chapter 2

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 Running isn't exactly pleasant in my condition but I'd rather stab myself in the stomach than stay there with him and my guilt.


What could possibly have happened to make me turn into someone else?


The Tiffany from last Friday would never have cheated on her boyfriend or checked into an expensive hotel or slept with someone she barely knows! What is wrong with me?


After I nearly pass out from the pain, I stop and pant for a while.


For now, there's not that many people walking around but that will soon change. I can't keep wandering the streets looking like a zombie. I need to get home and fast.


But who can I call to pick me up? Not Mom, that's for sure. Dad's also out of the question. My best friend is my boyfriend's sister so I can't call her either unless I want to explain where I'm coming from and why I'm wearing a dress that is not as much a dress as it is a shirt.


It's so early that buses probably aren't running yet and I don't have enough money for a cab. I'm stuck with having to call someone to come and get me.


Or walk but if I plan on making it in time for school, walking is not an option. But who on Earth can I call? Who can I trust to keep this a secret?


Or rather... who can I blackmail into shence?


I dig my phone from my bag and dial a number I thought I'd never use. Annoyingly cheery voice answers: "Hello?"


I frown at my phone. This doesn't seem like such a bright idea anymore. She's already awake and perky.


It's not even six AM but she's already in a good mood. God, I hate it. I bet she's even smiling while she waits for me to speak.


I count to ten and then force the words out. "Hana? Can you come and get me? You can't tell Dad."


Fifteen minutes later a red Fiat slides in front me. I climb in and prepare to face the consequences. Prepare to hear the lecture.


Prepare to force her into silence. But none of those things happen. Hana is silent, she only asks me if I'm okay. I blink in surprise.


Why isn't she grilling me for details? I've been giving her hell ever since my dad introduced her to me as his new girlfriend three months ago.


I thought she would have jumped on the chance to make me squirm for a change. But she doesn't.


"Aren't you going to ask what happened?" I finally ask when I can't take it anymore.


Hana turns to look at me and smiles a little.


"Do you want to tell me?"


I shake my head. "No."


"That's what I thought. But

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tipco09 #1
Chapter 4: Is Taeyeon a vampire who can seduce Tiffany then erase her memories?
taenysic3981 #2
Chapter 4: Ahhhhhh you should be guilty fany because you kissed nick not taeng
1132 streak #3
Chapter 4: Tae please say or do something for tiffany to remember you
84 streak #4
Chapter 4: Tiff please remember everything
taenysic3981 #5
Chapter 3: Oh its getting weirder and weirder
Chapter 3: Hmm... Why do i feel like tiffany and nick already broke up... So that's explain why tiffany is with taeyeon and why nick is weird with her and his friends looking at her like that. Am i right author-shi? Hihi.
Chapter 3: Usually i can make some (next) scenario in my head but it didn't work with this story. Good job author-nim
1132 streak #8
Chapter 3: I think Nick has something to do with why tiff is having an amnesia
tipco09 #9
84 streak #10
Chapter 2: Pheww its mysterious heheheh ..., finally another story hehehe that caught my attention kekekek please update again and i think tiff does not remember tae but it seems that tiff already knew tae and love him thats why they make love but since tiff cant remember it idk hahaha update again pleasee