Is jealousy = Love?

Seoul... I'm in Love!


WARNING>> contain a little bit of VIOLENCE 


Why did I kiss her? He thought to himself, he touches his lips… It felt good and sweet…. My be because I’m a guy? Yes! That’s right! A guy could kiss just anyone if they’re in that close position… It’s just nature! Yes, it’s just the guy thing… He was trying to convince himself

He looked up when he saw Nana came into the room, she didn’t say anything, she was tidying up the bed. Kyuhyun could see that her eyes were a bit teary. His heart sank, Why did she cry? Did she not like it? Is she upset that I kissed her?  But she kissed him back? Was that a natural gesture too? Aishiiiii! He rubbed his head hard. To say the truth, he was a bit disappointed that she cried.. Does she fell for the other guy, jinoon or whatever his name is? That’s why she cried? There are millions questions floating around in his head; he was just standing there looking at her.

Their gazed met, and he regretted the next thing he said. “Yah! It’s a guy thing… a guy thing…! A guy could just kiss anyone! You know!” he said

Nana looked at him with a sad expression, then she went outside the room without saying anything. What was that for? He was just trying to tell her to not getting the wrong message!

Nana was preparing breakfast outside. She couldn’t really say anything to Kyuhyun, because she kissed him too. She was so disappointed when he said that any guy could just kiss any girls in front of them. Did he just treat me like any other girl? She sighed heavily.

If I’m this upset, I think I fell for him even more, She thought. I shouldn’t do this to onnie!

“Do you want me to drop you off to school before our schedule?” Kyuhyun startled her

“A…a…. it’s… it’s okay… I can walk” she said avoiding his gaze, and went to their room

What was that again? Is she avoiding me now? Kyuhyun felt the warmness in his chest begin to fade.

But he was right, she was avoiding him. The next few days, she woke up really early, prepared the breakfast, asked Dong Hae or other member to wake him up, and she’ll come home late and stayed in the kitchen to study until late at night before go in to their room. They hardly exchange any words. Kyuhyun didn’t know why, but it hurts him when he saw her avoiding him like that.

Nana was trying her best to not fall for him even more, she feels guilty towards her onnie, she didn’t keep her promise! She always comes home late to avoid meeting her, just in case she’ll be there. She couldn’t look at her in the eye after what happened between her and her onnie’s boy friend.



One afternoon…

What is going on with her? Kyuhyun kept thinking to himself.

"Kyuhynie.., I called you several times already... Are you thinking of something?" Victoria asked him.

Kyuhyun got startled; they were eating at the restaurant near their dorm. Kyuhyun shook his head, “Probably from the cold that I got” he said

“But that’s like a week ago” she looked worried, “Are you okay?”

Kyuhyun nodded, “Don’t worry! I’m fine!” he said and smiles sweetly at her

“Don’t smile like at in public, someone might see us” Victoria laughs

“I guess I won’t feed you then?” he said and smiles evilly

“Naaa-yahhh, have you been here before?” Kyuhyun heard someone’s said her name!, he looked up and found Ji-hoon and Nana just walked into the restaurant

Nana nodded, “I went here with Vic onnie before” she said

Victoria looked up, hearing her name, and she saw Nana too. “Naaaa-yaaahhh” she called her and motioned her to come. Nana looked shocked but she approached them anyway, with Ji-hoon.

That guy again, Kyuhyun pouted.

Nana looked at him, Does he hates me? He doesn’t want to see me?

“Sit with us!” Victoria said and grabbed Nana’s hand

“O…Onniee I don’t want to bother you guys” she said

“We don’t want to bother them either, Song Qian-ah” Kyuhyun said while looking at Ji-hoon bitterly

“Are you guys on a date?” Victoria asked her

“You mean Ji-hoon oppa? He’s just a sunbae from school” she said and motioned Ji-hoon to come closer

“This is F(X) leader, Victoria onnie” she said introducing them

Ji-hoon bowed, “Nice to meet you nuna (older sister)” he introduced himself

“Let’s sit together!” she told them again

Nana looked at Ji-hoon who already sit with them, she sighed, I have no choice!

They ordered their food and it becomes silence, mostly only Ji-hoon talked to Victoria.

When the food came, they eat and it becomes silent again.

“Kyuhyunie, eat this….” Victoria put some food to Kyuhyun’s bowl

Kyuhyun nodded and eat it. “Do you want to eat the fish too?” he asked

Victoria nodded, and he took out the bone for her

“Thank you Kyuhyuniee…” she said happily

Nana felt really uncomfortable, somehow she felt suffocated

“So, do you guys dating?” Ji-hoon asked whispering after looking at both of them

Victoria nodded shyly while Kyuhyun is changing his position, uncomfortably.

“Waaaaa…. I didn’t know, I thought you like your cousin, that’s why you’ve given me cold shoulder…” he said

Nana was shocked, “Oppa, eat some more of this…” she said stuffing more food into Ji-hoon’s mouth

“His cousin?” Victoria asked, confused

Ji-Hoon nodded and pointed Nana because his mouth was full

Nana obviously didn’t know how to react, she didn’t want to look at Victoria in the eye. Kyuhyun on the other hand, was mad, how could she feed someone else???

Nana was pretending eating her desert in order to avoid Victoria’s gazed. But suddenly someone grabber her hand before she put the food in . She looked at Ji-hoon confusedly who is now taking the food from her hand.

They all shocked of what happened. “Naa-yah, there is strawberry in this dessert” he said pointing at the strawberry in the cake that she was about to eat.

“Aren’t you allergic to strawberry?” he asked and grabbed the rest of the dessert in her plate

“Aaahhhh…. Thank you oppa!” she said, relieved. He saved her from looking like a bloated fish

How the hell, he knows she’s allergic to strawberry???? Even I don’t know that!!!! (You know who’s thought this is!)

“Naaa-yahhh, eat some more… You only eat 2 dumplings and you want dessert already?” he asked her

Yaaah! He even counts how many dumplings she eats???? Kyuhyun glared at him

“Wuooooaaaaaa, Ji-hoon –sshiii, you care so much about Nana huh?” Victoria told him

Ji-hoon smiled shyly, “But I have a problem, nuna!” he said, “Her cousin doesn’t seemed to like me. He’s so overprotective of her!” he added, realizing Kyuhyun’s glare

“Oppa!” she was shocked! How come he said something like that in front of Vic Onnie???

“Kyuhyunie, Don’t be too overprotective of her okay? Ji-hoon-sshi is a really nice guy!” Victoria said to kyuhyun

“We’ll see” he answered and looked away

“Thank you, nuna” he said and smiled widely

Kyuhyun grunt, and Victoria looked at her boyfriend curiously.


a little VIOLENCE, paragraph 3-5


A couple days later, Kyung Hee University – 06:00 PM

Ji-hoon has been waiting for Nana for about an hour now, where is she? She doesn’t have any more classes, they usually met up in front of the library. Does she still mad about the incident a week ago? She had been giving him cold treatment after that, but she always shows up!

Ji-hoon was wondering around and decided to look for her. He went to her class, but it’s empty, he went to the cafeteria, to the parking lot, he couldn’t find her anywhere. May be she’s at the back of the school? In the gym? But she’s not the type that will go to the gym! She couldn’t possibly go home, right?? Aishiiii! Why can’t she own a cell phone!!! Ji-hoon tried his luck to the back of the school after unsuccessful searched through the whole school. May be she did went to the gym? But he felt that she’s losing weight rather than gaining weight, but who knows???

“Yaaaah!! Get up!!” he heard some girls yelling from the back of the gym

He went to follow the sound and found four girls are kicking someone on the ground. He went closer and he recognized one of the girls, Hee Chul hyung’s ex-girlfriend! The girl from the restaurant last time!!!! And then he looked at the girl who is on the ground, motionless, trying to cover her face and head, he’s horrified, that’s Nana!

He run as fast as he could, grabbed one of the girls hand and threw her to the ground. Pushed another one so hard that the girl rolling a few times, he grabbed Hee-Chul’s ex –girlfriend by the neck and slapped her so hard. All the girls were stunned, shocked, they run as fast as they can. Ji-hoon picking Nana up from the ground, her face seemed fine, but her lips are bleeding – they seemed to slap her couple of times.

“Naaa-yaahhhh, are you okay? Do you feel hurt somewhere?” he asked really worried

Nana opened her eyes a little, “Oppa…” she said while crying and passed out

Ji-hoon picked her up and run as fast as he can to the clinic.


Super Junior Dorm, 11:00 PM (4 hours later)

Kyuhyun was walking back and forward in the dorm. One second he do something in the kitchen, the next second he will run and check the door.

“Kyuhyunie! You make me dizzy! Stop running around!” Siwon told the magnae              

“Kyuhyunie, are you waiting for someone?” Victoria asked him

“Oh? Me? No!” he said and walk away to the kitchen.

What time it is? Why isn’t she home yet? She usually comes home late, but she’ll be home by 8 or 9 the latest. It’s 11:00 for Goodness sakes!!! Where is she?? God! Why didn’t I buy her a cell phone??? If I asked Siwon hyung for Ji-hoon’s cell phone, they will know that I’m waiting for her!

“What’s with the magnae?” Hee Chul asked

“You know him, he always grumpy” says Dong Hae

“If he’s a woman I would think that he gets period every other day!” Sung Min added             

All the members and Victoria laughed at him

“Yahh! Quit talking about me!” he said, pouted and sits on the floor trying to watch the show. But he couldn’t concentrate, he looked at the clock every minute, he could hear it ticking, second by second. He looked at the clock and the door worriedly, 11:05, 11:10, 11:15 passed.

“Kyuhyunie, are you really okay?” Victoria asked him again, he somehow looked really worried

“I… I’m okay Song Qian-ah” he said. That’s it! If she hasn’t home in 5 minutes, I’m going to ask Siwon hyung to call Ji-hoon.

Right before he was about to ask Siwon, his phone ring. “Oh, Ji-hoon-ah”Siwon said. Oh! It’s the right timing!

“What?” Siwon said loudly and gets up from his seat, “But how?... why?” he then asked, looked really worried

All the member and Victoria looked at him, also worried even thought they don’t know what happened yet.

“Is she okay?” Siwon asked, Degh! Kyuhyun has a bad feeling about it.

“It’s okay… it’s okay” he then said, “I’ll let him know, Thank you Ji-hoon-ah” he said and hang up the phone

He looked at Kyuhyun, “Ji-hoon said that Nana will stay at his place for tonight” he said calmly

“She what?????” Kyuhyun jumped from his seat

“Hyung!!!! And you said it was okay????” he was mad at him, “It’s not up to you to decide, she’s my wife” he was so angry at his hyung

“Yah! Is she spending the night with another guy already? She looked innocent but apparently appearance can fool you!” Hee-Chul said and laughed

“Hee Chul Hyung!!!” Siwon yelled at Hee-chul. Everyone was shocked.

“What??” Hee-Chul was shocked by that too, Siwon never yelled at him

“Ji-hoon said that she was beaten up by your ex-girl friend” he said

Hee Chul was shocked, so does Kyuhyun.

“Ji-hoon said he took her to the clinic already and they treated her, but she’s still shaken up. So she will stays at Ji-hoon’s for tonight” he explained

For one minute, no one said anything.

“Hyungg!!! Give me his address!” Kyuhyun yelled at Siwon while run to his room and come back wearing a thick jacket while holding another thick jacket

“HYUNGGG!!” he yelled at Siwon again

“Kyuhyunie, you should let her rest over there! I know Ji-hoon, he wouldn’t do anything to her” he tried to calm him down

“I don’t care! Give me the address! NOW!” he said giving Siwon a pen to write it down

Siwon sighed and wrote down the address for him. Kyuhyun rushed to the door and slammed it.

Victoria looked at the door in silent, she doesn’t want to admit it, but I think Kyuhyun’s heart no longer mine?


Kim Ji-hoon’s apartment – Kangnam, Seoul

Ji-hoon looked at the girl who is sleeping in front of him. There’s a purple-ish blue color bruise right at the corner of her lips, and there’s several others on her stomach and back – bigger one. She was shaken up, when she woke up, she cried and trembling. It hurts him to see her like that. She changed her clothes and wearing his shirt now. Ji-hoon her hair from falling to her face. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

Dinggg… Donggg….

There’s a door bell? Who came at this time? He looked at his watch, it’s almost midnight. DINGG… DONG…. DING…DONG…. It ringed a couple of times. Geez! Can’t they wait???

He walked out from his room to the front door and found Cho Kyuhyun standing before him. WHAT THE….

“Where’s she?” he asked and just barge in to his apartment

“Hold on a second” Ji-hoon said, trying to hold him back

But Kyuhyun didn’t even bother a second; he looked around and went into the bedroom. He found Nana lying on the bed.

“Naaa-yahhhh” he said waking her up

“Yah! Don’t wake her up!” Ji-hoon yelled at him

Nana opened her eyes and found Kyuhyun in front of her. “Kyuhyuna… I’m scared” she said and hugged him tightly

“I know… I know…” he said trying to calm her down. He put the jacket that he brought on her and while still hugging her, he picked her up – bridal style. He walked to the door and found Ji-hoon standing in the middle of the door, blocked the exit.

“YAH! Cho Kyuhyun, just because you’re her cousin doesn’t mean you can just barge in here and take her with you” he said

Kyuhyun answered calmly, “Kim Ji-hoon, moved aside please”

“What right do you have to take her from here? Just because you’re her cousin?” he said, still not moving a bit

Kyuhyun sighed, “Kim Ji-hoon, the girl in my arms is not my cousin, she’s my wife”, he then continued, “I have the right to take her whenever I want, I’m her HUSBAND”

Ji-hoon was shocked; he didn’t believe what he heard. Kyuhyun pushed him aside and walked to the front door. But before he reached the front door, he stopped for a while. “And on that note, Kim Ji-hoon, hereby I prohibit you to come near her again”, he said and walked out the door.

Ji-hoon was still standing in front of his bedroom, he’s trying to put everything together.


Back to the dorm…

Kyuhyun lays her on the bed really carefully, he took off her jacket. She’s wearing his clothes?????

He sighed heavily, trying to push his feelings aside for once. He looked at the blue mark at the corner of her lips, he looked at her arms and found some similar marks/ blue circle. He lifted her shirt just enough and found a black big bruise around her waist, his heart hurt. He her hair softly, planted a kiss at the corner of her lips where the blue mark is and her cheeks, then hugged her tightly. 



Have you heard that BBkyu is getting married???? T.Tbroken heart

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 45: I really love this.. well done authornim
xjayess #2
I finished this FF for the 4th time ♡♡ it's one of my favorites ... please write a new arrange married FF for kyu
farahfdhl #3
Chapter 45: Omo! This always makes me tear up yet can't hold my smile. You're so good authornim~ I enjoy this so muuuuuuch
Chapter 45: You're so good, Love it...finally finish yesterday night! :D
I'm reading this for the third time
sweetblackpearl #6
Love this story authornim! Keep goingg
Alyaaa #7
Chapter 45: Omg!! TT,TTIm crying!! This is the best fics i've ever read!! Im gonna miss this!! I will feel empty without this stories!! Good job author-nim! I really luv this!(>人<;)
This is really the best!!! I READ THIS TWICE <3 never gets old <3
SJalone #9

Each chapter tugged my heart!
Thank you for writing this story!