Aftershock I

Mind Control
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Chaeyoung was exasperated. She didn’t know how long they had been in that awful room, but there had been no other attempt at contact from their captor. They had been static, waiting for something to happen to no avail. In that timeframe, they didn’t do much. They would eat, they would make small talk, or they would have small fits of unrestful sleep; obviously both were on edge.

Jihyo had decided, since the first day, that they should ration their food and water, since they didn’t know what could happen in the future or more like, for how long they would be trapped in that room. It was fine by Chaeyoung; the food was just small cans of veggies, fruits, or tuna, a few containers filled with white rice, and some kimchi. Besides, she didn’t feel like eating, not when the only thing she had in mind was their escape and their bandmates. God knew where they were, if they were safe.

It was obvious Jihyo worried more about the latter than her, and with reason.

It was until another fit of sleep that they finally saw a note at the door’s foot, a slightly yellowish sheet of paper with the same handwriting.

Good morning :) Wouldn’t you like to take a walk? Take some lunch with you, there’s so much to see~

Jihyo read it first, her face again contracted into a scowl, as opposed to the calm front she put for Chaeyoung. The former got up from her place and opened the cabinet.

“So, what now?” Chaeyoung asked as she got up on her feet, her mind now alert.

“I’m trying to find… Ah, here,” the brunette gestured for the younger girl. “Put everything that you can fit in this bag there, and I’ll do the same,” she ordered when Chaeyoung was close enough.

They worked in silence, their mind now focused on getting somewhere. Chaeyoung wished to say something, but she didn’t know what. A walk? What did that mean? Lunch.

“Don’t take just food. Pack everything,” Jihyo chastised her lightly while she put a box of bandages in her hand.

“Is this really necessary?”

“Yes. Chaeng, we don’t know what’s out there, and I really doubt this guy wrote the note just because.” The short girl nodded, knowing that what Jihyo said was true, even though that made her uncomfortable.

When they were over, Chaeyoung looked at Jihyo, waiting for her input in their situation. The other girl nodded towards the door, and stood in front of it.

“You think it’s safe now?” she asked as she stood next to the leader.

“I hope so.” Jihyo slowly stretched her hands to meet the doors metallic handle, drawing a breath of relief when nothing happened. Chaeyoung sighed as the door opened, finally letting them out of their confinement.

It was a long, obscured hallway that would probably lead them to another room (or to the exit, if she was optimistic). There wasn’t much at first sight, other than the similarly colored walls and ceiling, and the protruding tubes leading somewhere else. Ah, and if she took more tentative steps, she saw another door ajar.

“Want to see what’s at the end of the hallway?” she asked the leader, who had been pensive since they came out the room.

“Sure. It’s better if we investigate, anyway,” the girl replied, walking in front of Chaeyoung, her arms splayed, as if in a protective stance.

Chaeyoung couldn’t help but to look at her surroundings as they walked along the long corridor. There wasn’t much to see, but the things that were there gave Chaeyoung food for thought.

“In what kind of place is it possible to have this kind of construction?” she muttered as she followed along. Wherever they were, it had to be some sort of secret facility or something. Material such as iron wasn’t used in just anything. The question now was, why? Why were they put there? With what purpose?

Disappointingly, there was nothing at the end of the corridor but a dead end. There seemed to be a door, but it was clear it was closed shut. No point in trying to force it, even though she had the impulse to try and do it. Jihyo grumbled under her breath.


“Nothing. It’s better if we reach that second door again. That’s the only way.”

Chaeyoung expected more than what greeted her when they completely opened that door. What greeted them was another room, not much different from the one they had woken up in, except that this one had a little more decoration. Well, if a dirty bed smack in the middle, two cabinets – one next to the door they were passing through and the other in front of the bed – and a curtain held by an iron rod stuck in between the walls counted as decoration.

They entered slowly, scanning their surroundings for anything – other than everything going on with them in that moment – out of the ordinary. When they had fully entered the room, the door swung shut, making both her and Jihyo jump out, frightened at the loud, unexpected sound.

“Did you close the door?” Jihyo asked, her hand still over her chest and her face still contorted in shock.

“No,” Chaeyoung answered, her stomach now filled with dread as the word left her lips. Jihyo stayed in shock for a few moments before changing her expression to something more neutral, like another frown.

“. We can’t be stuck in this room now, can we?” Jihyo rambled angrily, reaching again for the door now shut. It was useless, and Jihyo scoffed when she realized that.

“This can’t be,” she murmured before putting her hand again on her chest and closing her eyes. Chaeyoung felt bad for their leader, who was obviously frustrated by this turn of events, but she couldn’t do anything, not when she was rooted to her spot, her mind running a mile a minute.

What was this person’s deal?

Chaeyoung walked slowly, looking at everything in their surroundings. What was that curtain at the left for? She scrounged her nose when she found out what was at the other side of the curtain: a big bucket that she supposed was meant to serve as a temporary toilet.

There was a note on the bed, but she had purposefully left the task of reading it to her leader, preferring to investigate everything else, and leave the heavy thinking to her. Opening the cabinet next to her, she cursed under her breath when she saw there wasn’t even half of the supplies he had given them in the room they had awoken. She just hoped that that meant they would be out of here soon.

“Here. Read it with me,” Jihyo solicited, waving the small paper that had been laying over the bed.

When you find a way out, would you play a game with me? :)

Chaeyoung shivered at the words, her eyes flitting to the older

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Hyperion6091 #1
Chapter 1: Please update authornim, we cant just end on a cliffhanger.... TT
neccar 146 streak #2
Chapter 2: This is so unnerving, it's so cool.
Wivern #3
Chapter 2: Would have been good... :/
Chapter 2: "...and don't curse." Jihyo LOL

This is only the second chapter but I swear this story became one of my favorites. I'm gonna say it again, I. love. it. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 1: Ok, this is so awesome already. I LOVE IT.
SilentKiller99 #6
Chapter 1: It's really interesting~