospital. But if it does, then I'll just have to come up with an amazing lie.


I rarely lie so my parents would probably believe me. But what would I say? And then again, I can't tell them where I was last weekend. So, we are back to square one. I tap my pencil against the desk feeling frustrated. 

"Ten minutes, everyone", our biology teacher Ms Park calls out as I jump a little. 

Oh God. I think I’m going to fail. NO! I WILL fail.  I can't have an F; my 4.0 GPA will drop like a hot potato. Okay, come on, Tiffany. Just think.


You know these things. You've been in class for this and you have actually listened unlike most people. I wait until my breathing evens and then start writing. It's not my best work but it'll have to do. 

I'm the last person to return the test. Just as I'm about to leave, Ms Park calls me back. "Tiffany?" 

I look back. "Yes, Ms Park?" 

She looks at me with worry written on her young face. "Is everything okay? You seem a little preoccupied." 

I nod a couple of times as if that could make me seem more convincing. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm fine. It's just been a little stressful weekend." 

"Is everything okay at home?" 

I think fast and reply with an almost truth: "My dad's girlfriend is pregnant." 

It's not a lie. I could be upset about that. Except that I'm not. Not right now, anyway. 

Ms Park's eyes light up with compassion. She's one of my favorite teachers, even if she teaches biology which is my weakest subject.


But she cares about her students and tries her best to make biology interesting. "I see. Do you want to talk to someone about that? You're always welcome to talk to me. Or I could notify the school nurse and have her get you an appointment with a welfare officer." 

No way I'm talking to some shrink (well, sort of) about Hana's pregnancy. I try to smile as reassuringly as I possibly can when I say: "No, thank you. I think I'll be okay. It was just a huge bomb, you know?" 

She smiles politely. "Yes, of course. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help." 

"Yes, thank you, Ms Park. I'll keep that in mind." 

I get out of the class room and run right into my best friend Yoona. "Hey stranger", she says jokingly but I cringe. I do feel like a stranger. Everything I used to know feels unfamiliar. "You've been ignoring me all weekend. What's up?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. I lost my phone and just found it this morning." 

"Um, okay..." I can tell she isn't sure if she believes me or not but doesn't want to fight so she lets it go and instead asks me what I did on weekend. I mumble something about studying and then quickly put the spotlight on her.


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tipco09 #1
Chapter 4: Is Taeyeon a vampire who can seduce Tiffany then erase her memories?
taenysic3981 #2
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhh you should be guilty fany because you kissed nick not taeng
1132 streak #3
Chapter 4: Tae please say or do something for tiffany to remember you
84 streak #4
Chapter 4: Tiff please remember everything
taenysic3981 #5
Chapter 3: Oh its getting weirder and weirder
Chapter 3: Hmm... Why do i feel like tiffany and nick already broke up... So that's explain why tiffany is with taeyeon and why nick is weird with her and his friends looking at her like that. Am i right author-shi? Hihi.
Chapter 3: Usually i can make some (next) scenario in my head but it didn't work with this story. Good job author-nim
1132 streak #8
Chapter 3: I think Nick has something to do with why tiff is having an amnesia
tipco09 #9
84 streak #10
Chapter 2: Pheww its mysterious heheheh ..., finally another story hehehe that caught my attention kekekek please update again and i think tiff does not remember tae but it seems that tiff already knew tae and love him thats why they make love but since tiff cant remember it idk hahaha update again pleasee