Fate or what?

Take me to the Sky

“Uhm excuse me. Is this seat taken?”

As I look up to that soothing voice. I saw a guy who is holding his tray with coffee and sandwich. He’s giving me a gummy smile. I noticed his big sincere eyes that shows how tough looking he is but sweet inside and the way he curve his lips into a pulling smile that I can’t help but smile back too. I can feel my heart beating loudly. There he was standing and waiting for my response.

“Ohhh. S-sure. I don’t mind” as I try to talk calmly as I hold my nervous voice.

He pulled the chair in front me and took his seat. He gently puts the tray on top of the table. He tries not to bother me or bumped my laptop on the round table.

He pulled his own laptop and puts it in his lap. He’s trying not to interrupt me. But here I am observing how he drinks his coffee. How he types through his laptop while listening to his headphones.

I’m totally distracted by the mysterious looking guy in front of me. I’ve never been this curious in a stranger.

He glanced up looking at me. His eyes are so expressive. Like he’s asking, “Why are you looking at me?”

I blushed a crimson red. I can feel the heat in my cheeks. I’m so shy. I tried to hide my face by focusing on my laptop.

But when I glanced up again. He’s gone.  

I was totally out of myself. I’m looking for him everywhere.

“Where did he go? He was right in front of me.” I whispered to myself.

“Who disappeared?” The familiar voice

I was totally startled and almost lost my balance. But his reflex was fast and he was able to catch me. Held me tightly through his arms. I can feel my heart beating so loudly that I’m sure he can hear it too.

“Woah! Careful!” As he said with worry

“Oh thank you” as I stood up and try to fix myself. I felt that my head was going to burst from embarrassment. I also fixed my things in a hurry. I’m so embarrassed by what happened. I put everything inside my bag, and rush through the door without looking back.

I can still feel his firm hands in my shoulder. This scares me more.

I shrugged the thoughts inside my head while waiting in the bus station. The bus arrived at last. As I sat on the bus, I’m thinking that I don’t want to engage myself with any kind of relationship. I don’t want to involve myself with another person’s life. My struggles are enough for me to deal with. My negative thoughts are overflowing that my anxieties are coming back.

I need to calm.

I put on my earphones. Turn on my favorite track Cypher 3, full volume up, and let the tune eat me as I go home.

I arrived at my empty house.

My solitude.

My comfort zone.

But he keeps on lingering on my mind.

This is bad.

As the sun hits my eyes, I know that it’s morning already. Good thing that it’s a weekend; no alarms, no work, no socialization.

my coffee maker and my apartment was instantly filled with my favorite scent, coffee. Then it hit me, I can still remember the way he smiled at me. The obvious glances. The unspoken flirting that never happened. It made me want to see his face again. It made me hope for something.

I finished all my paper works for my next week’s class. I was so happy that I’ll have the rest of the day free. I felt my tummy grumbling and I haven’t eaten lunch yet. I looked up and it’s past 3pm already.

“I’ll buy some food then watch korean dramas” as I excitedly jump to get my wallet and went out.

I bought ramens, seaweeds, kimchi, and a lot of other great stuffs. Then as I walk past by the coffee shop, I can’t resist the smell of the coffee brewing.

“Argh! I’ll be a walking coffee person in no time” I murmur to myself.

I ordered the same coffee and sat on the same place that I usually sit, beside the window and isolated from the big crowd of people.

“I miss him. I didn’t know who he is. But I miss him. I hope I can see him again.” I keep chanting too myself while people watching.

When I was sitting inside the bus, I was thinking how I want to eat everything that I hoarded in the convience store. I was distracted by my thoughts when I saw a familiar figure. Then there he is, walking up in front of me. He sat beside me but he didn’t looked at me. He was too busy looking at his phone like he was arguing with someone. His eye brows was crinkled as he scrunched up his nose. I can hear the music from his headphones. Cypher. I grinned like a fool. I was so happy about it. Then he suddenly looked at me and removed his headphones.

“Oh. Hi. It’s you. From the coffee shop, right?”

I was startled because I’m still grinning and oblivious when he looked at me.

“Uhm. Hi. Yea? I think we shared a table?”

Then the most beautiful laugh echoed in my ears. I have never heard anyone laugh so carefree as him. Or he has just this effect on me? How is that possible?

“Yup. And you left me hanging.” He tilted his head while laughing and showed that gummy smile that I really love.

I’m not liking this. The effect on me is too much.

“Oh. I’m sorry. Something came up that time and I just remembered it. That’s why I left in a hurry.” I bowed my head down. I can feel the heat from my face because of embarrassment.

“Naaaah. We can do it again sometime because you owe me something” as he brushed his soft hair through his fingers. That mannerism. I’m remembering someone from it. No. Not him.

“Huh? What’s that?” I was fogged with memories. From someone that I won’t suppose to remember.

“I saved you from falling, remember?” He smiled while looking at me. It got me confused more.

My mind is blank. Why am I remembering Jimin right now. Not now. Not with him. Because I’m starting to get interested with the guy in front of me.

“Wait. I forgot to ask what’s your name because you we’re in a hurry yesterday.” he spoke sweetly that makes my heart hurt just by listening to it.

“Uhm. My name is Y/N” I answered but I’m trying to avoid his gaze.

“My name is Min Yoongi”

He reached his hand out for a handshake. His hands was firm and soft at the same time. And there it was.

I’m doom because I like him.

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This is my first ever fanfic. I hope people will like it the way I like writing it. :)


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Chapter 3: oh wow, spicy yoonmin. UPDATE PLS!