Part One

Hola Hola
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Nayeon is sick.


Not the type of sick in which you can take over the counter medication and most likely be better by the end of a couple days.


But the kind of sick which involves an endless stream of Tylenol, nasal spray and antibiotics thrown together to try and sufficiently beat the demon-like illness that Nayeon has contracted.


Jihyo texts Nayeon, rather concerned due to the fact that Nayeon has never missed a single day of school.


Nayeon knows very well that it's 'the flu' but she calls it 'death' because thats what she feels it is.


She's slowly dying under her comforter on top of her bed.


She overheats, and then shifts and throws off her covers to try and cool off before getting chills, and having to retreat back under the sinking heat.


She wants to move, she wants to go to school and forget that she feels like death, but when she stands up, the room shakes and her body nearly tumbles to the floor due to the weakness that has infiltrated her body.


She is frustrated, very frustrated because she can't do anything but sleep and wait for the medicine to do something....




Momo is concerned.


The cute girl she has been staring at in class is not there today...


Which class?


All of them.


Art, Biology, Algebra II (ouch), PE.


Maybe not English because Momo sits in the front and it would be rather obvious.


But for the most part, all of them.


And people have noticed, just not Nayeon apparently.




"Don't you think it's a little stalkerish?" Sana points out one day as they sit in the cafeteria.


"It is but... I don't think Momo sees it that way. Momo?" Mina tries to snap her fingers in front of Momo's face to bring her back to reality.


"Earth to Momo. Haha. You must be really smitten." Momo looks down at the school lunch and smiles. Sana notices her blushing.


"Maybe you are right."


"About the stalking or about how in love you are with Im Nayeon?" 


"Shut up..."


"Why are you even looking at her right now though? It's hard to look away from Dahyun and Chaeyoung trying to digest all the hot dogs on that plate. It's worrying to me. I bet they're going to have a horrible night on the toilet." Sana shivers, and Momo and Mina laugh as they sneak a peek of Dahyun and Chaeyoung downing the hotdogs.


"Is there some sort of prize for eating those or are they just trying hard to impress Tzuyu?" Sana wonders out loud.


"Probably the latter." Mina responds.


Sana looks over at Momo to tell another joke, but notices that Momo's gaze is following Nayeon as she moves to discard her tray.


Her eyes don't trail off until Nayeon is out of the room.


Momo sighs.


"Okay. Maybe it is really stalker like."




Momo goes to every class that day and feels like maybe she actually learned something today without the beautiful distraction that Im Nayeon is.


She still wonders what happened, and why Nayeon wasn't in class.


Nayeon would crawl through the depths of hell just to make sure her attendance record was completely pristine.


That probably means something really bad happened...


And Momo is worried.


As she walks out to drive herself home after attending her dance club, she hears a loud 'DANGIT' to her right. She walks over to see the problem, and sees God Jihyo talking on the phone with someone.


"So you are busy too? Dangit Jeongyeon. Yeah. It's fine. I'll find a ride. I could ride the bus... Well. Thanks. Stay safe Jeongyeon." She hangs up the phone and moves into a thinking pose.


"I could give you a ride." Momo speaks up, and Jihyo turns around to face her.


"Oh, Momo! Thank you. That would be lovely."


"Do you want to leave now or...?"


"Can you help me get something inside first? I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much..."


"No Jihyo. You've always been nice and giving advice to everyone. It's the least I could do."


"Thank you so much. It's in the Culinary classroom."


The walk over is rather silent, other than Jihyo asking Momo if she's still dancing, to which she replies with a quick 'yes'.


When they walk into the classroom, Momo sees several tubs laying on the countertops.


"These are it. Me and the other members of the culinary club thought we should cook some kimchi and stew for Nayeon seeing as she has the flu." Momo's eyes widen.


"Nayeon has the flu?"


"Yeah. Are you scared you might get it?" Momo shakes her head very quickly.


"No... I just realized that's why she was missing today... not like I was stalking her or anything like that... just because I was concerned..." Momo wants to smack herself, but she knows this will make her look even crazier in front of Jihyo. 


"Yeah. Hopefully she'll be better by the end of the week. Seeing as it's just Monday, hopefully she'll be able to come back next week."




On the car ride over to Nayeon's house, with instructions given to her by Jihyo, Momo hears the reason why Jihyo needed a ride in the first place.


"My car broke down. Bad timing, I know." Momo nods.


"You don't mind going in, do you?" Momo shook her head.


"No... not at all." 


She feels a punch in her stomach at the realization that she is currently driving to the house of the girl she really likes.


Momo knows what it looks like. That it looks like she's just attracted to Nayeon by her beauty. But that's not it.


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Chapter 1: oh so cute, and i will wait for you authornim♡ good luck
Chapter 2: Its ok author-nim take your time!Hwaiting!
Namoah #3
Namoah #4
Chapter 1: OMG. PLSS UPDATE authornim~~
tw2ce2 #6
Chapter 1: this is cute. namo are adorable. hope you continue :)