Attayear (Byun Baekhyun)

EXO Recommendations & Reviews

Attayear by Korekrypta and Get2herheart


  • Genre: Romance, Science Fiction (Sci-Fi), Drama, AU
  • Chapter Count: 97
  • Status: Complete


     Park Jinsu is an aspiring scientist and daughter of the richest technological conglomerate owner in South Korea. Her parents' company has spent years investing in building a time machine, even despite setbacks such as the Byun family claiming that they stole the patents for it, and now that she's nearly seventeen, Jinsu has been allowed to help work on small, unimportant bits of the nearly completed Attayear, due to be launched at the annual Physics for Young People student conference. As the daugher of the Attayear's brainfather and one of the best physicists her age in the country, Jinsu is awarded one of the two-dozen coveted spaces for the machine's inaugural journey into the past-- a journey which her father and various government officials have decided to award to the most promising youth of the day to inspire them in their work.

     The problems begin when Baekhyun, son of the aforementioned Byuns and fellow classmate, is also awarded a place on the trip, along with a number of this toadies, and he just happens to hate Jinsu's guts-- and might just be on a revenge mission for the results of the patents court case that ruined his family's lives.

     And then an act of sabotage leaves them stranded in the past, their numbers and supplies gradually being depleted, and Jinsu and Baekhyun are forced to work together if they want to survive . . .

1. Well-woven Plot

I have never really been interested in sci-fi or Baekhyun fanfictions before, but this one truly blew my mind. The plot was so captivating, well thought-out, and action-filled that it was evident that the authors truly planned out their plot before writing (unlike many authors who detail the plot as they go).

2. Grammar/Spelling

No errors.

3. Realisticness

Very realistic and not cheesy at all. There is a perfect coalescence of fluff, angst, drama, and romance that seamlessly make the story whole and as illustrative as a movie.

4. Wow Factor


5. Opinion

One of the best fanfictions I have ever read, and that is saying a lot. It has turned me into a fanfiction sci-fi/Baekhyun fan-- something I had never really bothered before.

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