One Year

Pop Quiz: What happened to us?


“Jieunnie~” I twisted away from Donghae. He’s bothering me again when I can sleep at this time. Ever since college began, sleep meant so much to me. It’s like one of the most important things I love in this world, next to my mom and Donghae that is.


“Today is a special day,” he said. He tapped my shoulder and I saw him holding my calendar, pointing to today’s date that was encircled with a heart.


I stood up and looked at him. I almost forgot what today is.


“Happy Anniversary, baby,” he said and kissed my cheek.


“Happy Anniversary too,” I said and hugged him. He suddenly lifted me off the bed, causing me too wrap my legs around his waist.


He was just chuckling. He lifted me up and went to the bathroom so I could wash my face. After being there, he lifted me again and we went to the dining area. I was surprised to see a lot of food for breakfast, like Korean pancakes, waffles, eggs, cereal, and many more. It was a weird combination of food, but Donghae isn’t just a simple man.


“You made this?” I asked.


“Of course not,” he chuckled. “I ordered some.”


He sat in front of me and we ate breakfast. Today is going to be a long day. I want to do a lot of things together. It’s been a while since we last went out as a couple without having to hide what we have.


After breakfast, we dressed up and went out. I used to wear jeans every time we go out, but I want to try a dress since it’s a special day for us. He smiled and kissed my cheek the moment he saw me in a dress.


“You know, you become more beautiful each day,” he said and I just lightly hit his chest and went to his car.


He took me first to the cinema and watched movies. One of the movies was Titanic 3D because I know how much he wants to watch it. The smile on his face was so big. After watching, we walked around the mall. My eyes suddenly saw a beautiful necklace with a music note that could totally fit Donghae.


“Oppa, wait here,” I said and entered the store. I looked for the necklace and took it.


“Welcome, miss, is there anything I can help you with?” One worker asked me.


“Can I have one of this? I’m going to buy it for my boyfriend that is waiting outside,” I said and pointed at Donghae. He saw me and cutely waved at me.


“He’s cute. I’ll get this for you then, miss,” she said and took the necklace. I went to the counter and waited for the necklace.


“Jieun-ah,” I heard Donghae’s voice calling. He saw me and went beside me.


“Here you go, miss,” the saleslady said and wrapped it.

I paid for it and afterwards, dragged Donghae outside.


“What did you buy?” He asked.


“Surprise. I’ll show it to you later,” I said with a mischievous smile






After the mall, the drive was long. I kept asking him where we would go, but he won’t answer me. He said it was a surprise. As I looked at the area, I knew where we were going, back to where we used to live, the area where we met and fell in love.


“Oppa, this is…”


“Yeahp. Let’s remember some memories here,” he said and stopped the car in front my high school. We went down and just admired from the outside.


All the memories came passing by, making me smile. I felt his hand hold mine. I looked up at him and he wore a smile on his face.


“Brings back those memories, right?” He said and kissed the top of my hand.


“Sometimes, a year can pass by so slow. Sometimes it seems to go by so fast. I don’t know if I should say it went by fast or slow. Maybe I can say that I can’t believe we made it,” I smiled.


“Why? Did you think we weren’t meant to last?”


“To be honest, I thought that once I graduate, I’ll lose you,” I said. I saw the sorrow in his eyes and I gave him a peck. “I’m not yet done,” I smiled.


“When we got together, I thought you’ll leave me by graduation… But throughout the relationship, you were more than that. You made me see that good guys still exist and that there is such a thing as love. I gave myself to you. I don’t know what else I have to do to prove that I love you so much. I’m scared to even lose you,” I said.


“We’re just probably the same,” he sighed. “I was afraid others would try to steal me away from you, because let’s face it, I’m such a handsome person.”




“You’re a lucky girl to have such a wonderful boyfriend like me,” he smiled like a child.


“I don’t know what you’re saying, but I’m sure guys are jealous that you have such a beautiful girlfriend like me,” I back and he just chuckled.


 “I guess that’s true,” he said and I just poked his nose.


He was about to lean to give me a kiss, but I blocked his lips with a finger.


“No,” I said and he pouted. “I’m sure my past teachers and your former co-workers are still here and there’s a chance they might see us. What do you think they’ll think about us?” I said and he nodded.


“Right. Anyway, I have to bring you to some place,” he said and pushed me back to the car. I just let him do what he wants. I’m sure he prepared something for us today.


The ride was short. We stopped at the place where we used to meet every Sunday and ride bikes. When we stepped out, we went to where we would usually sit down. We sat down with my head on his shoulder. We just spent the rest of the afternoon in that position. We didn’t talk about things. We just played with each other’s fingers and we kept poking each other. At times, he would even steal a kiss from me.


This was the relationship that I guess everyone wanted to feel, simple. He knows me so much that he knows that I would rather spend the time with him like this than spend a lot. Though, I also doubt he even have money.


“Why are you laughing?” He said. I didn’t notice I was laughing at my own thoughts.


“Because I just thought that you have no money, that’s why you only brought me here and the movies,” I chuckled.


“What?! No! I’ll show you something,” he said and dragged me back to the car.


He looked at the time and drove us away. The ride was an hour. It was almost sunset already. We were at the Namsan Tower and he dragged me to the cable cars. Luckily, there weren’t much people and we got it. I didn’t know why he had to drag me here and tie me out.


“Oppa, why did we have to hurry?” I chuckled.


“Because sunsets are wonderful, like you,” he said.


I looked at him and met with his eyes. Those eyes that still make me melt every time I look at him. Was time so fast that it was already been a year that we’re together? I can still remember how I would always value those times when we’d stay after class hours at the library. One year ago, we were brought together by fate. Maybe it was coincidence, or maybe we were really destined to be together. Being together was filled with times of laughter, sorrow and love. Before, I was curious at love, now I’m experiencing it.


“Three hundred and sixty five days since we’ve been together,” he said. “More than three hundred and sixty five moments of love and more than three hundred and sixty five times have I fallen in love all over again every time I see you.”


He took something out from his pocket and showed that it was a ring.


“They say if you write the name of the person you love, place it inside a circle, not a heart. Hearts can break, but circles go on forever,” Donghae said as he slips the ring on my finger. I smiled and took out my gift.


“Turn around,” I said and he turned around as I clasp the necklace on him. “Music is part of life, like you are. You are a very important part of my life. You love music the way I love my books. You love me and I love you. Your voice is the music that I want to listen to everyday. I’m your biggest fan when you sing. To me, you are really the best.”

Before we could even continue, we had to step down. We walked with our hands together, walking wherever we feel like. We looked at the sky and saw the starless sky.


“Behind those clouds are millions of stars. The ones we see are actually dead,” I spoke.


“You know, I fear that one day, I will lose you.” I turned to him and saw his face still looking up in the sky. “We’re only like this because we’re together for a year now. What if in four, five, six or more years we won’t be together anymore? I know I shouldn’t be worrying about this, but I’m really afraid of the day that I’ll be losing you! You know that I’ve never been more—“


I gave him a peck to keep his mouth shut. I sighed and his cheek.


“We don’t know what can happen to us in the future… I’m scared too, but can we not think about that. What matters is the present, which is I am yours and you are mine, okay?”


He nodded and I gave him another kiss. Maybe I am worried for our future. At one point, even couples that stayed together for years may end up broken. But the future is always up to us. There’s no one who can make our future except us.







Updated because today is IU's birthday! *v* IU is relevant to this story because it's from her where I got the name, Jieun, which is her real name and that I also used her as the OC on the poster~ ^^ She's my fave solo artist~ <3 


*Happy Birthday, Lee Jieun! *





What's not to like about her, right? *v*


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Chapter 10: Unedited. Sorry for waiting for an update. My mom came to the country for vacation. She's back to Singapore now, so expect more frequent update. :>


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Chapter 19: Yuri & Yoona... They are my biases. AND THEY ARE BOTH THE ANTAGONISTS IN THIS STORY T_________T Why is this?!?! XD
Chapter 18: I hate the ' PREPARE YOUR HEARTS ' sentence.
unnie can i have a copy of this story? I'm going to save this to my phone, cause i can stay longer in using the computer, so i may not able to finish you story, thanks
Chapter 25: Thanks tor this fic!! I love it but the end was awkward, i'm sorry but it's only my own opinion, but i like the fic.
Fighting with the next!!!
lovekyu85 #5
Chapter 25: happy ending ~!
i had fun reading this, great work :)
does chapter 19 really end up with "Fr. Yeobo ?? T.T or AFF messed up again? ><
even thought it ends so fast like you said.. im still happy coz you finish this lovely sequel.. omo i really love this.. Hae and Jieun loveteam.. hehe :) chukhae.! :)
Whoaaa officially together again in the endddd>_< I'm happyyyyyy
ParkChinji #9
Great job for this sequel :D
A happy ending~ i had fun reading this :)