
Suspicious Partner (Love In Trouble): Just Got Married
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Chapter 29: Together


Ji Wook: You don't have strawberry?!
Girl: I'm sorry sir, we're out of stock.. You can try chocolate, vanilla..these are our best-sellers!
Ji Wook: What ice cream parlor doesn't have strawberry?!
Girl: (tries to smile even if she's so pissed) Ahjussi..
Ji Wook: Ahjussi?! W-What?!
Girl: I'm really sorry but you might want to try going to a convenience store and find what you're looking for there. Look, we're closing.
Ji Wook: I know that and I could've done that earlier but you know...I really need to buy that here.
Girl: I told you a million times.. (Still trying to smile) We're out of stock.
Ji Wook: Aisht. Forget it. I'll write a bad review! (Turns around)
Girl: Yes, ahjussi! We'll be waiting! Take care!


"She's going to be so pissed..."

Ji Wook's nervous on his way home. Bong Hee asked him to buy her a strawberry ice cream in ***** Ice Cream Parlor in the middle of the night. She specifically asked him to go to that store.

Pregnancy hormones, of course.

"If you don't buy me strawberry, don't go home, okay?" He remembers.

"Aisht. should I go straight to Bang's apartment and spend the night there?!" He thought. He's seen Pregnant Bong Hee angry, and it's the scariest thing of all. But thinking about his wife that he left alone at home makes him worry. He has to run home to her to make sure she's safe.


When he opened the door, it's already midnight and it's very silent.

Ji Wook: Bong Hee?

No one's answering. He checks the kitchen and she's not there, too.


He hears her call and he breathes, finally. He thought, he might get a lot of scolding but at least she's safe. He makes a mental reminder to not leave her wife alone by herself in the future, even if she asks him to go out and do something for her. Hell, he'll make her come with her no matter what.

But of course, he's anticipating Angry & Pregnant Bong Hee. He prays inside as he follows where the voice came from. It's from the living room.

He sees Bong Hee lying on her side with eyes closed.

Ji Wook: Jagiya.. You'll hurt your back.. (He sits beside her and taps her shoulder gently.) Let me take you to bed.
Bong Hee: (opens her eyes. She sees a worried Ji Wook in front of her and she smiles) Jagiya..
Ji Wook: (He smiles. She's not angry. He'll make it through the night.) Come. I'll carry you.
Bong Hee: I'm heavy..
Ji Wook: No, you're not.

He carries her into their room and lays her very gently on the bed. He kisses her forehead.

Ji Wook: There you go.
Bong Hee: Hmm.. I'm so sleepy..
Ji Wook: Jagiya.. I'm sorry.
Bong Hee: Why?
Ji Wook: They were out of stock.. I tried to argue but they can't give me anything.. I promise I'll go again tomorrow.. Please don't be mad..
Bong Hee: Yah.. (She holds his face) Don't be. I'm the one who's sorry. I made you buy ice cream.. I forgot it was already late.. You should have not listened to me.. I hate myself. I have these cravings and.. I always make you do this and that.. Ugh. Jagiya. I'm a monster. (She cries)
Ji Wook: Omo.. Why are you crying.. (he wipes her tears)
Bong Hee: (sits up) I don't know why.. (keeps on crying) I don't know what's happening to me.. I'm a mess..
Ji Wook: Hey.. (he holds her face with both of his hands) It's normal during pregnancy. It's okay. You are not a monster. You are way too pretty to be a monster. (Smiles and kisses the tip of her nose)
Bong Hee: You mean that?
Ji Wook: Aisht. Of course!
Bong Hee: (smiles and lays on the bed again) Come, let's sleep.. I'm really sleepy..
Ji Wook nods, smiling. He lays beside her and covers her with a blanket. She smiles and lays her head on his arm as she hugs him.
Ji Wook: Sweet dreams, my love. Do you want me to sing you guys to sleep? Again?
Bong Hee: (smiles) Hmm..that would be perfect.


Ji Wook: What time is it?
Sun Woo: It's already 5 in the afternoon, Prosecutor Noh.
Ji Wook: Really?!

He reaches for his phone from his coat and calls Bong Hee asap. She answe

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ariellefloroluza #1
Chapter 30: i really love their chemistry,just this 2020 i watch suspecious partner 3 times in netflix and viu.and looking for a story about them and i found your story.thank you i really llke your story.
Umatha #2
Chapter 36: I love it!
First time I found someone else who also writes a drama script, either on this site or others. Congratulations!
Unfortunately, I didn't see the original drama, but I did read a few chapters of your story.
The dialogues are refreshing, the didascalies highlight the action.
I wish I had found your fic sooner, you should put keywords like "script" or "screenplay".
babyval22 #4
Chapter 36: Sorry for the late reply dearie! Thank u for the update! Hehehe. Love the story so far and hope we will get an update soon too! Hehe. Fighting for RL!
Awwww blushing!! Thanks authornim.
Naughty x3 :)))
Khalinkikyo #6
Chapter 36: Sweetness overload
Chapter 35: I hope this is not the closure!!
Keep continue if you still had plenty of time ^^^
Thanks for the update dear authornim ^^
Ji wook as an appa, my heart can’t take it **
Chapter 34: Thank u for the update Authornim.Waiting to read the next update soon.
babyval22 #9
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhhh! U finally updated dearie! Goshhh. Missed this update and story and so darn glad JW was there beside BH for the birth of their child! Hehe. Pls dun give up and continue updating okie! Looking forward to the next chapter! <3
Chapter 34: Woah!! It’s surprising! Thank youuu authornim....! Fighting!