
Joy was getting tired of the park's scenery. It was really boring. Her owner's sudden pauses while she was walking did not help either. She only had so much stamina in her dog body to drag Irene--her owner.
She wondered what Irene was looking at. There were only annoying dogs in the park. Occasionally, she would see cats, but they did not disturb her so she really could not care less abou them.
The first time she was here, there was a dog that tried to befriend her while Irene was away buying some human stuff. If her memory served correctly, her owner had been bringing her to the same park since that incident.
What if she was trying to set her up with that strangely friendly dog? She did not say she wanted to take care of a litter of puppies!
Wait. False alarm. That friendly dog was also female.
So what was Irene trying to achieve here?
Anyway, could they please walk faster, because--ouch.
A huge creature ran over Joy, the Labrador.
OK. Who brought a bear to a freaking dog park?
"Seulgi!" A woman ran over to Joy and Irene, yelling at the bear.
At a closer look, the said bear was actually a Newfoundland. You know, like Nana in Peter Pan. She just happened to have dark brown fur.
"I am so, so sorry! I had her leash in my hand but she just dragged me onto the ground and I fell! Then she rushed to your side!"
The woman explained, but her face was still filled with terror. Irene had not said anything, and that was probably why the Newfoundland's owner was so frightened.
"I'm so happy to see you! See how much I'm borking! Bork bork bork." Seulgi the bear barked happily at Joy, not realizing she had caused her owner such horror.
"Shut up." Joy barked back in hopes for Seulgi to keep quiet.
"You're mean but you have pretty fur." The bear replied.
A few borks later, Irene regained her footings and finally said something.
"It's alright. I'm not hurt. I think Joy looks fine too."
"I'm relieved! She isn't usually this excited, but I think she likes this park."
"I like it here, too."
There was something about the way Irene was staring at the girl. She seemed nervous, but there was determination written in her eyes.
"I'm Irene."
"I'm Wendy. Nice too meet you."
"Wanna grab a coffee over there? You can tell me why you like this park."
"I actually don't."
Irene realized what she had said and clamped a hand over .
"I guess I'll go if you don't want coffee."
Wendy looked disappointed, but she still kept a smile on her face.
"No! That's not that I meant..."
Irene was a thinking of a way to make her explanation not creepy. Sadly, the truth was at least a bit creepy.
She breathed deeply and let out a sigh before admitting the truth.
"I only came back to this dog park for the past month because I wanted to meet you again."
Awkward silence filled the air.
"I swear I'm not a stalker! But you look so pretty taking pictures with your dog and you were talking to the trainers at the store. So I came back to walk my dog and hope to see you again!"
Wendy laughed hearing her response. It did not sound forced, so that was a good sign.
"That's actually adorable."
"Please don't call the police. I swear I'll back off."
"No, I don't want you to do that."
Her reply surprised Irene, whom was acting more like a fool than she was ten seconds ago.
"I noticed you, too, the last time I was here."
Irene's jaw dropped and Joy desperately wanted to pick it up for her, but dog paws were not designed to do that.
"I talked to other people because I wasn't sure that I won't make a fool of myself talking to you."
Wendy scratched her head in embarrassment.
"By the time I was ready, you already left. I even thought of things for us to talk about."
Joy remembered that day. She accidentally bit her own tail out of curiosity and it bled, so they went to ththe vet. It was one of the stupidest things she had done, including showing Irene affection at the animal shelter. Although that was also one of the best decisions she had made.
"Wanna have that conversation now?" Irene asked.
"I'll buy us coffee."
"So, that's why I had to leave so soon that day."
"Poor Joy."
"So, uh, wanna go on a date with me?"
"Just us?"
"I'll leave Joy with Seulgi so they won't feel lonely while we're out."
"We can have our own date!"
"Kill me already."
"I also have a cat at home. I hope Yeri won't cause Joy any distress."
"I changed my mind. DOUBLE KILL."
I don't know what this is, but I thought I should post it.
Thanks for reading, as always.
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Chapter 1: So cute.
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha
Chapter 1: i love it xD
Allen5 #4
Chapter 1: Best story it's hilarious and the doublekill got me. XD
Chapter 1: Omg doggie joy and seul plush cat yeri xD why am I pitying on joy right now..
Chapter 1: Awwww. This is so adorable...
Taomikka #7
Chapter 1: This is sooo adorable I imagine Seulgi as a dumb dumb friendly dog while Joy is the grumpy adorable one.
garensuhanazono #8
Chapter 1: *Tries to imagine Seulgi in her Newfoundland form*

*sigh* As if I need another reason to see her as one of the fluffiest humans ever.

Such a cute and fun story! Thanks, Author ! :)