


It was already past midnight and yet the three silhouettes that can be seen due to the light emitted by the moon inside the dark house far away from prying eyes are still wide-awake. The three of them are sitting on the couch of the messy living room. The eldest of them suddenly stood up, walked towards the window and closed the curtains.

In a hushed voiced he said, “Are you sure about what your planning, Daniel?” while thinking that maybe he’s best friend finally lost his marbles.

“Yes,” the man in question answered. He is sitting on a marble stool far away, from where the window is.

“But hyung, is it really necessary for you to leave and go there?” Daniel’s younger brother named Woojin asked, worry evident in his expression.

Daniel can understand that they are worried but his decision is final. No one can stop him. He is going to do this no matter what.

“The two of you can say whatever you want but I’m gonna do this.” Daniel answered in a voice that broke no argument.

“Just hear us out, man. We are just worried what would happen to you if you went out there. You know that the last person who did that never came back.” Ji Sung, Daniel’s best friend and kind of a big brother ever since said, still hoping that Daniel would change his mind.

“Of course I know that,” Daniel said in an exasperated voice. “But did you ever think that the reason why that person never came back was because he found the answer?”

Woojin understand what is going on with his brother. Even though he is still young in terms of age and even experience, he understands that his brother Daniel wanted to be free.

Ji Sung also understand for he is also facing the same problem. They all are. Time flies so fast and yet not for them, not in this place. Living for a long time can even cause deep pain that can’t be undone no matter what. He knows that Daniel wanted to avoid that at all cost.

“If you went out there, there is a possibility that you can’t came back. You’ll di--” Ji Sung stopped, but the two knew the unspoken word.

“Maybe,” Daniel answered hesitantly, unsure and confused.

Silence filled the room. Each of them are filled with their own thoughts. They are thinking of confusing, uncertain and angry questions that cannot be answered.

“If you’re going to do this then we have your back. Good luck man.” Ji Sung said as he approached Daniel and did their bro fist.

“Don’t worry. I can do this.” Daniel said with determination.

Ji Sung knows what happened to the person who never came back, which Daniel did not know. And he prayed that Daniel will find a way to break from their curse.

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