Chapter Four

My Broken Heart

Chapter Four


 Lee Chaerin (CL)`s Point Of View :

     With my foot impatiently tapping the ground, I was still standing at the entrance of the club, waiting for Seunghyun Oppa to come out, and hopefully with Bom Unnie.  It was already passed 10 minutes since he had entered, and has not yet return.

     I tried several times to call Seunghyun's phone, but every time the voicemail answered.  Once again, I dialed his number.  I placed it over my ear and heard it ring.  I bit my lower lip, hoping that he'll answer it this time.  I as I waited, I was pushed by two running figure.  "Oppa?"  I saw Seunghyun Oppa passing me.  He was holding a lady's hand and dragging her behind him.  "Bom Unnie!"  I yelled out as I realized who the tall long hair girl was.


Choi Seunghyun`s Point Of View :

     My hands tightly holding hers.  Our fingers linking with each others.  I took her hands and ran out of the club, dragging her behind me.  Looking behind my shoulders I saw Bom Noona's frighten face and the tall buff guards following, running behind us.  Since Bom Noona had her heels on, it was difficult for her to run as fast and catch up with me.  With that, everything that we passed by, I tried to stall them by throwing the empty cardboard boxes at them and even stools, and chairs.

     Once we got to the exit doors, Chaerin was still standing there.  I quickly ran pass her without leaving a single word.  As I passed her,  a loud gun shot was heard from behind me.

     Stopping at the dark corner of two building, we slide inside the little space in between the two building.  The place was cramped and our bodies were against each others.  Her chest on my chest, her fragrance traveling up my nose, her head placed perfectly on my shoulders as we catch our breathes.  "Shh..." I warned her, ducking down my head, and wrapping her tiny body with my arms.  Warning her as I heard footsteps of two people running passed us.  We stayed in that position, our faces touching and our body tightly against each others waiting until be believed they were far gone.

     I pulled my head away.  "Are you okay?"  I said as I looked at her face, who was looking back at mines.  She nodded her head in reply and also with a smile.  I turned my head back to the sidewalk.  Looking from left to right, I tried to see if the two guys were still there.  Lucky, they were nowhere to be found, so we both slide out from between the buildings.

     I took off my suit and placed it over her body.  "Thanks."  She smile and adjust it comfortably on her body.

     "It's okay."  I smiled back.  I waited until she was finally finished adjusting it on herself, and I took a hold of her hand.  I noticed that she was looking up at me, shocked.  I ignored and linked our fingers tightly together, and started walking, but as I walked, Bom wasn't.  I turned around and Bom was in pain as she rubbed her ankle.  "Noona, are you okay?"  I quickly let go of her hand and got on my knee to check up on her ankle.  It had blood flowing down her ankle from the cut.  "It's nothing, something hit my ankle as we were running.  It's nothing." She told me.  But as I lightly touched it, Noona cried in pain.  "Sorry" I apologized as I looked at her face.  From my pocket, I grabbed my handkerchief and tied it around her ankle.


Park Bom`s Point Of View :

     The look in his eyes when he apologized, I could tell that he was really worried about me. After wrapping my ankle with his handkerchief, he stood back up.

     "I'm okay."  I tried to take another step, but failed and fell down, but Seunghyun caught me.  "Noona, you're not okay."  His arms were around my waist and he pulled me back up.  "No, really... I'm fine." I lied, as I felt the pain from the tightly tied handkerchief raise on my ankle.  He sighed and lift me up from my feet, carrying me bridal style in this arms.

     "Yah!  What are you doing?  Let me down." I commanded, but he ignored me and started walking.  I shyly brought my arms and wrapped it around his neck, preventing myself from falling.  I saw a smirk appearred on his face, and I shyly look away.

     After 10 minutes, I closed my tired eyes.  I listened as he hum a song and carried me around the streets of Seoul City.  "Noona..."  He started.  I could tell he was furstrated on what to say, trying to find the right words, but I kept quiet and my eyes closed.  "...Hopefully I will be someone who you can trust like an old friend, and someone you can lean onto, I promise you that I'm be right here."  Listening to his words, I slowly open my eyes, and saw his sweats dripping from his chin.  He wasn't looking at me, but I knew that he knew I was awake.

     After a while, we stopped at a nearby bench.  He settle me down and took a seat next to me.

     "Seunghyun, Thanks."  I smiled.  He did not respond, and instead he placed his head on my shoulder.  Closing his eyes, "Noona, I love you."  We sat until dawn.

     I cried, feeling guilty for being such a shappy person and had never done anything for him, not realizing his feelings for me.  I cried all night with him beside me, Seunghyun never woke up.


For confused Readers:

     Once we got to the exit doors, Chaerin was still standing there.  I quickly ran pass her without leaving a single word.  As I passed her,  a loud gun shot was heard from behind me.

- - -

GeeBOM Says : This is such a crappy story and a horrible ending.  I couldn't think of anything to write about.  Sorry for killing Seunghyun.

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Gillbaltazar #1
Junhyungbeast4 #2
Chapter 4: I was about to sleep but now I'm sad :(
Lyca_Myx #3
Chapter 4: WAIT WAT?!?!?!? NO!!!!! NONONONO!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T.O.P. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T DIE!!!!!!!!!
Oh~why? Seunghyun died at the end?

Oh, well, this fic is wonderful though it was actually short. I enjoyed reading it!^^
What the??? öÖ
O_____O top O______O <br />
huh> wha? im flabbergasted.<br />
Kay37541 #8 Top?!!!! Omfg why?!! T______T <br />
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This short fic was wonderful, even if you did kill Top:( I had a gut feeling that someone had been shot, but I totally didn't want to believe it. At first I thought it was Top, but then he had the strength to carry Bommie, so I thought CL got shot!!!! <br />
<br />
The last paragraph was so devastating T___T
i love topbom. but i think se7en and bom could be interesting too.<br />
i never read any se7en bom fic before, and from watching 2ne1tv and other i think se7en and bom make a quite cute couple. kekeke just saying
TOPBOM! Definitely,not being biased but Se7en's a complete #^*^**£€¥ here,having a baby with another woman! And Seunghyun still rushed over to help Bom cause he cared. :D So definitely,end it withTopBom please!!!!! :D <3<br />
And update soooooon ^^