
the boy of my dreams

5 am. The same dream as always. It's been 3 months since I last slept more than 4 hours. The last calm night, was my Birthday night. After I got 17 everthing changed with that stupid dream. In the first 3 weeks I thought I'm going crazy but then I got used to it, I mean sure it's still pretty weird but what can I do about it? Every morning I do the same. I shower with hot water, to get the coldness, the dream caused, out of my body. After that I watch Netflix untill I hear my Mom scream "Kook!? You have to get ready and eat somthing or else you gonna be late for school!" from downstaires. Every Morning is ing the same. 

School...I hate school. Especially the first day of scool after vacation. Why does the week has to start with Monday?  Everybody with a functioning brain hates mondays. Except maybe the Kardashians because they get ing paid for breathing and don't have to work.                                    "Jungkooooooook!!!!!! What's up brooo?" Hoseok. I really love this guy, in a bestfriend way. He always makes me laugh.                                                         But he's loud...too loud sometimes. Now for example. Why did he had to sream my name so loud that the whole cafetiria turns theire heads and stare at me? I don't like getting so much attention. It makes me nervous and uncomfortable. Hoseok on the other hand wouldn't feel uncomfortable even if the whole world is staring at him.                                   "Heyy, nothing much just eating...long time no see honey"                                                                                "Can you stop calling me that? It's not my fault that my mom thinks she has to call me llike that infront of the whole class. That was embaressing enough. So please Jungkookie just stop." Hoseok says, trying to look as sad as possible.                         "Ok. I'll stop I'm sorry that I upset you honey....Au! No need to slap me. Just sit down already."                  "Still have those dreams?" Hoseok asks with a concerned look on his face.                                            "Yup...But let's not talk about that rightnow."                 I really don't want to talk about those dreams... They haunt me at night, no need to remember me at day also.




OK...I really don't like what i'm writing rightnow. This is complete bull. I had this story in my mind but somehow I can't really put my thoughts in words... I don't even know if somebody is reading this. Maybe I'll start a new story or complete this one. I don't know... but this was a complete fail... I'm still going to upload this chapter tho.                                                                                                                                                                                          

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tchester08 #1
Chapter 2: I'm reading your story! And i think the idea is interesting so keep going !! But if you don't feel like it i can't force you...