Chapter 05

Picking up his fallen daisies

Mark did not regret turning down Bambam’s offer to “dress” him up for today’s occasion. The young man had dropped by his apartment early in the afternoon offering to be of assistance to Mark. He turned him down as Jackson had to drag the poor male out the apartment who was shouting out fashion advice up until Mark closed the door on him. He was dressed in black skinny jeans, a white v neck shirt over a light cream color cardigan, and black vans. He turned off his vehicle ignition before sending a text message to Jinyoung that he was outside his apartment building. He hoped he wasn’t overdressed or underdressed for today’s occasion. He was looking at his rear view mirror fixing a few strands of hair when Jinyoung knocks on the passenger window. Unlocking the door for him, Jinyoung opens the car door before sliding on the passenger side. Mark silently compliments on himself for not over dressing as he took in Jinyoung’s outfit for the afternoon. The man was dressed in light blue ripped skinny jeans with his black Supreme shirt tucked in. Paired with his black and white vans and a red cap.

“Did you wait long?” Jinyoung asks as he buckles himself up.

“No, not at all.”


“You're not going to ask where our first stop is going to be at?”

“Right, where's our first stop?” Mark asks awkwardly as Jinyoung lets out a chuckle.

“I’m pretty sure the both of us haven’t eaten yet. So our first stop is to eat Korean barbeque.”

“You want to go eat meat?” Mark clarifies as Jinyoung nod his head eagerly.

“Yes, I love meat. Never eat meat with someone without me knowing. I’m a very petty person and will hold on to that for a very long time.” Jinyoung informs Mark as he starts up his vehicle engine.

Twenty minutes later the both of them were seated at a bustling Korean barbecue restaurant. Jinyoung was busy grilling the meat as Mark ate the side dishes the waiter had brought a few minutes earlier.

“Here,” Jinyoung extended the meat he had between his chopstick as he placed a fresh piece of grilled meat on Mark’s plate. “eat up.” Taking the meat between his chopstick he blew on the piece of meat before putting it in his mouth. The perfectly grilled soft meat took Mark by surprise as he lets out a surprised sound.

“The meat is so soft!” That earns a smile from Jinyoung as he blew on his own piece of meat before putting it in his mouth as well.

“The restaurant is famous for that here. I'm glad you like it.”

“How did you find out about this place?”

The question must have thrown Jinyoung off as the young male looks down at his bowl of rice. Mark eyes him curiously waiting for his response. Once he finally brought his face back up his cheeks were tinted pink. “I just did a little bit of digging.” Deciding not to push further the both of them dig into their meal until neither of them could eat any further.

AH,” Jinyoung lets out a satisfied sigh as he rubs his stomach, “that meal was delicious.” Jinyoung had suggested to taking a walk down the busy street of Seoul. Saying that it would help them both digest their food faster. Mark wasn’t sure where exactly they would walk to, but he took in the surrounding as they seem to be walking towards the busy street of Seoul where clothing stores, cafes, and arcade store would be. “Mark?”

Mark turns towards the source of the voice, looking at Jinyoung who seem to be only a few inches taller than him. “Yes?”

“I said, ‘I hope you like gaming cafe’ because I know one just up ahead and around the corner. That’s our next stop.” When the both of them reached their destination Mark was taken aback by the hundreds of computer set up in one room. The place wasn’t completely packed, but it was full nonetheless. He was amazed by how many people were actually coming out to play online video games.

“I’ll go get us two stations to play beside each other. “ Jinyoung says leaving Mark to look out towards the room where everyone was absorbed in their game. He came back moments later announcing that their two stations were number 140 and 141. The computer was station further back in the room where there were fewer people playing around there. Both of them took their seat in a black armchair as Jinyoung asks what the both of them should play.

“Should we play a combat region server?” Mark suggest as Jinyoung eyes Mark playfully.

“You seem to know these things pretty well. Do you play often?” Jinyoung asks as he began typing on his computer while Mark does the same.

“No, not really but I often play other video games with Jackson.” Mark replies focusing his attention on his computer screen. “Should we play with everyone else or just amongst ourselves first?”

“Mmm let’s play amongst ourselves first, I rarely play video games so I might need some training.”

The next hour goes by with the sound of keyboard tapping and the shouts of excitement. Jinyoung sighs as he watches Mark become the victor for the umpteenth time since they started playing,

“You’re lying when you said you don’t play often. You’re a professional aren’t you?” A bubbling laughter escapes Mark’s mouth as he goes to dig his hand through the squid chips Jinyoung had bought him during their time playing.

“I’m not, you just so happen to be a terrible gamer.” Mark taunts Jinyoung which worked as Jinyoung groans before grabbing his mouse to hover over the restart button again.

“You are so on Mark Tuan.”

Mark could only laugh as he prepares himself for another round of gaming with Jinyoung. By the time they called it quit it was already seven thirty. Mark watches as Jinyoung stretches his arm while yawning.

“That was some serious gaming I hadn’t done in what felt like years.”

“But you’re still so bad at it.”

“Hey, looks like Mark Tuan had grown some bones. You’re now teasing and taunting me.” Jinyoung notes while laughing after he said that as Mark shrugs his shoulder. He had to admit hanging out with Jinyoung was more fun than he could count.

“So is that all you planned?” Mark asks as the both of them walk back down the streets to where Mark had parked his car.

“Not yet, I have one more place for us to visit. But I hope you’re up for a drive.”

“Where are we going?”

“Now that’s a secret I can’t tell you. It’ll spoil the surprise then.”

The place Jinyoung instructed Mark to drive to end up to be a park. Getting out of the car Mark watches as Jinyoung rummages through the backpack he brought and brought out a flashlight as he swung his backpack over his shoulder. “Come on, the place is off the trail from the park.”

Following Jinyoung they step off the park’s trail as he said earlier and into the park unmarked territory. The sky was slowly turning dark as the night slowly creeps out.

“Are you bringing me to my death?” Mark asks jokingly after walking through the dark for quite some time as Jinyoung turns around flashing the flashlight towards Mark.

“Perhaps,” He says as Mark squinted his eyes as Jinyoung grabs his hand in his before pulling him along through the dark. Mark could feel Jinyoung’s warmth spreading through his hand as he maneuvered the both of them through the park. It was the month of April and the weather could get chilly through the night. Having Jinyoung hold his hand through the dark had Mark heartbeat picking up its pace slightly. Trying to calm down his rapid heartbeat he ignores it the best he could before deciding to slip his grip from Jinyoung’s hand. The younger male ignored it instead continue to walk along the path with Mark silently following behind him. When they finally stop Jinyoung gestures for Mark to pass through the bush where their destination awaits. Hesitating slightly Mark goes to pull aside the bush as he makes his way through as a breath escapes his mouth from the scene in front of him. Mark wasn’t even aware they were climbing up a hill through the dark. They were on top of a hill that overlooks the nightlife of Seoul. There was some rustling from the same bush as Jinyoung emerges from the bush dusting himself. “What do you think of the view?”

Mark turns around to look at Jinyoung as the younger male grabs out a picnic blanket out from his backpack and setting it on the grassy floor. Mark made his way towards the blanket and plops himself down before turning his attention back to the lovely scenery in front of him. “It’s beautiful, how did you ever find out about this place?” In the corner of his eyes, he saw Jinyoung lay down on his back staring up at the sky and lets out a satisfied sigh.

“Wonpil and I actually found the place one drunken night.”

“Care to elaborate some more?”

Jinyoung bit back a smile as he patted the space beside him, gesturing for Mark to lay on his back to stare up at the night sky with him. Laying down on his back Mark could understand why the younger male was laying down on his back in the first place. Staring up at the dark night sky where stars began to appear was magical.

“Anyways, it was during our third year of college when we attended an acquaintance party at their apartment. You can say Wonpil and I got pretty drunk and walked our way here at the park. Drunk as we were, we made our way through the dark and up a hill here. You can say the scenery was breathtaking. The both of us ended up having midnight talks and falling asleep here.” Jinyoung recalls his memory, by the sound of his voice, Mark knew the young male was smiling reminiscing about his past.

“Do you guys both come back here still?”

“Not Wonpil, I doubt he remembers this place.” Jinyoung laughs, “But I come here now and then to ease my stressful mind. It’s just such a beautiful place no one seems to know about.”  

“Why did you bring me here then?” Mark questions as Jinyoung sat up from the question cocking his head to the side.

“What do you mean?” He asks back as Mark sat upright himself looking out towards the lit up city of Seoul. Switching his gaze to stare back at Jinyoung who stares back at him curiously he goes to elaborate with his question.

“I mean, why did you bring me here if it was a place only you seem to know? Don’t you want to keep it only to yourself?”

“I think this place could use someone else’s company other than myself.” Jinyoung answers before smiling at Mark. “Don’t you agree?”

Mark goes to stare at Jinyoung awhile longer before shifting his gaze back towards the open scenery. They sat in silence looking out towards the bright buildings as the wind rustle their hair and clothes now and then. If Mark was, to be honest, he wouldn’t mind coming back here with Jinyoung just to stare at the stars and the night lights of Seoul.

A few minutes later they were heading back down the hill to Mark’s car, officially calling it a night as Mark was driving back to where Jinyoung lived to drop him off. This time though, there wasn’t an awkward atmosphere hanging around the both of them. Jinyoung didn’t need to turn on the radio to fill the awkward void from before. Instead, the both of them converse with one another filling the car ride with small talks.

When Mark finally pulls up to Jinyoung’s apartment he watches as Jinyoung unbuckles himself and getting himself out of the car. Shutting the door behind him Jinyoung bends down slightly to talk to Mark through the passenger window that was rolled down previously.

“I hope you enjoyed your night out today Mark.” Jinyoung says with a smile as Mark returns a smile back as well, “So friend or foe?”

“Friend, Jinyoung like I said I never saw you as a foe.”

“Right, well it’s getting late and I have work tomorrow so I’ll see you soon?”

Mark gives a firm nod as Jinyoung straightens himself and turns around.

“Hey, Jinyoung?” Mark calls out as Jinyoung turns back around and bends back down to face him through the window once more.


“You said I need you in my life the other night. Why is that?”

“Oh that,” he says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. Casting his gaze down to his shoes Mark waited for his answer. A few moments of silence pass before Jinyoung drew his attention back on Mark contemplating about what to say. He draws in a breath before speaking. “You're like a fallen daisy Mark.”

“A fallen daisy?” Mark repeats quite unsure of what that meant.

“Yeah, I know it might sound weird. But I’ll explain that to you some other time. For now, have a good rest of your night Mark. Drive safely.”

That same night Mark ponders and ponders on about what exactly Jinyoung had meant. Rolling in his bed left and right he couldn’t come up with an answer. It left him frustrated knowing now there were two things now he has to try to solve and understand. Throwing his blanket over his head Mark shuts his eyes hoping sleep would soon take over. He opens his eyes minutes later when he heard his cell phone vibrate on his night table where he left it. It was a message from Jinyoung with one simple word.

[ Wednesday? 22:43 ]

Typing a quick reply he returns his cell phone back to his night table. This time when Mark shuts his eyes he could feel himself slowly slip into slumber.

[ I’m free.  22:45 ]



Sorry for any grammatical errors and any inaccurate depiction of Seoul. Comments as welcome. (:

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kzmann #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS the most patient jinyoung i’ve ever seen in Markjin fic hahahahaha Mark i feel like want to kill you for being so denial ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 11: Like you know.... This is i can't describe what is this.... It just so good
Chapter 11: I love this!
I wanted to kick mark because he was so stubborn but oh how could I do that ;;
Thanks Jinyoung for being SO patient with him sobs
Thanks for writing~
Chapter 11: That was great.. Thank you.. Hope u write more markjin stories some day.. Thank you for feeding my markjin feels
Chapter 11: Oh it's over!!! TvT Suddenly i fall in love with Wonpil lol scratch that i love all characters here.. Mark and Jinyoung have beautiful friends around that i jealous for.. I love every chapters of this story and i'm willing to read the sequels.. For me, Mark become a bright person when he is with Jinyoung, and i don't know how much i should say that i love Jinyoung here.. Glad that Mark finally throw away his fear because his love for Jinyoung is bigger than anything.. ♥
ardzia #6
Chapter 11: Thanks for another great story authornim...can't wait for your next the sweet ending...hehehe...
Chapter 11: Finally Mark realize something :")))))
Chapter 11: I love this story so much... Especialy when I myself exist in between markjin love. I feel blessed.
I feel like this story is for me... Becoz that's my name! Daisy. *Desy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol
Chapter 11: I read this while listening to Day6 new song for September - I Loved You and I think the song really suit this chapter.... ≧﹏≦ Daisy... Markjin is forever cute couple ever ... Cant wait for another one from you ♡♡♡♡♡ what's with ouran high school? I can't relate it hahaha...