#1 (TEXTS)

BTS Texting Scenarios

BTS as your best friends.
Drunk BTS members.
Hyung Line
Seokjinnie: hellooooo

Seokjinnie: y/n

Seokjinnie: i need to ask you something

Y/N: What's wrong?

Seokjinnie: why dont you love me?

Y/N: uhm... Jin, you okay?

Seokjinnie: i cook for you

Seokjinnie: im worldwide handsome

Seokjinne: and im a good father to our child

Y/N: Child?

Y/N: Have you been drinking?

Seokjinnie: you dont know our child?

Y/N: I don't think so...

Seokjinnie: his name is jeon jungkook, he's a cute bunny

Y/N: Jin, Jungkook is not our child.

Seokjinnie: but now you like jimin

Seokjinnie: and jimin is now acting like jungkook's father

Y/N: Jin, you aren't making any sense.

Y/N: We aren't a couple,

Y/N: Jungkook is definitely not our kid,

Y/N: and I don't like Jimin like that.

Seokjinnie: then why did you abandon me?

Y/N: Where are you?

Seokjinnie: i dont know

Y/N: What do you see?

Seokjinnie: everything is blurry

Y/N: When you go drinking at least take Yoongi with you!

Y/N: You can only drink 2 to 3 glasses before you get drunk!

Seokjinnie: but yoongi cant know

Y/N: What can't he know?

Seokjinnie: that i was drinking because of you

Y/N: Jin-ah...

Seokjinnie: y/n, why are there so many lights?

Y/N: What?

Seokjinnie: its too bright

Y/N: Jin, please tell me where you went.

Seokjinnie: make it go away

Y/N: You need to help me find you.

Seokjinnie: swing sets

Y/N: Is that what you see?

Seokjinnie: y/n

Y/N: Yes?

Seokjinnie: save me

Y/N: I will.

Y/N: I promise.

Y/N: Hey

Y/N: You wanna watch a movie?

Min Sugar: go ask jungkook

Min Sugar: since you like him that much

Y/N: ?

Y/N: Why are you being so mean?

Min Sugar: oh, so im the mean one

Y/N: Yoongi?

Min Sugar: its your fault

Min Sugar: its all your fault y/n

Y/N: Why are you being like this?

Min Sugar: why am i being like this?

Min Sugar: because of you

Min Sugar: youre the one who made me fall for you

Y/N: What?

Y/N: Yoongi, cut it out.

Min Sugar: cut what out?

Min Sugar: i have nothing left

Min Sugar: stop making me love you

Min Sugar: it hurts

Y/N: I'm sorry...

Y/N: Where are you?

Y/N: Let's have a talk.

Min Sugar: no

Min Sugar: leave me alone

Min Sugar: go watch movies with jungkook or something

Min Sugar: just forget about me

Y/N: Yoongi, what are you saying?

Y/N: Yoongi?

Y/N: Jesus christ.

Y/N: Why can't you be lazy for once.
Hobi~: y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Hobi~: im tired

Y/N: Awww, little Hobi is tired?

Hobi~: mhm.

Y/N: Why?

Hobi~: hobi had adult juice

Y/N: Alchol?

Hobi~: no

Hobi~: adult juice

Y/N: Are you at the dorms?

Hobi~: nope

Hobi~: hobi went all by himself

Y/N: Oh. Where are you? I'll come pick you up.

Hobi~: um

Hobi~: hobi doesnt know


Hobi~: hobi was following these two girls

Hobi~: they said they were fans and wanted to have fun

Hobi~: hobi was tired so he followed them

Y/N: Hobi!

Y/N: They are sasaengs!

Hobi~: hobi want to sleep

Y/N: No Hobi. Don't fall asleep. Not until I get there.

Hobi~: hurry up y/n

Y/N: Where are you?

Hobi~: in an alleyway

Hobi~: at least thats what i think

Y/N: Next to?

Hobi~: i went to the place yoongi hyung always goes to get adult juice

Y/N: Where is Yoongi?

Hobi~: y/n, i dont like it here

Y/N: I'm trying Hobi, don't go to sleep

Hobi~: y/n hobi is scarejebejwkm

Y/N: Hobi?

Y/N: Hoseok?

Y/N: Oh god.
RM: yo

Y/N: Yo?

RM: im really reaaalllllyyyyy cool

Y/N: Yes, yes you are.

RM: you should date me

Y/N: Woah, you're not normal today.

RM: i want to push everything off the shelves

RM: it looks fun

Y/N: What? Why?

RM: i want to see the pieces of glass from the picture frames

Y/N: Namjoon, you okay bud?

RM: i want to touch the pieces of glass

Y/N: You are definetly not okay.

RM: come watch y/n it'll be fun

Y/N: Namjoon, don't you dare

RM: you take too long

Y/N: Where are you?

RM: ouch

RM: im bleeding

Y/N: Please don't move

RM: why?

Y/N: Because you'll hurt yourself.

RM: but you already hurt me

Y/N: ?

Y/N: What are you talking about?

RM: im going to push down another one

Y/N: Namjoon, don't.

RM: its fun

Y/N: Don't break anything else

Y/N: I'll be there in five.

RM: im not listening to you~

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I think you should try doing this on Tumblr, maybe with a texting format. It's a bit odd and out of place the way it's being posted here.