My brother

Me, My Brother and him!?!??!

Rinyu’s POV

"GET HER!!!!!!!!!" I ran as the girls ran after me, I didn't do anything wrong, I swear!....besides the fact that I may have poured some juice over the Super Junior posters, pictures, fans, ect.
I was running around the park and into the playground.
They surround me causing me to step back, as they reached me I jumped and held onto the monkey bars and lifted myself on top of the monkey bars and ran away while on top of the monkey bars .

I was nearly at the end until I got hit on the head with a rock and fell down on the sand, I was lucky that the sand was soft.
But wasn’t lucky when the oh-so-called ELFs, I hid my head with my arms.

Do they know who they are bashing?! I amTHE Cho Kyuhyun, yes, Cho Kyuhyun from THE most popular group, Super Junior, anyway back to the subject, THE Cho Kyuhyun’s little sister, Cho Rinyu.

My hands, they were feeling wet…and warm?

I took my head down from my over my head and put it infront of my face, my eyes widened, I was bleeding.

Blood? Why is my head bleeding...
My eyes were threatening to close
It couldn't be....It can't be...THE Cho Rinyu is going to die...?
I can't die yet...
Save me...please...


“YAH!!!” Someone shouted, My eyes were blurred up with blood so I couldn’t see who it was, but the person came up to me and lifted me up bridal style.

“Yah! Cho Rinyu, gwenchama?!?” I opened my mouth to reply, but failed as I fainted on the spot.

//2 hours later//

My eyes opened slowly, I was looking at the roof, it looks like the roof of the hospital, how do I know? Because I’ve been at the hospitals a million times…*Sigh* I seriously get into too much fights…
But of course, my eyes are still blurry so I wasn’t sure.

“Oh doctor!”

Oh…it’s that voice again…wait…doctor?

“You don’t have to worry, she’s perfectly fine, though she has been to the hospital too often, has she been into a lot of fights lately?”

Oh …it’s this hospital…

“Eh? She’s been in fights?!”

“From what I remember last time, she was protecting a female student from getting kidnapped from strangers…”

“Ohh..that’s what you ment, I thought she gets into fights herself without a reason…”

This voice…

“Well, she’ll be discharged soon, I’ll be taking my leave now.” As soon as I heard the click, I sat up.

“You really have time on yourself to be running around a park, don’t you?”

“Omo! Ah, RINYU AH!” He hit my head.

“Ow! YAH!” I rubbed my head “ I’m a patient you know!!!!!”

He smiled and hugged me “I missed you~” .


“but?” He said and hugged me tighter.

“ I.CAN’T.BREATHE!!!!” I managed to let out.

“oh…sorry…” He said as he scratched the back of his head.

“Anyway, what are you doing here?!”

“Wae? Can’t I stay with my-“

“Anni~ you have schedules don’t you?”

“Schedules? Oh yeah….OMO!!!!  MIANHE RINYU AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!OPPA HAS TO GO AND THANK YOU!!!!!!” He ran out, I chuckled as I heard the doctors/nurses tell him to be quiet.

“*Sigh*” I stayed in there for 30 minutes and I finally got discharged.

// On the streets of Seoul//

I can’t believe that Kyuhyun caught me being chased by ELFs…wait…why were they chasing me again…? Oh…that’s right…I was studying and then they started to scream and squeal over the- wait….OMFG MY WORK!!!!DAMN IT MY BAGS THERE AS WELL!!!” I ran the other way to the library.

Heechul’s POV

“Aish…what am I doing here? Getting books for Kyuhyun…can’t he get it himself…” I mumbled as I walked inside the library, I was looking for a book for him to read, he just told me any book and ran off.
I looked for a book that was good for him.

“Ah…this one is the best book for him” I smirked and held up a book ‘How to calm yourself when losing something’.
I smiled at myself as I walked off, proudly, but  I stopped when I saw something on one of the desks.
I went to pick it up, boys bag? Wait…it’s a girls back…hmm…mobile phone? Oh! Her wallet…I looked around, no one was coming, So I opened the wallet and took out the student card.
“Cho Rinyu?” I raised my eyebrow, I looked at her phone and turned it on.

“Huh…Kyuhyun?” A picture of Kyuhyun was the wallpaper, it had a little text saying ‘ My stupid brother whom I love deeply from my heart’
“Brother…?” I looked at a book, I turned it open, again, there was another picture of Kyuhyun and another text; ‘My stupid brother who is now famous and doesn’t spend time with me = 3=’
I chuckled, I packed it up and took it with me as I registered the book and left for the dorm.

Rinyu’s POV

I rushed in and looked for my bag.
I went to the table, but it wasn’t there.
“Aish!!” I ruffled my hair “Ottoke!! Lessons are tomorrow and my phone, bag and wallet are gone!!!” I sighed and walked back to my apartment.
I immediately called  Kyuhyun (using my home phone of course)

“Oh, Rinyu ah, you got discharged already? Did you change your number or something?”

“Anni…it’s just that, after the little accident with the ELFS, I forgot my bag, wallet and phone there, and now its gone!! Ottoke!!!!I have lessons tomorrow!!!”
“Eh?! Chincha?! …arasso, I’m on my way back to the dorms so I’ll try and find you a spare phone…as for your bag and wallet…mian”

“Neh…wait…spare phone!? How many phone do you have?!”

“Er…well every member has two phones cause we were bored and bought more…”


“Oh, gotta go, annyeong~”

I sighed.

Kyuhyun’s POV

I ran into my room to look for a phone.
“Oh, hyung, did you get me a book-“ I froze when I saw what he was holding.

“Ah…yeah here” He passed me a book.

“How to calm yourself when losing something?” I looked at him, he just smirked. “A-Anyway, what are you holding!?”

“What? This?” He held up a phone.”I dunno, found it at the library, and are you related to anyone name Rinyu?”

“You got it from the library!? OMO! Thank you hyung!!!!” I ran up and hug him.

“W-What are you doing? What do you want from me?!” He tried to get me off him, obviously surprised by my sudden act.

“Hyung, do you know how much of a life saver you are?! My sister has been looking for her stuff for hours!!!”

“Oh…so she was your sister, she’s actually pretty, how old is she?”

“20- wait, why am I telling you this!?” I pouted and took my sisters things and went to my room.

I called Rinyu.

“RINYU AH!!!!”

“AISH! Oppa, my eardrums!!!!”
“Mian, but I’m so happy!!! Heechul hyung found your things!!”

“Eh? Heechul? Kim Heechul??”
“Yup!! You’re lucky it was Him and not any other stranger.”
“Neh, tell Heechul oppa that I said thank you~ Imma go shower, annyeong~!!!”

I smiled and looked at her stuff.

“Oh! It’s my picture!” I looked in her book, so she still keeps my pictures…

ANNYEONGHASEYO!!!!!! Mianhe, I havent updated anything about this cause, one, I did do an update bout it but my brother 'accidently' deleted it ==**, 2, I was busy with violin practices (keke I'm a pure String =w=b) and 3 I keep getting side tracked =w=

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Snoewflake #1
Chapter 5: You need to update :3 the story is so cuuute~
sweety1712 #2
Awwwwww such a cute story so far~~~

How you update soon ^^ xx
LeeAnna15 #3
@BiBsikA: Neh, Heechullie is just to awesome >< thank you for the comment ^^
Oh Heechul i like him when he is like that.. :) gomawo :)