Chapter 2

Not Meant To Be: Silence

Author: Please note that this story takes place in a different and fictional world. For example, phones don't exist. 

Day 1

Seokjin led Taehyung through the woods, showing him directions so that if he comes out here on his own, he won't get lost in all of the trees. While Seokjin is directing him, he doesn't pay attention.

'I would never get lost in these stupid trees so why bother,' he thought to himself as he trails behind Seokjin, their hands still connected. When they reached an intersection, the concentrated man warned Taehyung never to go left. He asked why and Seokjin explained that it was dangerous. They then make their way back at noon for lunch.

Once they were inside the cozy home, Taehyung went back to his room to organize his belongings while Seokjin fixed some food in the kitchen. Right when he finishes putting his clothes away in the closet, something outside of his window catches his attention. Walking up to it, he opened the window and sees Seokjin spreading a picnic blanket outside.

After setting the blanket up, he comes back inside. Taehyung went back to sorting his things out. About 5 minutes later, Seokjin knocks on his door.

Taehyung opened the door and without saying anything, Seokjin takes his hand again with a soft smile, taking him back outside. The butterflies fluttered lightly in Taehyung's stomach but he ignored it, thinking that he's probably sick or something.

Seokjin takes him to the picnic blanket and sat Taehyung down on it. He sits across from him and watches as Taehyung's eyes widen at all the food.

"Do you always eat this much?" he asks, surprised. Seokjin nods proudly; he loves to cook and eat. The other man scoffs.

"Huh, I should call you Pig Jin," he jokes but Seokjin took it seriously. They eat but Taehyung noticed how Seokjin only took one bite while he's already on his second plate. Out of all the food he could've chosen, Seokjin only selected the simple salad.

He pokes a cherry tomato with his fork while Taehyung is still shoving food into his own mouth. After he finished his second plate, Seokjin hasn't even finished half of his first plate.

"Hey, why aren't you eating? I thought you eat a lot," he wasn't careful with his choice of words. Seokjin stops poking the tomato and sets his fork down. He then stood up abruptly before walking away.

Confused, Taehyung's eyes followed Seokjin as he walks a few meters to the pond before sitting down and hugging his knees. It looked almost like the time he was crying by the river.

"Wait, is he crying? What did I do this time?!" Taehyung huffed and continued eating but Jimin's voice pops into his head:

'You're just like the rest of this village. Rude and disrespectful.'

That reminded him that Jimin didn't like how Taehyung was treating Seokjin, which was why he is here in the first place so without complaining (even though he really wanted to) he stood up and trudged to the lonely man.

Seokjin was staring into the pond when Taehyung suddenly sat down next to him. He made no eye contact as he picked up a small stone, throwing it into the pond. They both watch the ripples caused by the stone in silence until Taehyung spoke.

"Are you sad because I called you Pig Jin?" he said flatly. Instead of making any response, Seokjin turns his head away, clearly upset. Of course that's why he's sad.

"Seokjin, please listen," Taehyung pleads. Seokjin isn't crying or anything but he might soon and Taehyung definitely didn't want that to happen again. Seeing Seokjin cry is even sadder than it already is.

"I'm sorry. Seokjin, are you listening? I know you can hear me," he leans forward to see if Seokjin was ignoring him. Seokjin turns away even more, not allowing Taehyung to see his face. An idea comes into Taehyung's mind and he smirks.

Seokjin gasps when Taehyung's fingers attacks his sides, tickling him. Because of the tickling, he couldn't keep it in so he let out a quiet laugh unexpectedly. Taehyung stops and when Seokjin faces him, he had a shocked expression.

"Y-you can laugh?!" he exclaims. Seokjin nods slowly. Of course he can laugh. Taehyung didn't ask more about it. He's surprised but actually found the laugh quite pleasant.

"I like your laugh," he compliments and he meant it. On the other hand, Seokjin wasn't sure if Taehyung was lying or not. But it made him shy anyway.

"Seokjin," Taehyung calls him to get his attention. "I'm sorry," he apologizes again and by reading his eyes, Seokjin could tell that he really was sorry so he accepted the apology. Maybe Taehyung isn't as mean and scary as he thought.

Not wanting to waste more time, they went back to the blanket and Seokjin wolf down the rest of the food. Taehyung was already full so he grins as he watches the adorable man before him fill up his belly.


For the rest of the day, Seokjin showed Taehyung around more so that he knows where and how to use things in the house. After eating dinner, both of them washed up and Taehyung was about to go to bed when Seokjin pulled him back outside.

"Hey, I don't want to go outside again. Seokjin, I'm tired!" he complained but the other didn't care. Taehyung whined until they got out on the porch. The sight above him stunned him.

"Amazing," he states briefly before Seokjin let go of him to look up too. There were so many stars and each one twinkled so brightly. It's not like Taehyung never saw stars before; he sees them at his house every night!

What makes this so different is how peaceful it is. The tall trees accompanied the stars; it looked like they were looking up at the stars too. Since Seokjin lived near the edge of the village where there were less people, it was quiet and nice.

Remember how Taehyung always wanted to find a nice and quiet place to relax? Well, maybe this is perfect...

Taehyung suddenly scolded himself.

'Wait, am I enjoying this? But why? It's only the first day so why is there such a big change? And worst of all, Seokjin is here,' he reminds himself that he didn't like the quiet man.

After star gazing in peace for a few minutes, Seokjin noticed how quiet Taehyung got. When he checked up on the male, shaking him by the shoulder, he starts to slide off the porch and Seokjin grabbed him before he could tip over.

Taehyung's weight leaned on Seokjin, causing him to lose his balance. He managed to stay up after struggling a bit. Taehyung is still limp and...sleeping?

Yes, Taehyung is indeed sleeping. His head is propped on Seokjin's shoulder and again, when he turned his head, he's met with another close up of Taehyung's face. Blushing again, he shook his head to clear his mind and concentrated on taking Taehyung to bed.

It took a while but after a couple times of nearly crashing Taehyung into the wall, Seokjin tumbled his way into the room. He took a moment to catch his breath after dropping Taehyung onto his bed.

Then he tucked the sleeping male nicely, wanting him to be as comfortable as he can. He closed the window, turned off the lamp, then before shutting the door after him, he smiled at the snoring man.



Day 2

Taehyung groaned as he looked around his surrounding of trees. Every direction looked the same. He knew he should have paid attention to Seokjin yesterday and now he regrets it. 

If you guessed that Taehyung got lost in the're wrong.

After breakfast, Seokjin decided that he wants to quiz Taehyung on how well he knows the woods. Taehyung was going to retort, "That's the dumbest thing you've suggested," but caught himself before he could say it out loud.

He's pretty sure that if he said that, Seokjin would be sulking by the pond again.

So Seokjin dumped him in the middle of the woods before leaving him alone. Now it's been an hour already and he hasn't made any progress.

"Ugh, I hate him. I hate this stupid idea of his and this damn forest," he exaggerated since the woods wasn't that enormous. After stomping around for a while, he finally found something familiar.

An intersection!

"What did Seokjin say about the intersection?" he tries to recall what the man told him yesterday.


When they reached an intersection, the concentrated man warned Taehyung never to go left.

*End of Flashback*

"I think he said to always go left," he said confidently to himself. Clearly, he didn't remember what Seokjin told him, so instead of avoiding the left like he's suppose to, Taehyung walked right into the dangerous path.

A few minutes later, as the path continued, it soon got blocked by a few bushes. Not wanting to waste more time, Taehyung was planning to just step over them without a second thought.

"There are only a few bushes. I'm sure I can past them without a problem," he mumbled to himself and took two steps into the bushes. Then more steps. And one more...

"Ah!" Taehyung screamed when someone jumped on him from his left side, pushing him away from the bushes. They both fell onto the ground with the person on top of Taehyung. Groaning, he finally looks at the person who attacked him.

"Seokjin?!" he cried out with shock when Seokjin's face was inches away from his. He then sat up, straddling Taehyung but he didn't care about the awkward position that he'd just put them in. He looked angry which was something that Taehyung never saw since Seokjin tends to be gentle.

He took out his little chalkboard and scribbled furiously, 'I told you that it's dangerous here!'

Taehyung rolled his eyes which irritated Seokjin even more so he hits the man's chest with his chalkboard a few times.

"Stop it! Why are you hitting me?!" Taehyung shouts and Seokjin stops. He drops the board and chalk before getting up, storming towards the bushes. Taehyung follows shortly after to see what was so dangerous.

Seokjin carefully steps into the bushes until he knew where to stop. Slowly, he spread the bushes apart, revealing something that scared Taehyung to prove how dangerous this area is.

Hidden by the bushes just by a small sliver was a drop off.

With all the tall trees, bushes, and other plants all around, the drop off was almost camouflaged. He couldn't tell how far the drop would be but he's sure that he might not survive if he did happen to fall off.

Seokjin huffed angrily before shuffling off and Taehyung followed like a puppy. He doesn't want to lose sight of Seokjin or he might run into another dangerous situation.

Soon enough, they returned to the house and as soon as they sat down on the couch, Seokjin searched for any injuries that Taehyung could've gotten while he was alone. Luckily, there were none.

"How did you find me? I thought I was alone so you could quiz me," he wondered and Seokjin sighs.

Yes, Taehyung was alone at first; after dropping him in the middle of the woods, Seokjin returned to his home to wait for the man to find his way back. He waited and waited but when it took too long, he started to get worried.

So when he went back to find Taehyung, he saw the intersection and he had a feeling that Taehyung must've gone left. He was right when he finally saw Taehyung right by the drop off. He panicked and pushed Taehyung away before the idiot kills himself. But now he's safe and Seokjin can only sigh in relief.

Taehyung gasped sharply when Seokjin hugs him tightly, arms almost strangling the shocked person. He's just really glad that nothing happened to Taehyung.

He could smell him, especially his hair which is pressed against his face. Taehyung took a quick whiff, just because he is curious about the nice smell. 

"What's with the hug?" he demands and stares into Seokjin's eyes. He finds it strange because he hasn't spend that much time with him. I mean, it's only the second day of this week.

Oddly, Seokjin's entire face, neck, and especially his ears heats up. He shook his head, insisting that he's just relieved and that it's nothing else. Taehyung decide to believe him even though he noticed how Seokjin made his way awkwardly into his bedroom before shutting the door behind him.

After a moment of silence afterwards, Taehyung chuckles softly at the behavior.

Then something catches his eye. He didn't pay too much attention to the pictures hanging on the walls since he got here (because they're just portraits of Seokjin) but a family picture hung near a corner.

It's a baby Seokjin with a man and a woman who are probably his parents.

That's right...

What happened to his family?


Day 3

Seokjin needed to buy more food and ingredients so he took Taehyung along too. After the incident yesterday, he didn't want Taehyung to place himself in harm's way again.

Taehyung didn't mind though. Surprisingly, he missed seeing crowds and his friends.

They arrived; it's the same place with the apple shack. Taehyung stayed by Seokjin's side, talking to him about what his mom would always make him for dessert and other stories. He seems to enjoy hearing the stories until Taehyung saw how his face dimmed slightly.

It was suddenly quiet and when he looked around, everyone was staring and whispering to each other. They stayed out of the way and stared at the pair like something was wrong with them. Everyone became so dull.

"He's here again..."

"Is that Kim Taehyung?"

"What is Taehyung doing with that boy?"

Every whisper echoed in Taehyung's ears as Seokjin minds his own business and scanned through the colorful fruits. The whispers talked about Seokjin, how he wasn't wanted and different.

He couldn't believe that he heard this plenty of times before meeting Seokjin and didn't care. Concerned about Seokjin, Taehyung glanced at him to see if he's alright.

Seokjin's smile is present but it wasn't the same. It's the same smile, but the meaning behind it differed so much.

'He's faking his smile,' Taehyung concludes.

Before he and his friends met Seokjin, they thought that Seokjin had always been happy with his life. He's always smiling so no one cared to ask how he's doing. Now that Taehyung knows about the smile masking Seokjin's real state, he wants to bring him back to his home by the woods and keep him away from the sick people here.

Rude and disrespectful. Forget about missing the crowds, Taehyung hated them even more.

Once Seokjin picked all the things he want, the two men left without another word. And as usual, right after Seokjin left, everyone became loud and lively again. It was like they didn't want Seokjin to be part of the liveliness and joy.

Taehyung bit his bottom lip, not knowing what to say.


Seokjin and Taehyung relaxed in the green grass outside of Seokjin's home. They looked at the fluffy clouds, laughing at some that looked like a funny creatures. The soft grass acted like a bed as they lay down on it on their backs.

Soon, they let the calm noises of the trees, wind, and animals surround them. It was peaceful but Taehyung couldn't help thinking back about what occurred a while ago.

"Seokjin," he breathes out softly. Seokjin turned his head so he can see Taehyung. His patient and tender face squeezes Taehyung's heart.

"Don't listen to those people," he whispers and Seokjin knew what he was talking about. He looks back at the sky and Taehyung flipped over so that he's on his side, arm propping his head up.

Seokjin didn't want to talk more about it but Taehyung expressed his thoughts anyway.

"I like how your different and I want you to know that you're wanted," he said with the light wind dancing around his hair.

The breeze brushed hair away from Seokjin's face, revealing his smooth forehead. He didn't believe Taehyung. How is he wanted?

"I want you," Taehyung answered for him.

Seokjin sat up and shook his head. He thought Taehyung didn't like him so why is he saying this?

"Please believe me. I'm not the only one. Jimin, Jungkook, and the others want you to be their friend," he adds to prove his point. He's telling the truth.

Seokjin searched for his chalkboard before asking, 'But you don't like me.'

Taehyung reads this then laughs. Seokjin didn't know what was funny.

"Well, yeah, I didn't like you at first but," he smirks at Seokjin, "I think I changed my mind."

A smile grows on Seokjin's face and Taehyung smiles back as the bond between them strengthen more.


Day 4

For most of the day, the young men explored the creatures in the pond. There were many tadpoles and Seokjin can't control his excitement for the adorable babies. Taehyung is more interested in the turtle though.

"Seokjin, look at the turtle!" he exclaims at a grumpy turtle. It wasn't a huge turtle or anything but it's a turtle and turtles are interesting to Taehyung.

Seokjin went to look at the turtle, then he covered his smile like he thought of something funny. When Taehyung wanted to know what he's thinking about Seokjin tells him that the turtle looks like Yoongi. They laugh together because the turtle really is similar to their friend.

Later, Seokjin teaches Taehyung how to sign the alphabet since he wanted to learn a bit of sign language.

The day went past so fast and the men got tired out by the time the sun set.


Day 5

"Finished!" Taehyung huffed as he puts on oven mitts and lifting the muffins out of the oven. Since he didn't get to eat them last time, Seokjin and he made more blueberry muffins.

As they waited in the living room for the muffins to cool, Taehyung asks, "Are you still upset about how I treated your muffins last time?"

Seokjin shook his head because it's alright since Taehyung already apologized for that.

Taehyung shifts his head and sees the family photo again. It made him wonder about the family again. Where are they now? Maybe he should ask about them now.

"Hey, Seokjin-" he turns to see no one next to him.

Apparently, Seokjin already left. Taehyung heads into the kitchen and found Seokjin eating the muffins without him. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights with his eyes wide and mouth stuffed.

"Oh, you little..." he chased Seokjin around the kitchen. They went around the table and between chairs. Soon, Seokjin got cornered.

Taehyung growls playfully and pounced on him. He traps Seokjin in his arms, not letting him escape. Out of breath, Seokjin gives up and pants while Taehyung spots something.

Some crumbs were still sticking onto Seokjin's plump lips. Taehyung craved for the sweet treat so without any warning, he wipes the crumbs off with his thumb then it clean. Seokjin took the opportunity to get out of his arms.

They went back to the abandoned muffins to eat them.

Seokjin couldn't stop thinking about how gentle Taehyung's thumb was and Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about how plush Seokjin's lips were.


Day 6

Taehyung watches as Seokjin pushes the small table into the living room. On top of it was a dusty record player from his attic. He cleans and dusts it off then takes out a clean vinyl. It gleamed when Seokjin places it where it should be.

Classical music fills up the room and Seokjin smiles, glad that he didn't ruin anything. They listen to the music until Taehyung thought of something. Seokjin can't say no to this.

"Come here," he orders. Seokjin's oblivious about what the other was planning so he came closer without a second thought. That's when Taehyung grabs him and spun him around.

"Dance with me!" he cheers out, startling Seokjin at first but he eventually begin to spin and jump with Taehyung. They were not professional dancers but the way they did it was fun and they could go on and on and on....until they tripped and almost tumbled out of the house.


After their fun with the record player, they rest in Seokjin's neat room. Seokjin's sprawled on the bed and Taehyung's sitting in the desk, staring at his reflection in the mirror. A paper airplane swoosh by and hits the mirror, catching Taehyung's attention.

'Unfold me,' is written on the wings so that's what he did.

'Can you sing to me?' was the written note inside. He turned to the man on the bed who has a hopeful face.

"You want me to sing?" he sets the paper down, took a few steps, then sat on the bed, sinking into the mattress with Seokjin. The said man nods with exhilaration, eager to hear his voice.

He's fine with any song from any genre from any language.

"Okay," he chuckles, thinking of which song he should choose. Songs play in his head, giving him suggestions to choose from. Finally, something seemed perfect.

"I'll sing something," he clears his throat nervously. Seokjin's imaginary tail is wagging ceaselessly. Taehyung begins at the chorus:

"Don't leave me, don't leave me behind~
Please turn your heart to me and walk towards me~
I sincerely want you, I will risk my life~
Please take me into the dispersing lights~
Until the end of the world~
Na na na na na na~
It's gonna be you~
Na na na na na na~
I can't let go~
Na na na na na na~
Na na na na na na"

He didn't sing the whole song but it was more than enough for Seokjin.

The man complimented him right away, describing how his voice was amazing. He then wants Taehyung to sing another song for him.

"Another one? No thanks, I have better things to do," Taehyung said bluntly but took it back when he saw how Seokjin looked. He looked like a kicked puppy so Taehyung reacted immediately.

"Fine! I'll sing another song," he panicked but when Seokjin lit up again, he calmed down.

He ended up singing multiple songs but it made Seokjin comfortable so it didn't bother him much. While singing, Seokjin is tucked in bed, listening to the soothing voice.

With Taehyung's warm and soulful voice drifting through the air, Seokjin became sleepy like a baby listening to a lullaby. His eyelids become heavy and Taehyung's voice grows faint, fading in and out until it vanishes completely.

Taehyung stops singing when he's sure Seokjin's deep asleep. He smiles at how peaceful the sleeping beauty looks in the white blankets.


Day 7

As Seokjin paces around Taehyung's room, cleaning and tidying the place, Taehyung's curiosity is at its limit. He really wants to know about Seokjin's family or his brain will explode. Something in him wonders how a person like Seokjin has no family.

Do they just live in different villages like Jungkook and his parents? Maybe he isn't on good terms with them? Or maybe.... he's an orphan?

Taehyung has to know.

He finally asks what he has wanted to ask when Seokjin is fluffing up a pillow.

"Where is your family?"

Seokjin pales and sets the pillow back on the bed in a hurry. Turning on his heels, he walks out of the room to avoid the talk but Taehyung stopped him from leaving. He blocks the door, not allowing Seokjin to leave until he talks to him.

"Can you tell me? Please? Or is it too personal?" he asks with a soft voice to ease the unsettled man. He really wants to know the answers but if Seokjin finds it concerning, then he won't pry into his privacy.

Seokjin takes both of Taehyung's hands instantaneously while shaking his head as an answer. 
Yes, it's a personal and sensitive topic but he wants to tell Taehyung about it. He has never told anyone because no one has ever asked or cared. Until now.

Taehyung also became his friend so maybe he's a good person to discuss it with to share his feelings.

So they went back to the bed and got comfortable. With a chalk and board ready, Seokjin tells his story about his family, even if it's going to take a while.


"Shh... don't cry anymore... no more crying," Taehyung shush to get Seokjin to stop crying. Seokjin is in Taehyung's arms, head in his chest, and tears wetting his shirt. Taehyung himself felt heartbroken after hearing such a sad past.

He has trouble consoling Seokjin, who continues to soak Taehyung's shirt with his teardrops. After digging for any helpful ideas, one could do the trick.


"One day~
I wrote a long, long letter to the moon~"

Seokjin went still before staring up at Taehyung with a surprised expression. His rosy lips trembled and his eyes expressed how pained he was to remind himself of his past. It made Taehyung want to slap himself for making Seokjin go through all of this just for his own curiosity.

"It would not be brighter than you~
But I lit a small candle~"

Slowly retreating back into the warmth of Taehyung's chest, Seokjin's breathing evened as the sweet melody went on until it was all he could think of.


Day 8

Taehyung groaned lowly as he stretched on his bed, his limps aching. As he was streching, his hand brushed something silky.

He almost fell out of the bed when he sees Seokjin still asleep in the same bed.

"Oh yeah, he fell asleep here yesterday," he grumbled as he went to open the curtains, letting the morning light in.

The light woke up Seokjin as he rubbed his swollen eyes. Taehyung knelt next to the bed beside Seokjin as the latter finally opens his eyes.

His first reaction was no surprise. He immediately sat up, feeling slightly dizzy since he wasn't fully awake yet. 

"Are you okay now?" Taehyung asked him. He nods and bows to apologize for sleeping in his bed.

"Oh, you don't have to! It's also your bed since it's your house," he assures him with a smile. Seokjin returned the smile even though it was a small one.

Taehyung jumps back onto his feet and steps to the door. He's excited and wants breakfast.

"So, what shall we do today, your highness?" he teases the tired man. Seokjin bit his lips and looked away. Taehyung came back and sat next to him.

"What's wrong?"

Seokjin finds the chalkboard that he had used yesterday and with the worn out chalk, he slowly writes down what Taehyung had forgot about.

'The week is over.'

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Taetaewife #1
Chapter 2: *Jungkook voice* "But I still want you.." -TTU
Chapter 6: I'm a mess
It was so intricate
So beautiful
Thank you for penning down
Chapter 2: Ohh poor baby jinnie ❤
hazftcor #4
Seoulqueenka #5
Chapter 6: Naturally I ruined the ending for myself by reading the comments and finding out what happened. Jungkook how could you!!! Everyone was over It... even Hobi himself... but not you!!! He legit framed them and got my mans Chimchim killed!!! And then they dragged Seokjin through the forest and left him to die!!! Even if he didn’t anticipate any deaths in curious as to how he thought this was okay!! And on top of that he has Hobi believing that all his friends are dead and that he’s innocent!!! Jungkook you know I have mad love for you irl but here imma have to fight you!!! You did a great job!!!
I knew it! Jungkook really gave me bad vibes from the start, but I didn't expect him to have feelings for Hoseok, I thought it was Tae so he wants Jin out of their life. Also the ending, why does Jin have to die T_T so sad and Taehyung singing for him one last time.. I was teary-eyed when I'm reading omg I'm anticipating the sequel but there's no more TaeJin :(((
Thank you for writing this heart-breakingly beautiful story author-nim I hope you write more TaeJin stories..
Yuki87 #7
Chapter 6: I
Chapter 6: Well, you did great. You made me cry TT Why why why Seokjin did nothing wrong. He just found the love of his life, Taehyung, but not be able to live with him. Jungkook! You ! Everyone is hurt because of you. They are your friend, aren't they? But... TT well Thanks for writing such a great story like this authornim. *sobing*
Chapter 6: Why?! Author nim, did you do this???
You successfully made me cry again and again TT_TT
This is too cruel >.< too much >.<
I did hope this story would end with happiness though, over the cruel past of Jin's life. But this is really unlucky Jin's story.
And you did great job, Author nim!! You successfully put the vibes in every scene.
Hopefully I can read your another great story, soon! 사랑해 ♥
Chapter 6: You made me cry :( :(
But m waiting for the sequel.