The End

Law Of The Jungle: The Beginning
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The following morning, the cast started their day with the usual tasks they’ve to do. The forest frogs that they had caught the last night became their breakfast. Jisoo was too happy while eating the chicken flavour meat and the rest of her companions couldn’t help but be amused.


“Are the frogs really that delicious for you, Jisoo-ya?” Jongkook asked, grinning at her.

“Hmm!” Jisoo only answered with a hum and a smile since was full.

“Let’s get ready for the next mission after we eat.” Sean said and the rest nodded in agreement.

“Who’s going to do the 4th mission, again?” Soohyuk asked and eyed his companions.

“Me.” Jungkook answered, raising his hand and Jisoo stopped chewing her food for a second and looked at Jungkook worriedly. Jungkook might have noticed her look and he just raised his eyebrows at her. “What is it, noona?” He asked but Jisoo immediately shook his head and came back to chewing her food.


After eating their breakfast, they started to hike towards their next destination for the 4th mission. Finally, they arrived to a falls with vast water below it. You can definitely tell that it was quite deep and the mission was for Jungkook to dive and to swim under a stone arch and retrieve a flag.


“You can do this, Jungkook-ah!” Eunhyuk cheered.


Jungkook was already in a scuba diving suit and at the edge of the water. Jongkook, Sean and Soohyuk were with him by the edge and tending to him, while Jisoo, Eunhyuk and Sungwoo were on the slope just above them. Jisoo’s eyes were fixed on Jungkook and she kept biting her lower lip in nervousness.


“Wah!” Soohyuk shrieked and everyone looked towards him, feeling alarmed. “The water here is way colder than the other falls we’ve been!” He added.


And that made Jisoo’s expression worse. She quickly went towards them and brought her hand in the water and sure enough, it was very cold. She wondered if Jungkook could handle the mission.


“Since we’re at the higher part of the mountain, the water is colder compare to the ones below.” Sean informed. “Will you be okay?” He asked the maknae.


“Ofcourse, hyung!” Jungkook answered and then eyed Jisoo who was quietly watching them. “I’ll be okay.” Jungkook assured, his eyes never leaving Jisoo.


The cameras were now focused on Jungkook as he dived into the cold water. A waterproof camera was attached to him and also, a cameraman went to dive with him but not too deep since his camera can film Jungkook just fine from his current position which was not that deep.


“How long has it been, hyung?” Sean asked the cameraman near him.

“10 minutes.” The man behind the camera answered and Jisoo’s eyes widen in terror.

“Was it supposed to be this long?” Jisoo voiced out her worry.

“The water is like what? 40 feet deep?” Jongkook this time turned towards the other cameraman.

“Then the maximum time that Jungkook have would be around 15 minutes?” Soohyuk counted in his head. “He still have at least 5 minutes more left.”

“Jeon Jungkook! Where are you! You better appear above the water surface anytime now!” Jisoo prayed.

“Come on, Jungkook-ah! Come into the surface!” Eunhyuk also prayed, but loudly.


It was already almost time but they couldn’t still see jungkook. One of the crew which was a professional swimmer and diver was about to go into the water but the cameraman that went with Jungkook suddenly appeared from the surface.


“Where’s Jungkook?” Sungwoo was now also at the edge of the water.


A few seconds had past and Jisoo was now trembling in fear. The others were nervous as well since the cameraman with Jungkook never said something. Jisoo saw a shadow from under the water and she gasp when Jungkook finally appeared from the water surface with a flag on his hand.


“Jeon freaking Jungkook!” Jongkook let a loud sigh of relief.

“You scared us!” Eunhyuk added.

“You did it, Jungkook-ah!” Soohyuk welcomed Jungkook with a brotherly hug and so did the rest.


Jisoo was relieved. She couldn’t help but smile at the view but she frowned after noticing that Jungkook was freezing. Jisoo immediately went to get a dry towel and Jungkook’s jacket from his bag. Jungkook was trembling in cold but he still welcomed the hugs and cheers coming from his hyungs.


“Come on, oppas! Can’t you see that he’s freezing?” Jisoo tried to squeeze herself in between them and immediately covered Jungkook with the towel.

“Ops! Our bad.” Eunhyuk said, breaking from the embrace and so did the rest.

“Thanks, noona.” Jungkook’s smile was so wide that it almost reach his both ears. Jungkook felt happy that Jisoo was worried for him and that she herself had put the towel around his shivering body.

“Alright! 4th mission success!” Jongkook yelled and the rest of them clapped their hands while giving praises to Jungkook. “Let’s go to complete the next one!”


Jungkook felt Jisoo stiffen beside him. Although he was very cold, his whole being was focused on Jisoo’s frightened face.Jungkook wanted to comfort her and he didn’t know how until he saw Soohyuk patting Jisoo’s head. If Soohyuk-hyung was able to do that sweet gesture, then why can’t I? And Jungkook’s arms immediately went around Jisoo’s shoulders, pulling her towards his side.


“Don’t worry, noona. You can do it!” Jungkook cheered, his arms still wrap around her shoulder.

“Yeah. You can do it, Jisoo-ah!” Sean who noticed his hoobae’s worried expression also went to pat her head for comfort and assurance.

“Thanks oppa.” Jisoo answered but her cheeks were visibly red due to the arms around her.

“Aww! Jisoo’s nervous as hell! Look at her red face!” Eunhyuk noticed.

“Yah! I’m not! I..” Jisoo was obviously embarrassed and tried to hit Eunhyuk but she got held back by Jungkook’s strong hold of her.


Jisoo looked up to see Jungkook staring at her intently. Jisoo’s heart fluttered and she quickly looked away and she casually freed herself from him. Jungkook was disappointed but didn’t show it, especially that a lot of cameras were filming them.


“Let’s go, everyone!” Sungwoo urged and led the way.


The cast and crew were now on a much higher place. The mission was for Jisoo to bungee jump. The fall was about a 100 meters. Jisoo was already at the top of the tallest tree, just beside the edge of a cliff. Jisoo was surrounded with people who were professionals about the said activity.


“Breathe, Jisoo-yah!” Sean yelled from below the tree.


Jungkook could clearly see the panic on Jisoo’s face. Her face was so pale that she looked like a ghost. Even her heart-shaped lips were pale that Jisoo could only bite it to give them the color.


“It’s no use, hyung.

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Chapter 5: Wahhh I wish I would’ve found this story sooner. I seriously ship Jisoo with everyone, so Jisoo and Jungkook is not the exception. I know a lot of people mostly ship Jisoo with either V, Jin, or Suga, while they ship Jungkook with either Rosè or Lisa, so this was a nice surprise. Thanks for writing this :)
Chapter 5: Awwww :-) this story is really sweet and cute at the same time. I really love your writing author nim ^_^
Ilovekpop1437 #3
Chapter 5: This is so cuteeeee!!! I love stories like this. Great Job!! Make more stories like this (;
Jisoo is <3
Chapter 5: I was re-readiang this last night and though of actually commenting about a story of how would they be as a couple. Thank you author for the update! Hope there will be special chapters. Can't get enough of Kookie and Chichu ❤️❤️
swtkawaiix3 #6
For some reason I actually ship Jisoo and Kookie, cuz Kookie likes noonas :P
chris08 #7
Chapter 1: Omg.........SHIIIIIPPPP THEM !