



At the stair, going up to the flat, Hyukjae and Donghae are walking side to side without saying anything. It isn’t because they are mad and nothing bad had happened. It’s like one of this moment that you can have with only a few people. It isn’t awkward. It isn’t to think about the day, the weather or what they were doing. It’s a quiet moment between friends.


Until something happens, that thing that always happens in romantics’ movies, love stories, or anything that needs a romantic scene.


Their hand touches.


Just that. An accident. Hyukjae’s hands are cold, Donghae’s are hot. But they don’t jerk their hands away, nor do they blush, nor do they think “Gosh, awkward.”


Since anyway, why would they jerk away on shame? They are dating, has been for a long time, and had done much more that touch their hands. Blushing? Same. They could join their hands and count the years they have been together, and they would need the other one. Blushing time has passed. Awkward. Nah.


But then Donghae looks at Hyukjae, he touches him a little bit more, interlocks their fingers, because there is nobody else at the stair besides them, there are no cameras either (which is why they use this way whenever they can), he tightens his hold, smiles and continue going up.


Hyukjae stops and Donghae, who is one step up than Hyukjae, watches him asking with his eyes what’s going on.


Hyukjae stares at him, Donghae stares at him back, with a smile on, shining eyes and his hand squeezing Hyukjae’s. Hyukjae feels again that thing that made him stop. There, just in his stomach, that tickling thing, that tightness. Like butterflies in his tummy.


So, he goes and says, “Donghae, I’m in love with you”.


Donghae smiles goes bigger and prettier than before, and taking Hyukjae’s other hand he answers “I know, but it’s nice to hear it sometimes. I love you too, Hyukkie”, and closes the distance to, probably, give a kiss on the lips to his partner.


But Hyukjae stops him, saying “No, it’s just, you don’t understand, Donghae. I mean, I love you, I like you, you know? Like, I’m in love with you and I want to live with you, start a family, get married, even if we can’t in Korea, maybe we should go to another country. I… I don’t know.”


Donghae stares at him, confused, “No, I don’t get it. Are you confessing your undying love for me, but it annoys you?”


Hyukjae denies it with is head, and says “No, it doesn’t bother me, but it is weird, like I mean, just now, when you took my hand, do you remember the butterflies in your tummy when you are just starting to fall in love with someone? That’s what I felt. That’s what I feel every day when I’m with you. Even my parents say that even if they love each other, is more like they are used to each other. But every time I see you, I feel it. It’s… it shouldn’t happen anymore, don’t you think?”


“Why, you don’t want to feel it anymore? How about what I do? Like, I chase you all day, I want to talk to you every day, even if you kick me out of your room because you are ‘bored to see me so much’, I want you to always look at me. What about my jealousy? I know that it is stupid, but after all this time, every time you are with anybody else, when you are with Siwon or Kyuhyun, even if I know that they are not gay, or when your ex-girlfriend shows up, even if I know you would go back to her, even then I get jealous. Is it weir that this still happens to me? After all this time?”


“Well, yes, jealousy is stupid, Donghae. But wanting to be with me all day, see me, hear me, touch me, that’s like for people who are together for like, months or 2-3 years, maybe. But look at us, it’s just… I don’t know, Donghae…” Hyukjae sighs and leans on Donghae, his head on Donghae’s chest.




“I don’t know, better just kiss me.”


Donghae laughs a little, lets Hyukjae lean back and he bends down to kiss him. Soft at first, just lips touching each other, moving together slowly, until Donghae open his mouth, and both moan softly when their tongues touch a little.


There is a sound, nothing more than an outsider’s knock, maybe someone’s bag knocked on the door. But the boys pull apart anyway.


“Let’s go, I’m now, let’s go do it.”


“Hyukjae, you are always . Maybe that’s why we are still together. The is so good.”


“Well, that’s something.”


“I knew you just love me because of my oral skills.”


Hyukjae laughs, Donghae pulls Hyukjae’s arm and they continue their way up to the flat, this time, rushing their steps.


“Let’s go, maybe with you tongue you can make the butterflies fly out from my d-”




Hyukjae squeezes his partner hands, laughing without looking at him and says “Donghae, I’m in love with you. Let’s be together forever.”


“Hyukjae, if you are gonna ask me to marry you, you should at least get on your knees.”


“On your knees you should be my d-”


“I do! I do, let’s get married and be together forever.”


The butterflies come back.


“I love you too, Hyukkie.”


And it seems they will stay right there. Forever.

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Chapter 1: ohhhhhh theyre so precious 😭
972 streak #2
They are still feel the same way as their first time, still so sweet and needy for one another. That is something to strive for as they grow older.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Skrajindra #3
This is so fluffy
HaoleeNessa #4
Chapter 1: Sho cute:)
Chapter 1: Hahahaha what is this???? hahahaha <3 love it