Wait For Me


He broke up with me saying that he will always love me ... and he always will...

i was lost and so confused.. if you still love me.. then why did you have to leave me?

now i lay in my bed crying in my cold and empty room.
I cried myself to sleep at night ever since that unfaithful day.. 


it hurts you more when your hurting the ones you love..

it makes you feel like your slowly dying inside.. 

not being able to breath when they are not next to you...

each tears that they shead is like a knife that cuts right through you ..

leaving scars in the process that can never be erased..




thank you for the amazing poster..


and the staff too.. it's amazing stuff..


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SingATune #1
Awww!! I swear I almost cried! This is so good!
Owh a sequel? That sounds really interesting ^^ I'll look forward for it~ Maybe you should make a poll hehehee~
chas_ssmentrok #3
so sad :((
but the story is really good...
I knew this was gonna be a sad story and I still read it T_T very beautiful
I know to some of you having 2oo views is nothing. But to me, it feels awesome to be able to write stories that people or readers to enjoy.
thank you.. i'm glad you like the story.<br />
*90' bow* (^-^)
Awww~~~<br />
that's so sad...<br />
I'm so touched!!!<br />
You're a really good writer!!!
Woah~ Amazing, the letter...Woah so Beautiful but also so sad...<br />
I really lived in with the person and the letter...<br />
It touched me...