Amethyst (Zhang Yixing/Lay)

EXO Recommendations & Reviews

Amethyst by Djeniryuu


  • Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama
  • Chapter Count: 15
  • Status: Complete


     They have been together for four years now and just five months ago, he proposed to her. They have been the couple that everyone envied but now, they are not sure if they still can call themselves a 'couple.' In those five months, a lot has happened. Problems and arguments arise every now and then.

     Zhang Yixing's habits and doings are taking a toll in their relationship and his actions are enough to put their relationship on the rocks.

     Zhen Mei Lin is trying her best to save their relationship but then she realizes she is the only one that is interested in saving their relationship . . .

1. Well-woven Plot

The plot at the start is very good, but eventually swerves to a "think-of-a-plot-as-you-go/per-chapter" type of feel. It does relay back and forth between Yixing messing up their relationship quite often (thus having several rising actions rather than one whole). As the story progresses, there is some cliche (i.e. parents diapproving, etc.), but the occasional fluff and the overarching drama/angst pulls through and ultimately gives the story a nice finish.

2. Grammar/Spelling

Lay fanfictions are rare to come by, and even so, a grammatically-correct/good-plot one is even rarer. That being said, there are no continuous errors worth noting.

3. Realisticness

It is a little cliche, but it really does bring out a heartwrenching feeling when reading it-- something that I don't feel often. Hence, when it does happen, I'm hooked.

4. Rating


5. Opinion

One of the best Lay fanfictions I've read on this site. The Empty Bus Seat was the best, but since it's been taken down for some reason, this one currently tops my list of Lay fanfictions.

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