24K: Sugar

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He spent his life at a distance from love, for the sake of the women he encountered. Is it finally his turn for a chance at true happiness, and a family of his own? Did he wait too long?


EXILE ATSUSHI as Atsushi Sato


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Chapter 12: This is such great story. It's written so well, that I'm really invested to see how story progress. Can't wait for the next update.
Chapter 12: This story is so well written, I can't really explain with words how I feel about it.
Sometimes makes me squealing while reading and pausing at the same time being amused.
I can't wait to read the next chapter.
834 streak #3
Chapter 12: Looks like I came back at the right time, this story does not disappoint. Just how many 0s were attached to the end of amount on the check? Love how he feels responsible for her. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Chapter 12: Oh, how I love this story and all of your stories in general. You're one of my favorite writers on here. Thank you for the update:)
Chapter 10: I wasn’t expecting that to be on her background check! I was ready for that dirt dirt. I’m way behind on reviewing and reading but once I caught up I was reminded why this is my favorite story.
niknac #6
Chapter 9: I love this story so much! Atsushi is so smooth that I can barely stand it, but I am wondering if his past is gonna come back to haunt him and her
sevixx #7
Chapter 8: Ugh I can't put into words how this story makes me gush so hard right now!
I was waiting for Atsushi to punch ol boy square in the nose. Just clock him one time with the 1 2 1 2