iN Touch.

I'm Only Me When I'm With You~


Ricky was on his way home, still can’t stop thinking about you. He kept replaying in his mind what happened earlier. He can’t get your face out his mind, your angel-like voice, sweet smile, cute face. He was in no doubt in love with you again. He just can’t help it. When he got home, he was skipping all the way to his bedroom while humming.
 “Ricky, why are you so happy?” His mom asked looking puzzled.
“Oh nothing mom” he chuckled and continued to his room. He laid down on his bed, folding his arms at the back of his head, *sighs* “This is the best day ever!” Ricky shouted, giggling.


After eating dinner, you washed the plates. You thought about Ricky for a while and smiles. *It was good seeing him* Then your thoughts drifted to Changjo. You pouted. “I miss him so much. What could he be doing right now..” You always thought of him. “ oh well” you concentrated back in washing the dishes. Right after finishing the dishes, you went to the bathroom and took a bath and brushed your teeth. Tomorrow will be Saturday so you don’t mind sleeping late. You were bored and thought of something to do.
 “Hmmmn.. What should I do for fun?” you tapped your chin with your fingers. “Aha! I know!”
You your laptop and logged into your facebook account. You then updated your status.
 “Got ourselves in serious trouble today, I was scared to death! O_O Thank God Ricky came to save the day.”
*click* and it was posted. After a minute, your friends commented and like your status. Some asked who Ricky was and others just teased you.

Changjo read your post and got jealous when he read Ricky’s name. He was concerned and at the same time jealous. He can’t help but comment. “ ~~~~~-ah! What happened? L
You were so happy that you felt your heart do back flips. “Kyaaa! Changjo! You shouted, stretching your lips into a very big smile, for you and Changjo haven't talked or chatted for a long time already.
 You immediately replied...

 “My best friend and I almost got hurt by a group of guys. Luckily Ricky arrived with his friends.

Changjo clenched his teeth, frustrated for not being the one to protect you.

“Aish. Are you okay now? Changjo was so worried but he didn’t want you to notice.

“Yeah, I’m good. Ricky and I had fun afterwards, so I kinda forgot about it ^_^” Changjo grew even more jealous. “Urgh! Lucky Ricky.” He rolled his eyes. “It was supposed to be me.” He puffed out his cheeks.

 “that’s good to know. Glad you’re okay now ~~~~.
You were so happy because of Changjo’s concern.

“I’m glad I’m okay too. :D”
Changjo chuckled, “She’s so cute. Wish I could see her now.” It took Changjo a while to reply because he was too busy thinking about you. You sighed and pouted, thinking that he won’t reply anymore *Maybe he’s busy with someone else* .. After a moment, he replied through chat box.

“Hey, sorry for the late reply. I was .. uh.. busy doing something."
“It’s okay."
 You were so happy because you thought he forgot about you, but you were curious about what he was doing, so you asked him about it.
What were you doing?” 

“I was thinking about you” Changjo wanted to say to you.

“Nothin’, just cleaning my room.” He finally thought of an excuse.
Really?! You know how to clean your room?! O.O  You teasingly said to him.
He laughed.
 “Hey. FYI, I always clean my room. :p”
“Oh really now?”
“Yes, really.”
“Okay, fine. I believe you, you evil little piggy.”

You always even when you two were still in elementary. Changjo too teased you, that you two would chase each other throughout your school campus.
“Pabo” Changjo replied.
“No, you are.”

You two were playfully arguing with each other, both of them laughing and giggling inside their rooms. It made them miss each other more. When they got sleepy, Changjo said good night first.
 “Hey, I’m sleepy already.
“Me too, let’s go to sleep”
“Ne, Good Night ~~~~. Sweet Dreams.”

You softly smiled.“Good Night Changjo. Sleep tight.”

You turned off your laptop and laid down on your bed, still wearing a smile.
Changjo got your picture from under his pillow and put it on his chest, hugging it. “How I wish I could tell you how much I love you ~~~~.” He then kissed it and put it back under his pillow. He went to bed with a smile across his face. Hoping to dream of you again.



Lame update huh? I know. *pouts* Sorry. 
any suggestions to make it a exciting? :))

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I'll update as sson as possible. Sorry I haven't updated these past few months. i was just so busy with school. Anyway, have any suggestions? :))


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CarmenL #1
>u< Changjo aaa~faster come back=D
I miss him so muchXDDDD

What about some trip go to somewhere?so that Ricky and I will have some part ^A^ I almost forgot about Dara=D or we can go to Lotte world to play~~XDDDD (Lame idea?=P)
CarmenL #2
Is it Changjo's pov in Chapter 4?=0
It didn't write there so it's kinda confuse at firstXDD
CarmenL #3
Chapter 3~
>U< I think I like your story<3
I lol when I saw me burn Ricky's love letterXDDDDD
Changjo aa~~<3
Changjo <3 he's so cute <3
Ommmmmggee ! Changjo's so cute ~~
RainaTB #6
Hard to tell who I like better here. Ricky or Changjo? (I was thinking "Confess kid...confess" lol)
I'm not good with suggestions cuz my ideas usually ! I hope someone can give you something good to work with though! (Your doing great so far!)
Oh and please update soon
Waaaa....changjo is so cute!!! He should've just told her that he loves her and is thinking about her...they should just by together already...she needs to stop giving Ricky false hope....
Ricky is so cute ~~~