The "New" Student

Caught In Between Love And Lies

The next day you were waking up your stomach full of butterflies. You found yourself giggling like a small kid and your smile expanding from ear to ear. Even though nothing happened between you and L yesterday except from the kiss on the cheek, you couldn’t help yourself but feel thrilled about it.

“It’s a crappy feeling. “ You lied to yourself but you eventually ended up smiling again like an idiot.

*Remember that I like everything that you make.* You thought back at L’s words and wondered if you should make him a lunch box.
*After all people are thinking that we are a couple right?* You decided that making him lunch wasn’t that inappropriate.

Since you usually didn’t make lunch, you had difficulty to find the lunch box “Where did I put it again?” You shouted out frustrated when you almost rummage around every single cupboard.

When you were about to give up you finally found the red lunch box, however when you opened it you saw that words were engraved on its lit.


For my best friend Byunghun ~ ~

“Here I have made you a lunch box as I have promised you, Byungie.” You beamed and handed the lunch box to the shy boy whose eyes were covered by his bangs.

“Why wouldn’t change your haircut? I barely see your eyes.” You moved his fridge out of his eyes.
“You look more handsome that way.” You gave him a smile.

“Don’t lie Soohyun. I am the school nerd I don’t look good.” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Just because you are smart doesn’t mean that you are ugly.” You imitated his expression. “Come on have more self-confidence.” You cheered.

“Hey Soohyun don’t you want to eat lunch with us?” Some girls shouted from behind you. “I am eating with Byunghun today.” You refused their offer and slung your arm around the boy next to you.

“You could go with them. I am used to eat alone.” He eyed you. “I like eating with you more.” You shrugged.
“After all you are my best friend right?” You grinned at him who smiled back at you.

“Hey since you are older than me shouldn’t I call you Oppa?” You taped your chin. “Byunghun Oppa woah that’s such a long name.”

*I’ve lost my best friend because I was too ashamed to admit my true feelings for him.* You thought back and put the lunch box back on the cupboard.

Suddenly you weren’t that enthusiastic anymore, the memories of your former best friend were making you upset. *I haven’t thought about him for a long time.*





When you have reached your classroom, you silently sat down at your place hoping that Hara and Nana wouldn’t bombard you with their current love stories.
Unfortunately your prayers weren’t heard because Hara immediately sat down beside you talking about her current break up.

“He’s such an ugly jerk. What did I see in him?” You slowly started to shut off her voice. You never felt so thankful seeing your history teacher coming in, because you were starting to grew annoyed of Hara’s story.

Especially because she was starting to repeat herself He’s a jerk blabla, I am too good for him blabla.

“Hey everybody could you please pay attention please?” The teacher yelled at the girls sitting at the front row, who were chatting shamelessly.
“And you put the basketball away.” He glared at a boy who was ignoring the teacher’s presence. *What a lovely class I have.*
“We have a new transfer student from the US please don’t make me feel ashamed of you guys.” He then called the new student to come in.



“Hey my name is L.Joe.” A handsome guy with blond hair introduced himself in English.

“Finally….finally God has responded to my prayers. I thought I would have to spend my entire high school years with those ugly boys in my class.” You could hear girls beaming seeing their new classmate.

*He has potential to be a kingka.* You admired his cool attitude and rested your head on your elbows.

“So where would you want to sit?” The teacher asked him seeing that he even made the class become noisier. “Here sit next to me L.Joe Oppa!” You saw many girls waving at him.

Even Hara has moved to another seat so that he could sit next to her. * I really start to like this guy.* You thought satisfied that you finally got your peace.

“I want to sit next to her.” He said, but you didn’t even bother to check whether Hara was the lucky one. *I hope he chose her.* You thought and buried your head deeper in your arms, but then you were surprised when you heard the chair moving next to you.

Your eyes widened when you finally understood that he has chosen you as his seat mate. “Euh you can also sit there.” You pointed at another chair far away from your table.

*I don’t need to get more death glares. L’s fangirls are already doing a good job.*

“I know but I want to sit next to you.” He smirked and you immediately saw the resemblance with L. *L.Joe? L? Is L such a popular letter?* You wondered.

“So what’s your name seatmate?”- “Song Soohyun.” You said and took a further look at him. A part of you seemed to recognize him, but then again he didn’t look like someone you would know.

*An asian who is dying his hair blond is truly a trouble maker.* You remembered your parent’s words and focused on the teacher’s lesson.


*It’s so boring, when will he finally stop with his blabbering.* You tried your best to not fall asleep on the spot.
*I better take some notes down.* You grabbed you pencil and wrote some random information down.

However when you couldn’t bring yourself to listen to your teacher’s raspy voice anymore, you started to play with your pencil instead. You were twirling your pencil around your fingers, something that L would always do, but ended up making it slip out of your hand.

“Omo I am sorry.” You apologized to L.Joe who got hit by your pencil. *L is always making it look so easy.* You wondered why you couldn’t do it.

 “No problem, but you were already holding it the wrong way.” He chuckled at you and showed how it should be done.




“Finally” You beamed when the school bell cut your teacher’s monolog off. You were just about to leave the classroom, when your teacher called you back.

“On the last assembly the principal decided to cut off the cost for cleaning ladies in this school, so after school we always have to decide on two students who have to clean the classroom a week. I am sorry for ruining your day, but you have to start with this duty.” The teacher patted your shoulder.
“That’s not fair why does it have to be me?” You crossed your arms, but go ignored by your teacher.

“I know it’s your first day at our school, but could you help Soohyun clean this classroom? After all you seem to get along with her.” The teacher paired you up with L.Joe.

*Why do people keep ignoring me? Is ‘I am going to do anything just give me works to do’ written on my face? I highly doubt it.*




“School . Life .” You grumbled when you were mobbing the floor for half an hour.

“You didn’t use to be that grumpy back then.” L.Joe remarked in an amusing voice.

“What are you talking about?” You looked up just to see him sitting on one of the table looking you work.

“Yah why are you sitting there so lazily, the teacher said we should do it together.” You glared at him, but he just shrugged.

“You also didn’t yell at me back then.” He continued to confuse you.
“Stop with your nonsense-talk and help me with this.” You pointed at the floor that was still not cleaned.

Much to your surprise he got off of the table and approached you. “So you are listening?” You rolled your eyes annoyed and cursed him mentally for letting you work for half an hour all alone. *Stupid blond guy!*

“Yah Soohyun you really don’t remember me?” L. Joe suddenly popped up in front of you making you jumping up in surprise.

“I know who you are.” You looked at him as if he was crazy.

“Really?” He eyed you suspiciously. “Yes your name is L.Joe, you are the new transfer student, do you think I am dumb?” You rolled your eyes and got back to your work.

“Yes I think you are dumb.” You heard him whisper behind your back.

“Yah I heard this! So instead of insulting me you should better mob the floor!” You yelled at him again. *All those who have the letter L in their names are rude and lazy.* You shocked your head, remembering how L used to be.




When you were done cleaning your half, you took a look at your watch and where about to leave the classroom, when you saw that L.Joe has only throwing paper balls in the bin.

“Yah what do you think you are doing?” You yelled at him again. “How old are you? You are so childish.” You stomped your foot on the floor.

“You are telling me that I’m childish? Who is throwing a tantrum right now? Besides I am your Oppa so have more respect.” He rolled his eyes.

Before you could retort to his remark your ringing phone cut you off. “Yoboseyo?” You asked slightly annoyed.

“Wow you don’t sound satisfied to hear my voice.” You heard L chuckle. “Ani it’s just that I am with a stupid person right now.” You emphasized the word stupid so L.Joe could hear it clearly.

“Please who’s childish?” He just scoffed with an amusing face. “You are still at school?” L asked surprised.

“Yes I have to clean my classroom.” You sighed. “Hahaha so you are the loser who have to start with this duty?”

“What? So you called me loser?” You gasped. “He’s actually right so why do you pretend to be so surprise?” L.Joe kept commenting.

“Sorry, but you know. Who would do that?” L said trying to hide his amusement. “I was forced to do that.” You reasoned. “It’s not like I volunteered.”

“Well I am sure that I am not going to do that.” L responded. “And what if your teacher is going to force you?”

“She wouldn’t.” He stated bluntly. “And why wouldn’t she?” You rolled your eyes hearing L’ cockiness.

“Simply because I am me. Handsome, smart and rich.” He pointed out his characteristics. “You forgot cocky, annoying and unrealistic.”

“Wait until I get you puppy.” You heard him threatening and then he hung up.

“I am going.” You grabbed your bag and waved at L.Joe. “Who was that he asked you with a blank face.

“My boyfriend.” You shrugged and searched for your pencil. “Are you searching for this?” L.Joe made you look up.

“Yeah give it to me.” You opened your hand and moved to him. Much to your surprise he held his hand up high so that you couldn’t reach the pencil.
“L.Joe you should really stop with those childish acts.” You got closer to him who slowly backed away.

“You have no rights to call me childish.” He smirked and then with no warning L.Joe has pinned you against  the wall.

“Wh..what are you doing?” You stuttered seeing him that close to you.

“Why do you have a boyfriend?” He your red cheek. “I thought you were in love with me?” He asked with a hurt expression.

*This guy is crazy.* Your eyes became wide hearing his words that didn’t make sense to you.

“You are a liar Soohyun. You didn’t wait for me. You don’t even remember me.”




Author's Note: Wow you guys really commented a lot and as promised I've updated. I know you had to wait for L. Joe's appearence and I guess because he didn't show up earlier people have unsubscribe but oh well I can't change the past. He's here now that's all that matter right? Lol. So if you guys are wondering why Soohyun doesn't remember him, it's simply because he changed A LOT !!


Whatever anticipate for drama to come :3 feel free to comment and subscribe! *wonders how you will react to it :)*



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JannaMin_ #1
Chapter 11: holy he change because of her why? is it because of other people pls update soon and i doubt L will let her go...UPDATE NOW PLS
Sorry, but this story is completely equal to the manga: Ookami shoujo to Kuro Ooji. The only difference is that she turns to a maid. How can you do this???
familiarsadness #3! ;AA;
you have to continue the story i finished reading this in 1hr omgaddd... its so interesting !!!
OMO.... Myungsoo... dont lose her! *new reader*:))
OH MY HOLLY 'S WHY~!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update Again!! :)
omg this finally she remembered himmmm!!! omg omg myungsoo you have to do somethingg! dont let her to be byunghun's oh please ;___;

update please??? i want to know what will happen... >/<
Tea_Lover #9
Hi new reader ....I like how you always put images of new characters :3 amazing update as always poor L for being a heartbroken guy he must be traumatized now keke

ohh and I like how you made Junhyung in this story ...the hot player I guess xD

update soon <3
Hi, New Reader here..

Really LOVE your story ..
