Chapter 4

My Queen.

Sehun startles in his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes, still sticky from the slumber. He turn his face to the side and saw his husband isn’t there beside him. He was quick to sat up and only then he heard some faint noises coming from his bathroom. The entire room was dark only to glow up from the decent amount of light from the bathroom. Then he heard the noises again and pretty sure it was coming from his husband.


Sehun then quick to rush over his husband,


“Honey, what’s wrong?” He kneel down to the petite boy who was leaning towards the toilet bowl with drools coming from his mouth. Junmyeon wipe the drools off with the back of his hand, “Oh.. don’t worry,” Junmyeon assures his husband after looking at the worry face of his. “It has always been like since three weeks ago. It scared me off to at first but then-” Junmyeon didn’t get to finish his word before the feeling came again and he hold tight to the bowl and puke again and again,


Sehun could only rubbed softly on Junmyeon’s back,


“After knowing that I’am pregnant, Luhan and Kyungsoo told me that it might be the side effect. Morning weakness, I think..?” Junmyeon tilt his head cutely at Sehun. Sehun sigh in relieve after knowing that this is normal during pregnancy,


“Do you need anything, like a drink or something?”


“Maybe a glass of water would do.” Junmyeon reply to his husband with a smile. His husband slowly guide him to the chair for him to sit down before watching his husband back gone from his sight,



Junmyeon had lots of thinking last night. After everything that happened, he decided to give it a try. Sehun wasn’t a bad guy after all. He thought to himself. Plus the people here are also nice and kind towards him. This is nothing like he thought earlier when he was taken away from his kingdom. Here he feels acceptance. He got to sleep on a very comfy bed and has a huge room too. The food was always too much for him because he never used to have a huge amount of portion before.


He is married is one thing. But to be pregnant? That was another case. After thinking about it for awhile, he questioned himself again. Why does he felt so much hatred towards other before? Maybe because of the , he think. But the King confessed to him that he loves him. The scene of the King confessed to him still fresh in his mind and every time he thinks about it, his face turns into slightly pink.


He softly palms his belly. After a short while, he poking his belly. “I still couldn’t believe I will have a human in me,” He startle from his thought when Sehun enter the room with a glass of water with him.


He then hands him the glass, “Here,” Junmyeon slowly take a sip of water and they simply have some casual chats with each other until morning,




The scent of Junmyeon starting to appear again and it sends relieve to the whole kingdom. As expected, the news about The Queen‘s pregnancy spread throughout the kingdom as fast as his scent. It bring joy to their people and the Royals are more than excited.


Junmyeon was finally having his breakfast after getting scold by his husband and his other two Men, Luhan and Kyungsoo for not having it these few days especially when he is now eating for two person. He still couldn’t move his body much so Luhan and Kyungsoo order the maids to send the meals directly into his room.


“Now, your highness, please finish everything.” Kyungsoo smiles but Junmyeon could sense something behind his smile. They probably having a revenge of his poor soul after he ignored all of those meals before.


“B-But my poor soul couldn’t finish all of them! Please spare me,” His cute pleads got everyone in the room chuckles.


“It’s okay, junmyeon. Take your time. You need to regain back all of those energy you left these few weeks and the baby need to eat more too. How could the mother leave the baby hungry?” Junmyeon blushed but quick to reply the other, “It wasn’t form a baby yet..” He pouts.


While they were having their sweet time, two of the Royal’s People, Baekhyun and Chanyeol came in,


“Sorry to bother you, your highness, but there were lots of people line up in front of our gate to meet the Queen,” Baekhyun continue again with a smile, “They bring all kinds of gifts to congratulate both of you about the pregnancy.”


“If it bothers you, should we asked them to come other time? The guards are now guarding at the front gate.” Chanyeol who was in charge of the guards report to them,


“No. It’s aright. Told them to come in,”


“Are you sure? I mean there were like hundreds of them outside. Are you okay to handle all of them?” Sehun asked Junmyeon, clearly felt worry with his husband state right now.


“You will stay, remember?” Junmyeon threats his husband, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just let them in,”



With that, Chanyeol ordered the guards to open the front gate and soon they could see a long line from the people lining up to his room. Junmyeon saw some familiar faces that he still could remember from his wedding. He was quite tired but it was fun to meet and greet with his people. After all, he also want to pay back the times where he was supposed to visit them before but he didn’t.


Then he meet with the boy from before who gave him the flowers.


“Will your highness be aright?” The kid innocent’s question got Junmyeon giggles from the cuteness.


“Yes. I’ll be fine,”


“I-I bring you two flowers today..” The kid then shyly hands him the two flower one with red and other one is white. It smells wonderful too,


“How sweet of you.” Junmyeon pats softly the smaller head, “Thank you, sweetie.”


“Will you visit us in town later?”


“Maybe after the Queen gains his full energy back, then we all will visit you.” Sehun assure the kid who is now smiling from the news.



It took few hours for them to finish but it ended nicely. So many gifts placed neatly at the corner of his room. Junmyeon couldn’t thanks his people much about this kind of gratitude. It really emotionally touched his heart. They were wonderful.


Sehun sit beside his husband who is yawning,


“I told you there were hundreds of them,” Sehun smirked at Jumyeon but Junmyeon didn’t have the urge to fight right now. He just want to take a warm bath and then, as they agreed earlier, for tonight dinner, he will sit down in the dine hall together with the others.


“I could totally saw them.”


“That‘s why I asked you earlier. I’m afraid that you will get all tired again. You could just set on the other date.”


“I am actually don’t mind about it. It was fun to have people appreciate you. Appreciate your existence, talk to you like you were a family,” Junmyeon turn to face Sehun, “I just love those feelings, don’t you?” With that Junmyeon left him alone for bath.


Sehun was sure that he still didn’t know much about what actually happens to Junmyeon’s kingdom. He already sense something wrong with the kingdom after that one man told him that this dirty-mud face boy was their leader. What kind of joke was that? He thought those people were trying to make fun of him and he felt it worth it to kill the whole kingdom but then the petite boy speak up like a leader and made himself as a trade.


Sehun almost believes that Junmyeon was a leader that time. But then everything just seems off. He really need to ask his husband later,


Junmyeon was greeted by all kind of delicious foods served in front of him on the long dining table. He eyeing all of those attractive foods and couldn’t stop but drooling all over it,


“Since today was a special occasion, so we decided to make it little bit interesting with the meals,” Luhan greet both of the couple and take his seat. All of the seven Royal’s Men were there together with them. It was a daily routine for them when they were all hardly to get in one place during the day, only for dinner was when all of those men gathered.


“This is the first time we ever had our dinner together, your highness. It was nice to have the Queen together with us,” Tao added and his words got everyone agreed in unison,


“Not to be mention, some of these meals were actually given by our people as their way of congratulate. So that’s why we decided to include those in today’s dinner.”Baekhyun told them as he and Jongdae were the one who talk with the villagers before,


Junmyeon almost crying by the feels he’s getting. This is just to much and he really couldn’t show how much he’s grateful with all of those love and care he receiving.


“I-I don’t know what to say….Thank you..”Junmyeon hold his tears and Sehun then took his hand and place a soft kiss on it, “We love you, Junmyeon. We all did.”


Those words will always be in his mind. He was hoping. Although he wasn’t sure about it but he just hoping that his life will turn better. Better than before back then when he was under his father’s siblings. He also miss Jongin. He want his brother to feel the same thing as he did now. He need Jongin to be here and find his happiness.


While others were happily chatting and talking about the progress of the kingdom while having their dinner, suddenly Junmyeon speaks,


“Sehun I-” And all eyes were on him. He gulped and continue again. “May I ask for your help?” Now he got everyone’s attention. Sehun sense the seriousness in his voice and put down his fork and hold his husband’s soft hand,


“Yes, Junmyeon. You may. Anything for you.” Sehun look at Junmyeon in the eyes, showing his honesty towards other,


Junmyeon was ready. He was ready to told everyone about his pass and also about his beloved younger brother.


“I-I want to ask for your permission to keep my younger brother here-too..” Everyone froze after hearing that and their eyes locked on Junmyeon. Some of them look at each other in shock and also clueless about it.


“You…You have brother?” Sehun widen his eyes with this new information and he has this look of uncertain on his face. They never knew that Junmyeon had other sibling because Junmyeon didn’t talk much about himself.


Junmyeon nodded, “Yes…Yes I have. My younger brother which I hide his existence,” He hung his head low,


“Why weren’t you inform me earlier during that time?” Sehun clearly in surprise,


“Because.. Because I am afraid of what will you done to him. I was scared too knowing that I might be killed. So I kept a secret about him from the enemy and didn’t want to involve him into this situation.” Junmyeon explains about how he kept Jongin hidden from the enemy and all of sudden both Chanyeol and Tao stood up and bow,


“We were deeply apologize, your highness! If only we did the search properly, your younger brother would probably be here with us!” They were quick to apologize to Junmyeon when actually they did nothing wrong. Sehun teach his people the right manner,


“No-NO! It wasn’t-It CLEARLY wasn’t your fault to begin with! I am the one who kept it as a secret! You shouldn’t be apologizing,” Junmyeon assure the two guilty men sitting across of him, “I think it’s time for me to tell you how corrupted my kingdom was,” His voice was soft and there are hint of sadness and anger in his tone. Sehun told him no need to force himself but he just want to let everything off.


“My father died long time ago. He left me, Jongin and my mom to rule the kingdom. Everything was perfectly fine until my father’s sibling steps into the throne and suddenly took over every freaking things!” They sense the changes note from Junmyeon which slightly higher. He’s mad. “They put too much pressure on my mom. Too much that she couldn’t handle it any longer. Too much that she died.Everything was too sudden and suddenly she need to take over the throne. She was scared. But for us… for the sake of me and Jongin, she braved herself through everything,”


The tears start running down his cheek, “Since then one after one trouble came in. The other relatives? They were all just stood there and doing nothing to help her. She faced everything by her own. They don’t even bother to help her. Once I sneakily hide inside their meeting room and heard everything. They done so much to get the throne off her.”


“But I was so small, so clueless, so scared at them and what I could done is to listen,”


“It wasn’t your fault, junmyeon. You shouldn’t put the blame on you,” Sehun softly rubbed the crying boy.


“It didn’t end there. My mom finally defeated by the cruel people around her. Not long after surviving, she died. Me and Jongin? Suffered with depression and poor Jongin, he was so small that time. He couldn’t understand a thing. And that’s where everything starting to crumble piece by piece. They were then compete and argued with each other on who should be the next King and after lots of argument, the second son got the throne,”


“All of our properties where then passed to them. We were locked into our father’s room, the only thing that was left for us. Nothing else.” Junmyeon turn his face to look at the others, “I’am sorry if what had my uncle done to your kingdom was unforgivable. I really have no control over them. All of this time, I were locked inside of a room.”


His story touched many hearts. Now all of the questions were answered. That was something unforgivable. A Kingdom shouldn’t be played just like that. Where were theirs manners? No use as their minds were all over golds.


“Should we done something for them?” Yixing asked, clearly mad about it,


“No. Not yet. Not until I knew Jongin is still safe..”


“Will they done something to him?” Sehun asked now,


“That’s what I am afraid of. There would be two choices. If they were kind enough, they will locked him in a small-dark room located at the deepest underground,” Junmyeon then stares at Sehun, “If not, he might got sold for slavery or worst, killed.”


“I am sure everything is going to be aright.” Sehun again assure Junmyeon and then turn his face to look at Jongdae and Baekhyun who were in charge outside of their kingdom. “Did you sense anything weird happened in their kingdom?”


“Nothing except that they had divided their villagers to do some labour works.”


“Apart from that, nothing unusual occurred. If your highness still feeling unsure about it, we could asked our guards to check on them and asked around,”


“I see. Yes. That would work,”


Suddenly the atmosphere once were all happy about the pregnancy news turned all sympathy and aggravated. How poor the boy’s life was. He is only young and he already need to bear all kind of harsh treatment towards his family. He couldn’t even feels his father’s hardship.


“Well then, let’s just forget about it. Shall we eat now? Suddenly I forget that I have a human inside of me that need to be feed,” Junmyeon quick to change the mood and his joke made everyone chuckles. With that they continue to eat and starts to suggest any kind of plan for Junmyeon to play a sneaky revenge for his uncle which made the latter laugh from their ridiculous plans. While he was laughing, slowly Sehun reach for his hand and rubbed it softly with his thumb,


“Don’t worry, love. We’ll get your brother tomorrow morning. Everything would be fine. Don’t be all stressed out,hmm?”


Junmyeon smiles back at him. He couldn’t be thankful enough for everything that they had done for him. He may be smiling but his mind still running all kind of possibilities that might happened to Jongin.





“Your highness, we received a shocking yet interesting news from our guards,” A man with big kitten eyes enter the huge room with a huge chandelier hanging at the centre of the ceiling.


“What news?” Only the other voice could be heard as his back face the other,


“It’s about King Sehun,” The man continue again and gain the other attention as he quick to turn around,


“What’s about my younger brother?”


“The Queen is pregnant. The Royals are expecting a Royal Baby this year,” The man with kitten eyes couldn’t hide his happiness about the news as he smiles so brightly. The other than straighten his body and stands up. He was so tall. His blonde hair compliment his sharp features. His full eyebrows and plump lips were a bonus.


“Pack our stuffs,Minseok.”


“Your highness?”


“We are going home.”


“Yes, King Yifan.”



Junmyeon just finish his bath and put on his Royal suit. Luhan told him that the breakfast would be ready soon and he could go downstairs later. But he just couldn’t sit still not when today Sehun promised him to go to his old kingdom and bring his younger brother back. So he decided to take a walk around the palace.


He look around for Sehun but he was no where to be found. Maybe he need to search more as the castle itself was huge. Too many hallways and too many doors need to get pass through each other halls. Junmyeon sighs again. He want to have a talk with Sehun before he depart to the Kingdom but now he was all frustrated for not finding him.


As he finally walk to the backyard, there he met Tao. The tall then bow and greet him back with his smile,


“Good Morning, your highness. It was still early for the armies to have their morning routine. What made you came here, early in the morning?” Tao asked because last night he and Chanyeol promised Junmyeon to have a look at the guards morning routine that they did on daily basis. The armies usually practice at morning before they depart for their respective territory.


Junmyeon shook his head, “Oh-No.” He smiles, “ I was looking for Sehun. I need to talk with him something before he go to the kingdom. I believe he told me that he will go there after having his breakfast but now I couldn’t even find him anywhere,”


Tao tilt his head in confusion, “Didn’t the King told you anything, your highness?”


Now it was Junmyeon to wonder, “No. What is it?”


“King Yifan, King Sehun’s only brother suddenly arrived this morning. They probably were having some talks to catch up on some things after long time didn’t see each other.”


Junmyeon widen his eyes in surprise, how come Sehun never told him he has a brother too?? “How come I didn’t get noticed about this earlier?” Now he felt quite guilty. He was the Queen. He should be with the King when the relatives pay a visit at their castle. How rude was he,


“I am sorry, your highness. Aren’t umm… both of you already had some chit chat about each other personal life? I mean didn’t King Sehun told you about his family background or anything..?” Junmyeon shook his head quickly and Tao could only sigh, “That Sehun…Nevermind, If you are looking for the King, he was probably at the garden.”


“Thanks Tao,” With that, he make his way to the garden but after few walks, he return back to Tao remembering that he still didn’t know about this palace and asked Tao on how to get to the garden which the other was more than glad to assist him,





Tao bring him to where Sehun and Yixing were. There he saw there are other two people that he’s not familiar with. He couldn’t see the one who was talking with Sehun tho because he got his back face Junmyeon. But he believes that must be Sehun’s brother and the other one who was standing beside him must be his personal man like Yixing. He wanted to greet them but somehow feels like taken aback upon looking on how they were busy chatting with each other with smile plastered on Sehun’s face,


He was about to turn his body around when Yixing caught his small body behind the pillar and mention him,


“Ah! Your highness, the Queen is here,” Junmyeon startle upon hearing his name being mentioned and Sehun was quick to turn his head and bring Junmyeon to where the group was,


“Junmyeon, I want you to meet my brother, King Yifan. He rule the other neighbourhood Kingdom,” After Sehun mention about Yifan, only then the other stands and turn his face to meet Junmyeon’s small one. Junmyeon was in awe looking at the perfect face in front of him. Both Sehun and his brother share the tall body, sharp eyebrows and intense looking eyes. No doubt they were siblings. Junmyeon was totally amuse with their gorgeous gene,



After realising he was staring for too long at the other, Junmyeon awkwardly shift his gaze, “Umm, Yeah.. Well, hi I-”


“Jumyeon. Kim Junmyeon. The Queen and also Sehun’s husband. I could literally smells your sweet scent from afar.” Yifan raises one of his eyebrows, literally scanning the boy up and down. “I heard about the happy news. Congrats to the both of you.”


Right. Junmyeon almost forgot that this entire people could smell him. Creeps.


“I was quite surprise to have this sudden visit because Sehun never mention anything about his family before. He doesn’t even bother to tell me that he has a brother,” Junmyeon teasing his husband about his clumsiness,


“I am sorry, alright? So many things happened and I was caught up on how to get along with my pregnant husband since he was avoiding me for quite time now. You can’t blame me about it, sweetie.”


“Okay. I couldn’t handle too much sweet and honey here. By the way, I saw a carriage in front of the hall earlier. Heading somewhere?” Yifan rolling his eyes with the two lovey dovey behaviours and made Junmyeon shy in embarrassment.


“Ah..yeah. I have something to deal with our new territory area,”


“More like he will going to bring my younger brother to me,” Junmyeon words got Yifan shot his curious looks to the both of them while crossing his arms, totally eager to know more,


“We’ll tell you later.”


“Who else going?”


Sehun look at the sky, having a thought before reply to his brother, “Me and Yixing while the rest of the guards will follow up later with Chanyeol and Baekhyun,”


“Sounds fun. Can I come?” His bold request sends that surprise look to the others,


“But you just arrived, hyung. Won’t you have a little rest or anything? Aren’t you tired?” Sehun asked his brother for confirmation. Because the other just arrived this morning and now he wanted to go along with them. Sehun was fine by that but he was afraid if his brother become tired and moody because who knows what kind of things he would do to others when he was in his mood.


“I am fine. I also want to have a look at our new territory, which I assume the Queen’s Kingdom, wasn’t it? How weird. To have your own husband attack your own kingdom and suddenly have a forced marriage on you.” Yifan has always known for his straightforward and bold statement but for Junmyeon, this was quite new and he felt like a knife just stabbed onto his heart. Sehun on the other hand cursed himself for not telling what kind of person Yifan is. He is nice but sometimes he just too bold for his own good. “Hmm…I am following.”


“I am sorry for Yifan’s boldness. Please, I hope you didn’t take it seriously,” Sehun whispers to Junmyeon after looking at the other frown from his brother’s statement and softly plant a kiss on his cheek. Sehun sure know how to comfort his pregnant husband,

”Have you eat your breakfast yet?”


“Oh shoot. I forgot. I am about to but then Tao told me your brother is having a visit so” Sehun chuckle with his husband silliness. “Baby, I told you to never skip your meal. Or else you’ll faint again,” He then hold Junmyeon’s hands and rub it with his thumb and offered Yifan to join them for breakfast too before going to the other place,





Going together with Sehun are Yixing, his personal man and Yifan with his personal man too which Sehun introduced him earlier as Minseok. His eyes was huge and his smile was contagious. It was hard for Junmyeon to digest that he was the oldest among the other men here.


Junmyeon wanted to go along but then remembered that the siblings were dangerous. Who knows what might they done to him or Jongin if they found out that he was alive, married to a King and now was pregnant. Sehun also remind him that he better not to move much especially when the side effect of the pregnancy might hurt him along the way.


And he was pretty sure that the siblings would be total mad knowing that he is a Queen now.


Just when they were about to leave, Junmyeon hold Sehun and remind him something, “Please don’t tell them that I was still alive. Never mention anything about me being a Queen in front of them.” Sehun tilt his head in confusion. Didn’t Junmyeon want to brag about it after what they had done to him?


“I am afraid they would do something to Jongin or even treat him to bring me back to the kingdom and gain the power again to control over the kingdom and who knows after knowing that I am also a Queen to your kingdom, they might as well take advantage about it. So please,”


Junmyeon leans his body against Sehun’s chest and whisper softly to the other ear, “Please bring back my jongin safe and sound,”


“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll bring back your brother,” He cupped Junmyeon’s face before leaving a soft peck on his temple. He promise to bring the other back and assure Junmyeon that everything is going to be aright and he has nothing to worry about. The guards will be there along with them and he doesn’t need to be stress out.


From inside of the carriage, there were two man seating turning his face towards the cute couple.

“Aren’t they the cutest?” Minseok teasing Yifan while wiggle his eyebrows. He knows that yifan, eventhough didn’t show much his emotion because of his cold appearance, deep inside he really do care about his younger brother and knowing that he found his soul mate really made him happy about it.


“Don’t you jealous, your highness?” Yifan divert his gaze toward his small personal Man. He really shouldn’t play along with this teasing of his but this one got his attention,


“What jealous?”


Minseok rolling his eyes, “Aahh…You are no fun, Yifan.” Despite being a King and a Personal Man, they both sharing the longest relationship than anyone else in the kingdom. They sometimes drop the honorific with each other and talk casually like a brothers,


“What?” Yifan smirk knowing that he won over this,


“Sehun is your younger brother and he found his queen earlier than you are! Now I need to pay the other for winning the bet,”


“Wait. You made a bet with others about our marriage?” Yifan crossing his arms and shaking his head,


“I mean it just for fun and plus, Yifan, you are getting older. Go get yourself a lover or something.”


Right. Minseok has always reminds him the same thing all over again. Go found yourself a perfect person and so on and so on. It’s not like he wasn’t. He did. But Yifan didn’t want just any princesses or princess. He did deal with some tragic memories knowing that those people wanted him because of his wealth. Because of that, he decided that the throne should be pass to Sehun instead of him, the eldest then decided to rule a kingdom of his own farther from others. He and Sehun did fight about the sudden turn but only to found out the truth after that. Sehun feels pity about him but ended up to be an amazing King after all.


It was a surprise to know that his brother, Sehun, who was like didn’t give any of his attention into his love life, turn out to be married earlier than he does. How he really wanted to join the beauty occasion during the wedding but he can’t because he got something urgent to do. Knowing that the Kingdom would expecting a baby royal this year, Yifan put everything aside and turn to his home town.


After few kisses and goodbyes, they leave the palace and started they journey to the territory.




“Jongin didn’t speak much. He only talks to me and not really fond of starting the conversation. He is quite shy.”


Junmyeon’s words echoes through his mind. Not really pay attention to the talkative men he had around him talking about stuffs. Usually it was Yixing who try to break the silence and Minseok sometimes joke around too. But they would stop when the Kings told them too. Yifan not really minds because it’s been awhile seems they meet each other and also, he noticed about the change of mood in Sehun.


“Your highness, you are spacing out again,” Yixing random question snapped him from his thought.


“I don’t know. Just curious. What kind of person this Jongin is,” He lean towards the seat and rest his head on the comfy cushion, “Also about his ‘corrupted’ kingdom,”



“Your-Your highness! Bad news! It’s-it’s a bad news!” A man almost stumbled his face on the floor after knocked his knee at the edge of the table and scrunched his face in pain before continue running again towards the person he called ‘king’,


The older man who was busy talking with the others suddenly interrupted by the man’s voice, yelling at him from outside,


Just when the man arrived to the king, he got his head push by the king in front of him, “What is it, you idiot?? Don’t you see I’m having a meeting here?” Not really a meeting. Just a rubbish talk about their now pathetic kingdom. After having the enemy attacked their kingdom, they are living twice harder than usual,


But of course, the labour works were done by their people and they did nothing but only some simple things. When the guards from the enemy came to check out their progression, only then they started to fake and pretend as if they also work their off.


The poor man then rubbed his head and continue again, “The enemy! It’s their King now heading to our castle!”


The king who was about to slip his tea then choked down and spill some of it on his robe. Panic started to gush all over his body, “Wh-What?? Is this true??” He raise his voice and his other siblings who gathered there stands up and started to pack their stuffs before rushing outside,


“Yes, your highness! People in town already saw them in town and they are heading to us!”


“! How longer will they take to arrive here??”


“I-I don’t know, your highness. They could arrive any minutes by now-” The poor man got hit again this time on his shoulder,


“You fool! Why wouldn’t you tell me this sooner??” Their conversation stopped when they heard a slight chaos outside of the palace. They both looking at each other with the terrified look on their faces before rushing outside but then the older stop and order the man,


“Bring Jongin here.”


“B-But your highness-”


“Just bring him together with us.” His stern voice and glare made the poor man nodded in hurry and took turn to another way,




The guards were guarding all over the palace not letting the others to escape. As four of them enter the palace they know something wasn't right. Sehun remember those faces clearly from before. Those people whose eager to chase his husband away from his own kingdom. But he thought Jongdae and Baekhyun already signed them to each jobs.


“Where is your leader?” Yixing asked one of the siblings who hung their head low, locked their eyes to the floor.


“Well, our leader will coming soon.” Suddenly a voice coming from behind them and it was the second eldest son, the king himself.


Sehun and Yifan could literally sniff such a strong malodorous coming from the person in front of him. Gosh. He must be the cruellest of the cruel.


“Forget about it. Show us the way to him.” Sehun stern voice sends shiver to those people in the hall. Of course they started to get panic again. What if their dirty secret got exposed. What if Jongin literally told the enemy the truth. They will all going to be the feast to the beast in the jungle.


“Well, he is probably on his way now-”


“Are you deaf? Should I cut your ears and make sure you really deaf? Don’t make me said it twice.” Again his words made others scared. The old man cursed under his breath of what taking his man too long to bring Jongin here?


“Yes-yes sir,” He couldn’t do anything much when Sehun was the one who giving the order. He need to obey this enemy of his or else he might die and of course he didn’t want that. He then guide them to the place where he keep Jongin.


The place where he locked Jongin.


Into a dark empty space with not much noise,


Alone from the outsiders,


Underground basement.

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Jun_junn #1
Chapter 6: This was a story from 2017...i should have checked it first🥺
I wish author will continue this
Wakermelon_bin #2
Chapter 6: I'll Never Know Its End.. Lol.
Naruondihaw #3
Chapter 6: I really wish that you would complete this masterpiece ?
No4610 #4
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!
I have read this a countless of times and it's one of my favorites.. hope you would update soon it would be a shame if this amazing work of art wasn't completed
maedtuggi #5
Just find it and love it... I want more authorniiiimm olease update it asap :*
Chapter 6: Haha. So the drama finally starts...

Umin92 #8
Chapter 6: Who is that es???