Repeated Dream

Sealed With A Kiss


A/N          Hey, new update here. Hope you enjoy it.


Yunho's POV


I woke up having a slight headache. I couldn't sleep well last night and so do the other nights before this. The repeated dream that I had for these past 10 years really eating me from inside out. I know everybody is worrying about me but I purposely ignored them. Not that I did not appreciate it but I don't need their pity, I need their support.

I walked towards the bathroom and I took my time showering. I changed into my school uniform and while I'm doing it I stared at myself in the mirror. What I saw was a handsome young man with a mole on top his thin lips, chestnut eyes with brownish hair. I admitted that I was stunningly handsome but the life in my eyes had long gone. They were cold and hard. I sighed and left for the breakfast.

I was eating my breakfast prepared by my maids when appa came into the dining hall. Every maids bowed to him when he made his entrance. I stood up and bowed to him as well.

Good morning, appa.” Appa smiled and gestured me to continue with my breakfast.

Good morning, Yunho ah. Where is Changminnie?” Appa was looking around the dining hall. It's weird to not find the famous food monster here.

He said he had something to do in the school, so he went off early.” I told appa what the maids told me earlier about Changmin.

My prince, you don't look good today. Are you not feeling well?” The maids laid down the food in front of appa while he was looking at me with his worried expression.

I'm fine, appa. Let's have our breakfast together.” I looked away avoiding his stares.

It's about him, isn't it? Yunho ah, you know that he's...”

He's not DEAD! I know he is still alive somewhere.” I snapped at appa. I know I was being rude that everytime when people told me to just forget him, I can't take it and I won't accept it.

Yunho ah, calm down. Appa did not say that he's dead. Appa just want you to calm down and think carefully. You do know that our enemies are everywhere, waiting to strike at us if we let our guards down. You have to concentrate on your safety while on the other hand continue with your searching for him.” King Kangin was having headache himself with his so stubborn son.

I'm sorry, appa. It's just that I hate hearing the others saying that Joongie was dead.” I ducked my head down. I felt regreted to yell at appa like that.

It's ok, Yunho ah. Appa know how you feel. By the way, your omma is coming back today, so don't be late from school, neh?” King Kangin reminded his son about the coming back of his wife.

Oh, omma coming back today? I miss him so much. Ops, I'm getting late to school. Bye, appa and I promised not to be late today.” I bowed at him before I took my leave. I'm happy and looking forward for omma's back. He had been to his parents visiting them and he spent his two months with them leaving appa and me behind. Well, it's all because of my school and appa's duty as King of Crystal Country.

It only took me 15 minutes drive from my big mansion to the school. I parked my car just beside Changmin's and walked pass all the girls and guys that were drooling at me not forgeting to give them my sweetest smile. Well, you see, I was very popular among the students not only because I'm their prince but because I'm good looking too. They were yelling and screaming my name but I don't have difficulties to move into the school building because they were kept at bars by my bodyguards, a dozen of them.

I walked into a room with a “Student President” crafted nicely on the door. Oh, before I confused you more, let me introduce myself and Changmin.

I am Jung Yunho, Prince of Crystal Country. This school is Senzen High School, owned by my father, King Kangin, the great king of Crystal Country. I am also the Student President while Changmin is my vice president. Shim Changmin is the son of Minister Shim Hyunsuk, the Defence Minister of Crystal Country. He was my best friend, the only friend that I trusted with my life. He helped me a lot especially with the searching of my Joongie.

Once I was there, I saw Changmin buried himself in a file not noticing my entrance. It must be something very interesting to make him like that. He rarely get interested with things other than his food.

Yo, what's going on Minnie?” I sat infront of his dest and looked at him jumping up from my intrusion.

Oh, hyung, you are here.” He grinned at me.

What are you busying yourself with?” I was eyeing the file in his hands. Somehow, the file looks suspicious to me.

Oh, this...hyung, I think you should take a look yourself.” Changmin handed the file to me. I looked at the content and my eyes widen.

You are kidding me.” I looked at him in disbelieved.

Nope and it's all there written in black and white.” Changmin looked at me with his serious face but somehow it turned into a big smirk.

It's true then.” I continued to read the file and without I realised, I have this big grin on my face.



Jaejoong's POV


Fire! Fire everywhere. I tried to escape but I was caught with the smokes and I can't see properly. I was choking from the thick smoke and I cough. Covering up my nose and mouth with my hands, I tried to find my way out. I need to get out fast before I was burned alive here.

Bodies! Bodies everywhere. I moved forward carefully looking for the exit that I knew by heart will be there. How I know it? I was still confused how but I knew it will be there.

Suddenly, I heard a cry. Somebody was still alive somewhere. I searched for the source of the sound and it took me towards a big pillar. I looked behind it and met with a pair of big doe eyes. I stared into the eyes and recognisation came to me. It was ME! A SMALL VERSION OF ME.

JOONGIE!!!” Somebody calling me. I turned back and found a pretty male runing towards me. He was going to knock into me but strangely he just ran past, no, ran through me. It was like I was not there, like I'm just a soul, a ghost.

I saw him picked up the small boy and hugged him tightly.

Omma...hurt...” The small boy whimpered. He was injured.

Omma will cure you later. Come we must get out from here.” The pretty man, MY omma pulled the little boy, ME, up and both ran towards the exit.

Suddenly, an ugly creature creeped up from behind and the little boy shouted to elert omma.

Omma!!!” It was too late, omma was being stabbed in the heart.

Joongie...forget...” I did not manage to hear what he wanted me to forget because I was fading away.



I shot up from my bed. I was panting. That dream! That same dream! I was haunted by the same dream for my past 10 years. Each time, I tried to figure out what my omma want to tell me but I did not get the chance to do so, not even once.

Hyung...” A voice brought me back from my deep thought. I looked up and there he was, my dongseng, looking worriedly at me.

Oh, Junsu ah....” I shifted on the bed, wiping away the cold sweat from my forehead with my hands.

Hyung, you okey? It's the same dream, isn't it?” Junsu sat on my bed, his face showed concerned and worried.

Deh. I'm fine, Junsu ah. Don't worry, neh. What's the time now?” I ignored him because I know he was not going to ask more. Junsu knew about my problems and he was always there to comfort me whenever I was down.

If you gonna heading to school, then make it fast. It's 7 a.m. already.” Junsu told me with a smirk on his face.

Bwoh? Why don't you wake me up earlier? Aish!” I quickly jumped out from the bed. I was so not going to be late for my first day of new school.

See you downstairs.” Junsu left right after I stepped into the shower. I've learnt to let my messed up life go. The first few years, it really eats me up but when I grew older I learnt to take it light so that I can stay sane and happy with my life. However, I'm still trying to figure out my omma message to me. Why it was so alien yet so familiar? What did omma want me to forget?

After I finished with my shower and changed into the new school uniform, I went downstairs to join Junsu and other family members for breakfast before both of us heading to our new school. I hope it will be an interesting school.



Junsu's POV


I was going to wake Jae hyung up when I heard the screaming from his room. Looks like he was having the same nightmare again. I knocked softly at his door but there was no reply from him. I pushed the door slowly and let myself in. There he was panting and sweating on the bed. My heart clenth in pain. I hate to see him suffer.

Hyung...” I called him softly trying to get his attention.

Oh, Junsu ah...” Jae hyung finally noticed me. I saw him wiped away his sweat with his hands.

Hyung, you okey? It's the same dream, isn't it?” I sat on his bed, asking with concern.

Deh. I'm fine, Junsu ah. Don't worry, neh. What's the time now?” Jae hyung tried to avoid the topic again. I've known him for years and I knew about his story so damn well.

If you gonna heading to school, then make it fast. It's 7 a.m. already.” I told him with a smirk on my face. I know he hate to be late.

Bwoh? Why don't you wake me up earlier? Aish!” He quickly jumped out from his bed and headed to the bathroom.

See you downstairs.” I left right after he closed the bathroom's door. Today is our first day in the new school. I do hope we will have pleasant time here, unlike our old school. We always get bullied because of our girly looks. Yeah, both Jae hyung and I have this feminine looks that we always get trouble from the other students. They bullied and harrested us whenever they have the chance. Not that both of us are weak but we just don't want to start a fight. To tell you the truth, both Jae hyung and I have a great skill in fighting and combat. If we really take all of them by heart, the students will be dead by now. So, we just kept quiet and let them bullied us until the end of last year, things got out of hands and we have to transfer here.


A/N          How was it? A bit boring? There are soooo many secrets here.

                What did Yunho and Changmin see in  the file? Who is Joongie? 

                What is the nightmare that Jaejoong having?        

                      Why Jaejoong and Junsu have to transfer to new school? Did they go to the same school with Yunho

                and Changmin?

                      Is this Jaejoong Yunho's Joongie?

                Stay tune...........

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Going to update next chapter later.


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valeun #1
Chapter 50: are you not gonna finish this story???
Chapter 50: Omg....such cliffhanger...jae not feeling dizzy anymore? Im kinda confuse, i love the plot but its too many characters involve so i quite dont remember other scenes but then i enjoy reading for yunjae...i am confuse too about jaejoong's nightmares...i wonder what will happen next :-D
Chapter 47: “! He did not eat his dinner!” Yunho was defeated.

Holy jung LOL
Chapter 42: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh y long yunjae <3
Chapter 39: Omo....i bet that liquid is aphrodisia...
Chapter 32: Wwehhhheee yunjae
Chapter 28: Aaawww yunjae is y finally yunjae :-D
Chapter 27: Aaawwwwww..............
Chapter 26: Aaahhhah changmin and bum were like rabbits LOL
Chapter 22: Omg...wwwooo that was y