
Bad Blood
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Krystal was laying on her couch, the pain coming from her bruise was slowly but painfully taking over her body.

She stayed still for more than two hours, trying to recall every details from her encounters with her supposedly victim. Kai.

Kai.. Except from smirking and taking back his wallet he didn't say or do anything.

All of this was false. She never meet Kai, not even crossed paths with him not even heard of him. This was a total set-up, a manipulation where she was the puppet. “Why me?” she whispered “Why putting me under the spot, for something that I’m not? What’s the aim? ” .

Morning came, Krystal wasn’t ready to face this day. Something inside her told her that yesterday was just a preview of what was waiting for her. She was right. Because once she putted one feet in the number one prestigious elite school of the whole country, the time seemed to have been frozen.

Everyone was staring and whispering about her like she was a freaking monster. Some made disgusted faces, others made fun of her, while five boys were glaring at her like she wasn’t supposed to be here. They were right. She wasn’t. Not after what happened yesterday. But she did came anyways, because deep down, somewhere inside of her, she knew. She knew that she was innocent and that she didn’t do anything wrong. But for them the simple fact that she was breathing their air of rich and powerful people after what they supposed that she have done was definitely wrong.

“She is supposed to felt guilty for threatening Kai and slapping Jessica but here she is like the shameless girl that she is, breathing and coming at school perfectly fine like the fresh breeze of a sunny morning. She deserve to die. “Krystal overheard while walking to her history class. Comments like that flew from every corner, at each steps that she took someone was making a malicious comments.

“Why does it smells like poor people in this class? Seriously the school board should be more careful with who they let in. It’s not a freaking fish market. I will tell my dad to clean up a little bit this school. The trash shall be throws away not mixed with diamonds. “One of her classmate said. Krystal knew too well that they were talking about her. She. Was.The.Trash.But she just let it go because if she gives them any reactions of anger or fear, they will be the one winning that psychologic game.

Yes, it was in did a game where the strongest mind win and the most broken lose. She wasn’t born rich, never had those expensive private tutors to teach her about sciences, politics or mathematics, she only had life. And in this very moment she thanked her harsh life to have trained her in the right way to face these kind of situations. The one where you can’t escape but you still have to face with the head up.

Suddenly a hand smashed against Krystal’s cheek. One. Two. Three. Thrice. A girl who looked like she had too much plastic surgery slapped her thrice. But the three time, never did Krystal or her eyes shown any reactions, either of pain, anger or fear. Nothing.

“If you were innocent you would have at least stand for yourself. So for the one who defend this trash that you think is innocent, now you know. She isn’t otherwise she would’ve stand up for herself” The girl said. Like I didn’t try to stand for myself yesterday though Krystal while rolling her eyes. And just like this the teacher came in and everyone acted like everything was normal , like the red on Krystal’s cheek was just blush and that she never have been slapped.

When the bell finally rang, Krystal hurried up and headed to the bathroom to refresh her cheek and mind. When she finally reached the girl’s bathroom, she could feel someone spying her, but eyeing around her didn’t help her catch who it was. Krystal still went in and faced the big mirror upside the lavabo. All she could see at that moment was a pale figure with teary eyes who looked lifeless. “I’m ok. I’m fine. I’m really fine. They’re just immature people, let them be, get over

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Miomin #1
Chapter 2: Nice plot
So I hope u will update soon. ^_^
yehet_hunhun94 #2
Chapter 2: Update soon please :)
Chapter 1: I like the plot! can't wait for the next chapter!