-missing you-

Unforgettable memories

It's been a month.The rumors just keep silent.The netizen or the reporters never 'bring up' the story again.Karam and the others just continued their showcase,fan meeting etc...

Hyerim:I miss Hannie...

Jay:Me too...

Injun:Me three..

Hyunmin:Count me in...

Mika:You guys!(peeking at Karam)Aigo..i miss her too...It not fun not to teasing Karam this lately.

Hyunmin:But hyung..i thought you already figured out something..

Mika:oo that?It took times...

Jay:Noona,you are cousins with Hannie.Can't you reach her?

Hyerim:Urgh!!I been like thousand times calling her,texting her yet she doesn't reply anything.

Mika:Did you go yo her house?

Hyerim:Eh?Come to think of if...why i didn't do that at first place???

Jay:(glare)Noona,you just think now??

Mika:(snap his finger)I got an idea!enlightened


Daeguknamah's now back at their dorm.All the members start to packing up their clothes except Karam who's watching tv.

Jay:Injun hyung,wheres my shampoo?

Injun:At the kitchen!At the dinner table.

Mika:I just borrow from you guys....

Hyunmin:Did anyone sees my boxers?

Karam take a look at them.All of them are packing up.He then turned off the tv.

Karam:What are you guys doing?

Mika:Packing.Don't you see?

Karam:I know that.But why are you packing?

Hyunmin:Because we going to stay at another place.

Karam:Why?Are we moving out?

Injun:No...we kinda..want visit someone..


All of them just silent.They just busying themself with the packing.

Karam:Ya~i'm talking to you guys.

Mika:Okay,done!Hyunchul-ya.Start packing now.

Karam:I'm not packing if you guys don't tell me what's going on.

Mika:Fine..suit yourself.So,you stay taking care of home.

Karam:Why would i do that?

Hyunmin:(tapped his shoulders)Because you staying...

Karam:ARGG!!Fine...i'll go.

Injun and Jay:Perfect!


"Why we here?"Karam asked at the back seat of the car.

"We going to visit her" Mika reply.He sitting infront at the passenger side.


"Because you miss her" Jay ansewered.He's sitting beside Karam.

"Did not!"

"Yes you are.You been murmerring her name in your sleep" Hyunmin say

Karam silent.He knows that..Don't need to bring it up.

"Noona...can you please be faster?" Injun said while his face turn pale.

"No..i need to obey the law..."

"But...i can't breath here!It's too narrow."

Then someone let out.....'gas'

"Ya!!!Who's farting???"Karam say while holding his nose.

"Noona!Hurry!!!!"Injun scream.


Hannie were left alone in her house.Her parents already went to States this morning.After that incident,she become quiet.She loose appetite.She keep cutting her school off.At class,her mind is gone out of nowhere.She did not paying attention to her class.Eventhough Taehee keep asking what wrong with her but she just remains silent.Eventually Taehee fed up asking her the same question because she will just shooking her head...

Mom:Honey,you sure don't want to come?

Hannie:Yeah,mom.Beside i have a lot of paper work to do.So..no thanks..

Mom:Hey,you have to be strong.Everything that happen has a meaning.Just go with the flow.My cute and intelligent daughter is not like this right?


Her mother's word keep playing in her head.Her mom is right.She needs to be strong.

Hannie:Hwaiting!! I can do this!

Then someone rang the door.


She opened the door and become frozen infront of the guest who come's to her house.


Hannie:Unnie!Why..you here?

Hyerim:Pabo!Why you didn't reply my message?Why you hang up the phone?

Hannie:Ah...actually my phone has been wash out by washing machine.So...

Hyerim:(sulking)But why you didn't call me?

Hannie:Mianhe..unnie.I can't.I can't....because..

Hyerim:Because of what?Because you can't communicate with anyone in Open World Entertainment?

Hannie:Because...i don't remember your number.

The members at behind the walls snapped their head.

Hyerim:Is that it?

Hannie:Ye...i'm sorry...

Hyerim:Ai..chicha...well,i'm staying over tonight!

Hannie:Aa..please come in...

Hyerim:Oh,i brought a company.

The members shown themself one by one.Hannie just rolled her eyes.They start to get inside like their own home leaving Karam and Hannie outside.


Their eyes meet and Karam just gazed at her.Hannie missed the brown eyes that captured her heart.But how could she say it?It's over between them.Hannie quickly turn around and enters the house.

Karam:Hannie-ah...when you will stop run away from me?

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is this an Old kpop group or a new cpop group?
ItzJaeKay #2
Love it<br />
So sad sometimes<br />
Good job
LOVE IT! *thumbs up* <br />
<br />
2K_anchovy #4
thank you soo much for making this fanfic :)<br />
i really enjoyed it<br />
im kinda sad though that it ended :((<br />
hope you will keep on making karam fanfics<br />
hwaiting ^^
ohdeerluhan #5
kamsa hamnida!!!^^<br />
You guys are the best!thanks for supporting me~<br />
my second fanfic is one shot.<br />
it almost complete..read it if you have time!
BWUAHAHAHA! ive finished reading this! xDD<br />
i lovee this story so DAMN MUCH! xDD<br />
OMO~ I love how they met xDD its sooo sweet~ Karam is sooo shy but in the end, he CONFESSED xDD<br />
I hated the president at first, but now.. i love him xDD LOL! <br />
Mika is so DAMN awesome xDD hahahaa!! Thanks to Mika for doing everything ;DD<br />
Hannieee~ you are soooo adorable! *pouted* im jealous of youuu~ xDD<br />
hahaa! Injun and jay are soo DORKY! xDD i love them so freaking much! <333<br />
Hyunmin is sooo serious o.O xDD haha!!<br />
Hyerim unnie~ is liike Mika too <33 hahahahahahaa!! <33<br />
Cant wait for your next story ;DD
hi ! i like your story very much .. waiting for your new fanfic ! ^^
ohdeerluhan #9
hehe..kamsa hamnida...<br />
my second fanfic is -one shot-<br />
featuring all daeguknamah's members..<br />
thank for reading!^^
cute ending :))