Make My Heart Beat Again

Make My Heart Beat Again


“A few months ago, I met someone.”

The words linger like bitter alcohol in Leeteuk’s tongue.

“A few months ago, I met someone.”

It’s ironic how a short statement could shoot the longest arrow through his heart; pull it out or let it be, it’s all the same. Either way, there’s pain. Either way, he dies.

“A few months ago, I met someone.”

 “Yah, Teukie hyung!”

Leeteuk snapped out of his thoughts.

Eunhyuk looked at him weirdly. “You zoned out. Something wrong?” he asked, his eyebrows creasing as he narrowed his gaze at the older boy.

But Leeteuk didn’t hear him. His eyes inadvertently met hers, and that was enough for him to block out everything else around him. It was like a spell was casted right then and there. Time froze and everything moved in slow motion. Everything becomes insignificant, and she was all he sees.

“YAH, hyung!” a squeeze to the shoulder snapped him back again. “Are you okay?”

Leeteuk glanced back at her direction, catching a small fleeting smile on her lips, and it makes his heart race. A smile formed on his own lips, and he finally answered, “I’m fine…”


At least, I think I will be…





“Oh, Leeteuk sshi! Why are you sad?” Lee Seunggi asked.

“Sunye just made all men in Korea sad,” Leeteuk jokes and shakes his head, making everyone laugh.

“Only you are sad,” Boom replied, and everyone burst to laughter again.

Leeteuk could only laugh and smile along, the painful crumbling of his heart unbeknownst by all.



Leeteuk wasn’t a good actor, but he had an incredible ability to mask his deepest and most personal emotions.

In the idol world, some things are just best to be kept untold… and some emotions are best to be kept hidden. Most of the time, it was fine. Everything was in his control.

But there were times like this… when feelings get too overwhelming…

And so he runs away.

Without meaning to, he almost always ends up in Han River. This was where he cleared his mind… where he cried and shouted till his eyes burn and his throat hurts… The bridge and the water below are the only witnesses who hear his deepest secrets.

Tonight was different, though.

A certain girl stands by his usual spot, pensively looking out towards the dark skies and the few stars glimmering on the horizon.

She looks beautiful as always.

That was the thought that struck his mind as his breath slowly hitches.

It hurts to be near her.

It hurts to even look at her.

Leeteuk was no masochist. He knew better than to stick around.

He turned to leave, but then, the unthinkable happened.

“Leeteuk oppa…?”

Sunye’s soft voice rang in his ears, and he immediately halted even though his brain shouted ‘NO!’.

Leeteuk turned back around and his heart did a flip when he saw her beautiful smile.

“I knew it was you,” she said.


Sunye nodded, and she smiled once more before turning her gaze back to the skies.

Leeteuk moved to stand beside her and he mimicked her action.

Not long after, a comfortable silence settled.

“Congratulations, by the way…”

Sunye turned to look at him, but Leeteuk remained unmoved.

“Listen, oppa… I –”

“You don’t need to explain,” Leeteuk cut her off. “I get it, okay. I just wished you would’ve been a little more considerate.”

Sunye frowned. “Oppa…”

The blond boy looked back at her, his eyes now filled with mixed emotions. “You and I both know what I feel about you, Sunye.”

The brunette looked away. “Stop saying that.”

“Why do you keep denying it? I’ve told you I like you ever since, and that didn’t change even when you always chose someone else over me.”

“You only think you like me because everyone’s been pushing you to me. You’re just confused, oppa.”

“You think I’m deluded?” his voice cracked.

“And why shouldn’t I think that?” Sunye retorted as she stared into his eyes, her own emotions slowly bursting at the seams. “One moment, you say you like this girl… the moment passes, and you like someone else. You don’t like me, oppa… I’m just one of your ideal types.”

Leeteuk pursed his lips and stared back.

Tension hung in the air as they stayed silent.

“Do you know why I have so many ideal types?”

Sunye didn’t respond.

“Because they’re like puzzle pieces making up a whole picture… the real thing. They’re puzzle pieces… of you.”

Sunye’s eyes widened at the confession.

Leeteuk smiled wistfully. “They remind me of you in some small ways… And you know what? You’re right. I don’t like you… because I know I love you.”

“And h-how do you know?”

“Because I realized that my heart only ever beats whenever you’re around… My heart swells whenever I see you on TV… and as cliché as it sounds, butterflies flutter in my stomach whenever I hear your voice. Now, if that’s not love, I’m not sure I know what is.”

Sunye was speechless. “Oppa…”

A tear flowed down Leeteuk’s cheek. “I’m in love with you, Sunye… and I just need you to know that.”

A lump formed in Sunye’s throat, making it harder to breathe. She didn’t know what to say… She didn’t know what to do… She wasn’t even sure what she felt.

Leeteuk slowly reached out to hold her hand, more tears spilling from his eyes. “For the third time, you chose someone that’s not me… and even though it hurts me, I’ve accepted it. I’m so different from Sungmin, Donghae, and possibly your boyfriend. Maybe I’m just not the one for you. Clearly, I’m not the one you want. But I’ve made my point across. At least I think you believe me now… and that’s enough for me.”

“You’re a great guy, oppa,” Sunye said earnestly.

“…but not great enough for you.” Leeteuk wiped his tears with his other hand.

Seeing him like that, Sunye suddenly felt her heart aching for him, in a way she couldn’t quite explain. She wanted to do something to make him feel better… but what could she do?

“Just smile only for me just this one time,” the blond boy muttered, answering her thoughts.

And so Sunye did.

Under the dark sky and glimmering stars, standing on a bridge over Han River, Min Sunye smiled for only Park Leeteuk.

Leeteuk smiled through his tears as he gazed at her mesmerizing smile. He tried to etch it on his brain as perfectly he could… for it was a memory he’ll carry with him… maybe forever.


Sunye only nodded and squeezed his hand.

“Goodbye, Sunye,” Leeteuk kissed her forehead before letting go.


Leeteuk stepped back and turned around, walking away without another glance.

It was a farewell like no other…

He was the same, but yet so different.

His heart was in his chest, but he felt nothing.

The beating ceased to exist.




2 years later…



Leeteuk was discharged from the army.

“Thank you very much for waiting for me. I appreciate the support you all showed me… and of course, also the support to my group members while I’m gone. I’ve learned a lot during my service, and I feel like a renewed man. I promise to always do my best and work harder in the future! Thank you, everyone!”

Leeteuk saluted.

The audience cheered and clapped, and dozens of cameras flashed.

“Glad to have you back, hyung!” Donghae exclaimed as all of them hugged the much awaited leader.

Leeteuk grinned. “Glad to be back, guys.”

The audience cheered louder at the interactions of the members.

...but the cheers died down as fast as it sounded.

The audience suddenly hushed.

The other Super Junior members even stopped and stepped back.

Leeteuk frowned, and followed their line of sight.

He turned around, and his breath immediately hitched.




“Hey oppa,” Sunye smiled.

“W-Why? I thought –”

“I broke up with him 2 months after our talk that night…”

Leeteuk’s eyebrows furrowed. “W-Why…?”

“Because I realized how my stomach turns in anxiety whenever there’s news on TV about the army… My heart swells with relief whenever I read or hear updates about you… And most importantly, I realized that my heart stopped beating the moment you left… Oppa, I’m in love with you.”

A warm feeling runs through Leeteuk’s veins, and he felt the familiar thump on his chest… a rhythm that he thought he would never feel again.


Leeteuk took the few steps and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then, he pulled her close and kissed her, putting all his love in the kiss.

Sunye placed her arms around his neck, her fingers tangling in his short strands.

The people erupted in cheers and applauses at the touching scene. But the two never heard all that.

Their hearts resounded louder than anything else.



“I love you, Min Sunye,” Leeteuk whispered to her ears as he continued to hold her tight.

“And I love you, Park Leeteuk.”




Everything was all right in the world…

…especially for two people, whose hearts eventually found one another.

Two hearts now beat as one.





A/N: So... did you like it?^^ Tell me what you think! Sorry for the typos (if any), btw.. I didn't proofread. Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this shot.. Comments are very much appreciated!:)

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diana89 #1
Chapter 1: So sweet.. Really like it. Please make another fanfiction about Leeteuk and Sunye please..
Chapter 1: I like it!! >_<
I hope that's real..
AhJinzxzx #3
I soooo hope this will come true toooo. Hais. But still, thankyou for this fanfic! It's goooooood! :)
kymvampire #4
sooo sweet..TT__TT
cookiecooky #5
AWESOME!!<br />
I thought it was the end when they said goodbye to each other but...<br />
WOW!! This is the best TeukYe fanfic i've ever read before!!<br />
I wish this will also happen in real life!!<br />
I really like TeukYe! Because the way Leeteuk take care of Sunye everytime she's around him is so sweet and nice. I think too that he like her.<br />
TeukYe hwaiting!!
Dreamerx33 #7
Yes! At first, when I read that they said goodbye, I thought that was the end- a bittersweet ending where everything is out in the clear, and there's no more misunderstandings. Leeteuk's explanation for his different ideal types was perfect, btw. I love his puzzle pieces example. ): So I read that and thought "THE END. ):" and then scrolled down to leave a comment, only to see a 2 YEARS LATER. My face: >DDD!! lolol "OMG! THERE'S MORE!" and see a happy ending. :O I did NOT expect that, but I'm very happy with how it turned out! It was so sweet and unexpected. I'm a little confused as to why the whole crowd quieted down. Does it mean that during the 2 years, did Sunye hint at her love for Leeteuk?<br />
<br />
I'm very surprised at the happy ending because all the stories I've read so far that related SunYe to her current boyfriend all ended on a bittersweet note. lol. thank you for the happy ending! After reading this, I'm interested in how things will play out in the next few years :O loll.