4 - Groceries

Big Deal


Choi Minki's POV


I got excited when I saw Minhyun's name at my phone, "Oh Minhyun-a!" I said while entering my room, "Hey, I went to your apartment after school but the landlord said you moved out recently. Why did you moved?" I heard his concerned voice. I was thinking of something that can be a good alibi and thought of something that isn't half false, "The apartment price is too expensive for me, but don't worry I'm okay now I'm staying at my friend's place." Is Jonghyun my friend? Anyway, "Why did you go to my old apartment, is there anything wrong?" I said while sitting on my bed. "Nothing, I was at your neighboorhood and thinking of just saying hi." Minhyun said. He's very kind, just talking to him right now makes me fall for him even more. "Minki-ya! Let's eat together at lunch tomorrow and bring Dongbin if you want, okay? Its late you should get rest." Minhyun said as I was containing my giggles "Okay, see you tomorrow! Goodnight"..."Goodnight too!" I locked my phone and started rolling on my bed, I can't contain my feels. I didn't even got the chance to talk to him earlier in schol because of Dongbin but he called and asking to eat together, I am so happy I'll probably not going to have enough sleep. I can't wait for tomorrow. 

"Enough, I need to get change from uniform and prepare to sleep or I'll be looking ugly tomorrow." I said while walking to the bathroom still smiling. As I was putting some cream on my face before going to sleep I saw the pink rose that Jonghyun gave me, I smelled it again and it still smells good. I opened my side drawer and put out my small notebook, If I feel like it I write sometimes just stuffs happened to me.


Dear notebook,


Earlier before going to school Jonghyun said
I shoudn't slack off, pshh that guy. But he gave a pink rose
at dinner and we ate at this 'Daybreak Restaurant'
I really love it there-- the foods are delicious.
Its now my favorite restaurant, thanks to Jonghyun
I've got the chance to eat there, he isn't a cold guy after all. 
I hope I can go there again.
Goodnight xx





I put back the notebook and went to bed ready to sleep. 
I woke up early unlike the usual. I tried to sleep again but I can't I must have been the coffee I drank at school yesterday I shouldn't drink coffee again. I got up and went to the living room. I can see the lights from up here in the apartment, its still early so its dark and some cars outside are the only lights that I can see. The view is breathtaking. Jonghyun still must be sleeping, "I should cook real breakfast for today." I said smiling at the thought of cooking and went to the kitchen. "What do we have here? He barely got enough food here, I should go grocery shopping somehow." I said while looking at some cabinets. "I want to cook rice but he doesn't have meat or chicken here, seriously what did he eat everymorning." I started cooking breakfast. I like cooking my mother taught me at the young age. Cooking is our way of bonding every sunday my mother and I cook lunch for us, we prefer staying at home during sunday or family day. My parents taught me to cherish every person that you love and also loves you. I love my family.


I'm already done preparing our breakfast. I prepared a simple meal, pancakes, breads, scrambled eggs and some bacon, oats with banana and I prepared coffee if Jonghyun likes it but for me I'll just drink juice. I looked at the time and went to my bathroom to get shower first and get ready for school. "Should I wear eyeliner today?" I said talking to myself at the mirror, I just got out of the bathroom dressed on my uniform. "I'll be eating with Minhyun later, should I spary my favorite perfume?" I'm so nervous. I want Minhyun to notice me, I've liked him for so many years. "Minki-ya breakfast!" I was in the middle of talking to myself when Jonghyun called. "Okay coming!" In the end I put a little eyeliner before going to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, breakfast's ready" I said while taking my seat infront of him."Did you cook?" Jonghyun said, "Yes, you go shopping you don't have enough food here. And eating outiside everyday at those fancy restaurant can be very expensive you know." I said while eating my pancakes. "Okay" Jonghyun said while eating his oats. "Do you drink coffee?"...."Yes" Jonghyun said. "Good for you, I can drink coffee but I won't be getting enough sleep just like today I woke up early. I'm still sleepy because I was so tired yesterday. You were busy yesterday too, right? Aren't you tired? I asked. "I'm a bit tired but I have to go to work, there's still a problem in the company."...."Oh then you shouldn't skip your meal and eat a lot you need energy." I said while taking a bite of bacon. "Is your school have many activities going on right now?" Jonghyun asked looking at me directly. "Not much I think, the school's festical will be 2 week from now so we aren't that busy for now. Why?" I was confused he asked about that, what is it now. "Nothing, eat already Baekho is already at the parking lot waiting for us." I nodded and drank my juice before standing up getting my school stuffs. We don't usually clean our dishes because Jonghyun said there is a cleaner that go here everyday to clean while we're away. What a rich guy



"Hi Baekho!" I said while entering the car. Jonghyun is with me, Baekho hasn't pick up his car from the restaurant last night. "Aren't you getting dizzy while reading in the car?" I said while we're on our way to my school, looking at Jonghyun who's again reading. "No" he said continuing his reading. I sighed and noticed that Baekho is smiling I give him a look but he just brushed it off. "These people are weird" I whispered to myself and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. "Minki"..."10 more minutes" I said sleepily. "10 more minutes or you'll be late" I opened my eyes and look at the surroundings, we're in my school. "Oh we're here" I said looking at my watch "Its 7:15 I'll be late, see you later!" I said hurriedly going out of the car and running towards the gate. 

I was panting when I got in my seat. "Is someone chasing you?" Dongbin looking at me weirdly, "I feel asleep in the ride, I have to run or I'll be late. Do I look okay?" I asked Dongbin while fixing my hair. "Why should you look okay when we're just having our Math class? Do you like Ms. Irene? Omg I thought---" I cut Dongbin off before he starts thinking too much, "Are you insane? Minhyun asked me to eat lunch with him later and he said you can come too." I said happily. "Okay, I need to talk to Jaehwan too for our project later." Dongbin said getting red, I was about to ask him if he's okay when our teacher entered looking like a witch. 



It was our break when I went to my locker to get some books for our next class. "Omg Jonghyun must be really dating!" "It can't be, he's mine!" "We should look for this boy, he's taking away Jonghyun from us." "I'm prettier than him!" I heard the girls beside me talking while holding their phones. There must be another article about Jonghyun and me. I hurriedly get my books and walk back to my class, "What did the article say now?" I said to myself while searching for the said article. "A pink rose from Jonghyun, who's the lucky boy?" There's a picture of Jonghyun outside the restaurant carrying the rose. It was a relief that I don't have a picture here not like the first one but they're still crazy following Jonghyun even yesterday. We should be careful or everyone will know about us. I don't want the news to spread, if the news spread widely Jonghyun will have no choice but to talk to the media about us. Everyone will know about me and him being in a relationship, everyone I mean the whole world. What will my parents say? my friends? Minhyun? I shoudn't be thinking much, I just have to be extra careful right now. I brushed everything off my mind and entered our classroom.


"Dongbin-a, Its lunch time!!!" I said while arranging my stuffs. "Alright, I just need to talk to Daniel a bit." Dongbin said while walking to Daniel at the back. I'm so excited right now, I've been spacing out of our class because of this. I was waiting for Dongbin when my phone buzz, 

From: Minhyun

Minki, I'm sorry but we have an emergency
practice right now. I'll make it up to you next time,
Tell Dongbin I'm sorry too, you two
shoudn't skip meal okay?
Eatwell, again I'm sorry. :)


I read the text and my smile disappeared. "Let's go?" Dongbin said. "Its just the two of us. Minhyun said they have practice." I said looking disappointed. "Oh okay, lets eat I'm hungry" Dongbin said pulling me out of our room. "Cheer up! putting some eyeliner maybe a badluck" he said teasing me. "Ha-ha, funny" I was really looking forward to it but I couldn't do anything about it. I sigh as we entered the cafeteria. "Did you hear the news?" Dongbin said while eating, "What?" I answered. "Jonghyun the young CEO is dating! All the girls and even boys in our school are talking about that" I freezed when I heard Jonghyun's name. "Well he's a guy with looks and fame, who wouldn't fall for him? I awkwardly said, "But no one knows the name or face of the lucky boy that he's been dating, He's so lucky dating Jonghyun. I guess he's very handsome or pretty to get Jonghyun's heart, the cold and emotionless bachelor." Should I tell Dongbin that its me and we're not really dating. "You read too much article, we shouldn't gossip others life. He's a guy its normal to date" I said while avoiding Dongbin's eyes. "Yes but no one can escapre media especially him, he got lots of admirers and most of them hate the idea of him dating." I should be really careful. If someone captures my face and put it in the article my school will be in chaos. I don't want attention again, I just want to finish studying and a simple life. 


School can be really tiring but I like going here, studying and meeting my friends. Dongbin just left, he's brother picked him up. I was just walking out of the campus alone when I got a text from Baekho that he'll be a litlle late so I guess I don't need to rush. I was thinking of the apartment when I remembered that we barely have food there, "Grocery Shopping it is!" I said smiling to myself. "Minki-ya!" someone called me, I don't even have to see who called me I already to that voice. "Minhyun" I said looking at him smiling, he looks very handsome with his wet hair and casual shirt and pants with sneakers. I guess he just got out of the shower and their training. "Are you going home already?" he said while looking at me straight in the eyes. He's eyes are so beautiful, its so deep I think I can be drown by him just looking at me. "Nope, I'll be going to grocery store"...."Okay, I'll go with you. I still feel guilty about lunch" he said looking apologetic. "Don't be, its okay I understand. Lets go!" I said happily. 

Buying stuffs at the grocery with Minhyun is always fun. We sometimes do this even when I was back in my old apartment. He's good in checking if the vegetables are fresh even in fish and meat. And he's funny to be with too. "You should go to my house again mom misses you and your cooking, she always nags me about when will you go there again" Minhyun said to me smiling. I often went to his house when we're partners in a project, I met his mom too she raised Minhyun all by herself and that's lovely. "Maybe next time, tell your mom that I miss her too." i said happily. "These should be enough and its getting late, you still have practice tomorrow morning."...."Well its okay I get the chance to be with you" Minhyun smiled at me and head to the counter to pay. I was surprised about what he said. Maybe not eating lunch with him earlier is great after all. 



"Thank you for coming with me. You must be tired, you went straight from your practice to accompany me." I said looking at the ground while walking. I can't look at him after what he said back the store. Its making me blush, why does he have to say that. "No worries, I had fun. Its nice to talk to you again, I've been busy with my basketball I rarely see you." he said. "I'm just one text away, you know. You can always text or call me, I'll gladly answer you back." I factly answered. "It isn't enough. I want to be you closely" Minhyun said that stopped me from walking and looked at him. I was totally suprised and confuse about what he said. Silence is between us and I don't know where did I get the guts to look at him right now. He's already staring at me and shyly smiling. "What do you mea--" I was cut off by the beep, I looked at it and saw Baekho's car. I looked at my watch and its already late he must be waiting for me for so long I didn't even talk him that I'll be going to the grocery. "Your friend must be waiting for you, I guess, See you tomorrow! Bye" Minhyun said while smuling before running to the bus stop. I didn't even got the chance to ask him about he said. Ugh what a day 


"I'm so sorry Baekho, I got--" I was entering the car when I saw someone already in there. 
"You're late. You should've texted us." Jonghyun said while looking outside of the window with his unknown aura surrounding him. 
I looked at Baekho asking for some explanation of why Jonghyun is like that but he just sighed and motioned me to close the door. Through-out the drive to the apartment no one talk betwee us, Jonghyun got this aura around him that you shouldn't cross right now. He seems to be in the very bad moon, I guess the problem in the company isn't fix? Or is something bothering him? Did he see Minhyun and I earlier? 








Author's note:



Hi guys! Another update. I'm glad I got the chance to update again. I'm thinking of writing again later but let's see. I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Did you have a great weekend? All I did yesterday and today was to study, will be having our real classes tomorrow. Wish me luck! 

Did you see the JRen photos from Labiotte CF? WE ARE SO BLESS! JRen fighting!!!! I hope you'll got the chance to watch their movie, "Their Distance" I heard its a great movie. I'm downloading it now and maybe I'll watch it on friday after class. NU'EST FIGHTING!!!


You can leave comments and I'll be happy seeing them! Please continue supporting this fic. Thank you! :)


Check my twitter for updates:


Let's all stream 'If You' on melon! Fighting loves!!!! SUPORRT NU'EST 


Thank you for subscribing to this fic. :))))) JRen is love ♡♡♡
@glorypath @pockyjr Bugi♡Mango










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Silvergirl88 #1
Chapter 12: Author-nim, I hope you update this story.. i really like it ❤️
Chapter 13: thank you for making jren ff ❤

This is really cute~ ヽ(´▽`)/
kath0621 #3
Chapter 12: Thank you so much!!
hanakahime #4
Chapter 10: Awww this story is so cute...... I loved jonghyun characters here.
Chapter 10: Thank you for updating this story...
I really like this story.
Really looking forward for your next update.
But take your time, school has to come first ^^
Have a great time dear author-nim ^^
Chapter 10: <3
cloudlia23 #7
Chapter 8: Ah, jonghyunie treat our ren like gentleman in amusement park. Please update as soon as possible author-nim. Thank you.
Chapter 9: Dear author-nim,, plz update soon. This story is sweet and beautiful ^^
Thank you
MizuDrop #9
Chapter 8: This is so cute omg XD
It's okay if you take your time, don't stress to much!!
Blurqueenvic #10
Chapter 8: Love love love ~ everywhere