donghyuck the sun

Just markhyuck things ♡
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Mark: Do you think the real sun ever gets jealous of donghyuck ? Cause i think it does. Cause hyuckkie shines brighter than the sun itself *literal heart eyes*

Jeno: it's freaking 3am mark. Sleep.

Mark: how can i close my eyes when the light of my life shines so bright ?

Jeno: well the light of your life isn't shining right now. He is sleeping. Oh and snorting.

Mark: he is so beautiful even when snorting *dreamy sigh*

Jeno: god i just wanted to sleep peacefuly. Did i ask for so much ?

Mark: do you think "i need a sun cream cause you are my sun" is too cheesy for a pick up line ?

Jeno: *groans and burries his face into his pillow*

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