The Song

Simple Meaningful Melody


JongHyun's POV
I did not come here to let people hear this song ,it was only ment for you. But why did i decided to come here?
Was it because this is where our memories we spent toghter are here?
No.. that is a lie .. that's not the real reason ....
the real reson i came here was that i wanted you to listen to this song ,
hoping that maybe you might apper in the crowd of faces and that you would come back to me..
But the real fact that i know for sure is that you may never come back to me,
for i'm worth coming back to ,not worth forgiving and not worthy to be love by you . 
Then why am i still here waiting for you when i know you would never come back to me?
you's POV
My heart was beating fast when i heard the most amazing melody. The song does not seem to be any song that i had ever heard befor.I turn to look for the sorce and saw an ordinary guy; he was sitting on the park bench, strumming his guitar with his eyes close and pouring his heart into the song.
I slowly walk towards him, stoping in my tracks a meter away for him.
Few bystanders stop to listen, others just walk by. My eyes fell close. savoring the gental melody. 
The song i realized made my heart ache, making me wonder , what is this feeling and was it just because of the sad tune. For some strange reason me feel like the song was ment for me, silly thought i know but i could not help it .
The beautiful melody filled the air around ,a sad smile began to creep on my lips.I was not aware of my own tears until i felt them slide down both my cheeks .I open my eyes and saw a large crowd surround him.
When the song ended , i stood still in his trance while the crowd clap with glee. He bowed, holding his glancing through the crowd but lowered and shook his head .
I turned away from his view to wipe my tears,thinking why did i cry over something so trivial. I looked at my watch, it's already evening. I turn around to see him one last time before i head home but the smile on his face i just saw a few seconds ago .. faded.
I could see that tears stung his eyes as he looked at me. 
Question started to pour into my mind; why is he in tears ? was it something i did? am i the cause of it? why?
But what really startled me was the walk a few steps, droping his guitar to the ground and he ran towards me. as though i could disappear at that very moment. 
" I...i.. thought..i th-thought ..i thought i lost you" he wispered in my ear and hugged me even thighter.
The crowd started to stare at us , i began to feel uncomfortable.
"Excuse me, i..i'm sorry ..but do i.. do know you?" i said hesitanly. He held me an arms length away from him, his hands on my shoulder.
"Don't you recognize me?! It's me, JongHyun. Don't ... don't you remember?"
"Sorry,i don't, Should i?"
"Ha young-ah.." 
"Sorry JongHyun-shii?.. but i'm not.. HaYoung. I think you might have the wrong person." trying to loosen his grip on my shoulder only to fail in the process. 
"HaYoung-ah... don't do this to me! please, try to remember! It's me JongHyun, Remember!!"my body stiffened when he raised his voice.
i was beginning to feel scared, i had no idea what was going on and who would have thought that an ordinary day would turn out like this.
i need help for this story i don't know how i should countinue... 
so please readers , give me some ideas.. 
i need help!! just throw any ideas you might have on how i should end it..
Please and thank you!!!
*90' bow*  (^-^)
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Chapter 1: O.o was that my user's name??? xD
Plz update soon..<3
Plz update soon..<3
sorry readers, I'm not going to update this story untill i am certain of the ending.. So I'm just giving you guys a heads up on this story..