Mina (2)

Hirai's Private Journal

July 2017, approximately 10 in the evening.


I followed Mina on her way home.

I wasn’t expecting to see her, but I guess fate has been too nice with me lately and brought us closer.

I was supposed to just go home that night yeah, but the laughs that she made, at that same night, stung my ear and it reminded me of that contagious laugh she had shared with me before. The memories we had, all of the good memories, was replaced by only the bad, the dark, and the miserable vision we have of each other.

It was almost late at night when I saw her exiting a bar chatting and laughing with her “new” friends who seems to be flirting with different guys respectably. As expected, no one seems to be going home with her. I’ll be surprised if there’s someone though because it wouldn’t be like her at all. But who knows, snakes changes skin occasionally. Just like her, she could have initially act nice but secretly deceive them later on.

But who cares, bet she’s planning to betray them all soon anyway.


It’s probably this whole new strength the reason why I did what I did. When I get angry, I couldn’t control myself. But you know what? Not in a million cells in my body there is regret I could feel. Sometimes I hate myself for that, but more importantly I am thankful for this fact, I guess this is way better than the weak me and emotional phase of myself in the past.

I’m fine.  


When your sorrow thoughts follow you, it already ate you before you can even plan to escape.


In a dark alley where Myoui unknowingly led me, she finally grew suspicious that someone was walking at the same pace behind her.

She walked faster; I don’t think she knows that she’s competing with a varsity runner once again.

Not letting her stride anymore quicker, neither letting her win this time, I moved to her front and blocked her path.

I watched as her eyes widened as she realized who was standing in front of her.




What the hell was that face.


Was that fear? Shock? Is she supposed to be frightened?


Pulling back my hoodie to show my whole face, I put on a smirk as I meet her eyes. “Long time no see, friend.”


“That’s right. I see you still remember me, isn’t that nice? I didn’t forget about you too.”

She looked at me with terror, her eyes roamed around me as if she knows what she is expecting. “W-What happened with you… You…”

At that moment, despite of the fear that she showed in her eyes, I could also see sadness. I don’t ing understand, it’s just like what she gave me years ago. But she didn’t care, why would I care now?

“I think it’s time for you to pay what you owe me.” I said as my arm slowly morphed into a saw. I have lost everything, would it be nice if she lose atleast one of her arm as settlement?

“I’m- Momo… Please calm down.” Goddamn pretentious with her stupid fake tears. This is what you do to make people believe you huh? It might have worked on other people but not with me. Don’t even, Mina.

“Calm down? You’re asking me to calm down when it’s basically you who ruined my life?” I answered with a raised voice. Just looking at her makes my blood boil.

“Momo… I didn’t-”

Not letting her finished her sentence, I snapped after seeing her shed more tears and shifted near her, slashing her arm with a swift movement. I watched as her body dropped helplessly on the ground, holding onto her arm that was now covered with blood. Just like what happened years ago, when she watched me fell in front of hundreds of people, and did nothing. Oh how the tables have turned.

"Mina… Is this what you wanted? For everything to turn out like this? Why did you do that? Did you ing care about me? How are you that selfish?" I took a deep breath after I spoke. I didn’t realize that I was pouring tears myself.

“I didn’t understand… You were my friend… But you just have to destroy our friendship.” My voice cracked but I continued. I have a lot of things to say but I couldn’t voice them all out. My heart got broken by Jeongyeon, but I felt like this was even more painful. She was there when I needed her… whenever I get hurt. There was no closure. We were just having fun until… Jesus. Mina, I have a lot of questions. Atleast one of them… please give me an answer.


“I’m sorry…”


Sorry? Is that all you can say? “My sister died. She died instantly after whatever poison you put in that drink took her whole body. She was the only real family that I had and you know that.” I told her coldly.

“I didn’t mean to do it… I didn’t know…”

“LIAR!” out of mixed emotions, an electric blue spark was blasted towards her using my other hand. I don’t even know what weapon this is. It just came out of nowhere like it formed on its own. She wasn’t even able to scream as she lied flat on the ground. She just remained there, with her soulless eyes staring straight at me.  

I slowly took a step towards her, my eyes not leaving hers.

“It’s a shame you let me live, you would’ve had a happy ending if you just killed me years ago.”



It was that same day I was sent to the hospital that I was discharged too. I ran as fast as I could to Myoui’s place, it was surprising to be honest. Thought she would hide by now but no, she was just standing in front of me, acting calm as if nothing happened.

She wasn’t facing me when I went to her room, but I could only imagine this victory smile plastered on her face as I noticed the winning trophy displayed on her bedroom. Of course.

“Tell me, this bottle…” I raised my hand holding the same water bottle I had earlier, hoping somewhat it wasn’t her responsibility, but, “Did you do this?”

And without even turning around to look at what I was referring to, she answered. “And what if I did.”

I froze. And without even realizing it my tears roll down my face. I don’t want to accept this. No.

“Why… Why did you do that…”

“So what, you’re safe right? There’s nothing to whine about.”

“Mina,” I paused briefly to wipe my tears that seems like it wouldn’t stop anytime soon. I don’t think I could talk properly but I have to, “That competition was important to me, why did you do such a thing, besides, I’m your friend, how could you use a foul play on me.”

“Simple, you’re an easy prey. You’re naïve and you believe in people too easily. You didn’t know Jungyeon was cheating on you don’t you.”

The moment she mentioned Jeongyeon triggered me. “SHUT UP! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

I scurried towards her and dragged her shoulders to face me. Her face was plain and difficult to understand.

“Were you trying to kill me? Why? If you wanted to win that competition you could have just said so! If you didn’t want me there you could have just said so! If I did something wrong you could have just said so!”

Myoui rolled her eyes. “You talk as if I wouldn’t win if you’re a part of the competition. I already told you the reason. And it’s your fault she took the drink. Not my problem.”

I couldn’t believe what I’m hearing. This… This Mina was the same friend I had since I was a kid. The same person who only gives me comforting words and advices no one could ever give. I don’t understand.

“I can’t… believe...” The only words I could sputter out as I weep uncontrollably, my hands not leaving her shoulders as I turned my head down. I wanted to call the police on my friend, but could I do that?

She forcefully removed my hands off of her and spoke coldly. “What are you gonna do? Tell us to the police? You have no proof. Besides, I could easily tell them that you’re only blaming me because you lost and I won and I’ll be deemed innocent without a hitch.” She said with a smile.

“How… How dare you. You are my friend… What happened to you?”

Myoui returned her blank face and stared at me. “Nothing happened to me. You were and still are just unable to see what’s hiding behind everyone’s façade. Your mistake.”

Only silence had caught me after hearing what she just said.

“Momo, you should know that we now live in a world where people pretend to be friends with you with a hidden agenda. It’s a human thing. This is how we work today. We’re not in ancient times anymore and hell, the past could be worse. We are born selfish somehow so stop acting as if you’re not.”

“- if not then, it’s time to educate yourself Hirai.”



“Oh I’ve educated myself pretty well alright. We are all born selfish that’s why you-“ standing in front of her, I slowly traced her upper chest with the tip of my saw, next to my blade was her, awaiting for her death.

“If you’re gonna do it just kill me quickly. Please.” Mina silently begged.

With a devilish grin on my face, I raised my arm and set to stabbed her when a rapid force blew up against my weapon, causing it to return to its original form, blood spilling out of my arm.

“What the ?!”

Blood, I never got injured before. What the hell was this?

I hold onto my wounded arm trying to fix it but before I knew it, Myoui already used this opportunity to escape and ran away.

“Damn it!” Seeing her not too far from where I stand, I immediately replaced my saw into a pistol and shoot. I heard her scream from a distance but still continued to run, trying her best to leave the place.

I didn’t know if that did any harm but it. That’s not what’s important now.

“Who was that?! Show yourself er!” I turned around fuming with anger, searching for the culprit however, no one neither showed up nor responded.

I walked over to the object that hit me. Crouching down to inspect it, it looks like a bullet that came from a sniper rifle. Now who the hell would shoot me with a rifle? And why? Tch.

I took the bullet and went home. Disappointed at myself for failing at the only task I wanted to do my whole life. A bit stunned because of what happened and unsteady due to my injury, but since the hit took place when my arm was a weapon, the wound is healing faster on its own. I still have to be careful though, I’ve never had any injuries before, so whoever was after me, probably knows about my secret too.

A radiating headache seems to be taking over but here I am, writing another entry on my notes just to release my stress. I guess jotting things down could help planning for my next move.

I need to be extra cautious now. This time, someone is definitely following me.

Goodbye Diary. I need to sleep.  


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I feel like my stories are cringefest so there will be changes soon. Im sorry for being away i was too busy :( also the thoughts of this being not good enough


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rscape #1
Chapter 4: I enjoy this story. I hope you will continue it. It's different from a lot of twice fanfics storywise which is nice.
_MoHirai #2
Chapter 4: I loved!!
Wivern #3
Chapter 3: Sad. bad Mina.
rscape #4
Chapter 3: oh i like this!
Chapter 3: Genuinely hype over this. The way your story is set got me totally hook. Thank you for the update. I'll be looking forward for more ^^
yvesflower #6
Chapter 1: This is so good, damn i'm anticipating for the next chapter!