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"mina aren't you going to talk to nayeon unnie anymore ? do you really meant it that way ?" sana asked

"sana chan it's obvious that she didn't feel the same way as i did plus you do know that she .... likes jeongyeon aren't you ?" mina questioned sana

Sana only nodded slowly

"well i didn't tell you because i know you're going to be hurt so-"

"i know it already unnie . even earlier than you . im not stupid to not realized how nayeon unnie always look at jeongyeon unnie with heart eyes and all" mina said in a sad voice , almost unaudible but sana can hear it clearly

sana wanted to cheer mina up but she just doesn't know how to so she tells this to mina.

"Mina yah if you really want to forget about nayeon unnie and all , you should just find another person who will love you as much as you love her" sana explained to mina softly

"its hard . i don't think i can make it" mina replied

"you can do it mina ! if that is the case, im going to introduce you to one of my friends . She's pretty and in the same age as you" sana suggested

"gahhh lets don't do this sana" mina said weakly

"i don't want to see you being all lifeless and hurt like this !" sana shouted

"if you just going to show how miserable you are after being rejected by nayeon unnie , it's just going to make you looks bad . It won't help you with anything mina . Show to nayeon unnie that you are strong enough to move on and find another person to cure your broken heart" sana motivated mina . She really want to see her dearest mina being able to stand up again.

after being motivated by sana, mina suddenly stood up and said this words with full of energy

"thats right unnie. I should be strong and show to her that i can live even without her loving me back. I must be able to move on" mina said it out confidently

"thats my minari" sana said proudly

"thanks unnie for staying beside me all this time" mina thanked sana

"awww dont thank me" sana hugged mina in response

"promise me you are going with me to meet with my friend ?"

"unnie is that even necessary ?" mina whined

"of course it is. You just said you want to move on lol. Plus you should make some new friends mina." sana patted mina's head while convincing her with a warm smile.

"yeahh i should" mina replied

"then, thats a yes?" sana asked again

"yeahh unnie" mina rolled her eyes.


sana and mina getting ready to meet that said friend of sana afterwards. Sana being the good unnie she is chose the best outfit for mina so she'll looks pretty and maybe killed people with her beauty (well as if she doesn't, thats myoui for you guys everyone kkk)

"you looks perfect mina yahh" sana squealed as mina looks so cool and pretty at the same time

mina only blushed with the compliment from sana

"ok so now we're all ready to go !" sana said it out excitedly

"i just called her and she said she already waited for us at the cafe. better be hurry" sana told mina

"ahhhh alright" mina replied

as both of them put on their shoes and ready to get out, suddenly a voice stopped them

"where are you guys going ?" nayeon asked. her eyes fixed on mina but then she quickly turned to sana

"why is she even so pretty just with that simple outfit gawdd~~" nayeon thought to herself

mina of course noticed that

"well....there's a plan" sana replied doesn't want to tell nayeon where to

"oh c'mon tell me where ? are you guys going to the arcade ?" nayeon asked again

mina just stayed quiet

"aishhh stop asking already unnie. It's a secret plus aren't you going out with jeongyeon today ?" sana fired back at nayeon

"uhhh it was canceled" nayeon answered sheepishly

"ehhh why ?" sana asked again

"well im not feeling good so yeah" nayeon answered still feeling bad about it

nayeon glanced to mina but the latter just looking at somewhere else but not her

"ahhh is that so ? then we'll be going now" sana said

"see you"

"be careful guys . bye sana" nayeon waved goodbye awkwardly

"byee nabongs" sana replied

mina just smiled as a return. not a sincere one

nayeon sighed after they close the door leaving the dorm with just her alone. The other members went to the studio recording as they have schedule. So it was just her,sana and mina that got their day off but unfortunately the two just left her alone to go and have some fun

"that two tsk what a friends leave me all alone" nayeon sulked

suddenly she have the idea to get back on them. She will try and follow them so she can surpised them without them noticing it. Plus she also want to be all ok with mina again. She have to make mina talk to her again.

so nayeon followed them to their destination and they actually stopped at a cafe they usually went to after the practise.

"why are they even go to that cafe ? they just have breakfast awhile ago." she thought still curious about what's gonna happen

"ohhh do you see her mina ? that's the one with a short blonde hair" sana asked mina

"you rcognized her ? a fellow idol too"

"ummm.. i think i have seen her somewhere but i dont have any memory about that" mina answered sana after examining her face. She swear she had met her before but she just can't recall her memory back

sana seems to know something since she smirked after hearing mina's answer

"well im sure you met her before then" sana said

"lets go and meet her now"

the blonde hair girl stand up after she saw sana and mina. she looks kinda happy after seeing mina. She have this i-know-your-name-and-we-know-each-other-dont-you-know-me face after scanning mina's face

they shake hands and introduced each other shortly

"hi yuha this is mina and mina this is yuha my friend. She's from pristin you know her right ?" sana said

"ahhh pristin of course i know them. HI yuha im mina btw" mina said warmly

"ahh hi im yuha nice to meet you" yuha welcomed mina

"nice to meet you too" mina said

"so since we know each other now how about we ordered something to eat" sana suggested

"ok" yuha and mina said in unison

"ohh what a chemistry" sana teased

both of them just laughed it off

"well lets see what we have here" sana scan the menu

"new york cheese cake please" yuha and mina both said it out together

"aigoo what's happening here. Are you guys know each other before. You both have the same taste" sana yet again teased them

"what a coincidence haha" mina said still shocked about it

"yeahh i didn't know you like new york cheese cake too" yuha stated

"well i always like new york cheese cake since i was a kid" mina answered yuha

"ahh really ? me too" yuha said it too excitedly

"yahh im still here lol don't obligated me" sana pouted

"aishh what a fun killer, we just started to warm up with each other" yuha said it out teasingly to sana

"yahhh you should thanked me i bought mina here with me or else you won't be able to meet you longlost--"

"longlost new york cheese cake partner ! yess !" yuha interupted sana

yuha gave this deathly glare to sana as she almost ruined her life. Sana realized it and mouthed a silent 'sorry' sheepishly

"umm.. ok you both are being weird" mina said awkwardly.

"we are always weird right sana ?" yuha stated

"a.ha.ha.ha yeah~~" sana answered awkwardly

"btw you guys should know each other better right ?maybe share some similar hobbies and all?" sana quickly suggested after the awkward situation awhile ago

"ahh yeahh actually i like gaming a lot and dancing too" yuha stated

"ohh really ?!!

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heyy guys i'm so sorry that i have some grammatical and spelling errors right there. Please bare with it since i'm updating with my phone.


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Chapter 4: Update plsssssss
Chapter 4: only minariii can call her by her name !! yeey
Chapter 3: nabong was caught XD
Chapter 2: i love angst and this really satisfied my taste...
poor minariii....she git rejected twice ....nayeon you found out tooo late about your true feelings ....
Chapter 1: why nayeoniiie?!!
Chapter 4: Please continue this story, I love it. :)
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update
Rainikago #8
Chapter 4: Finally you back ,i wait for so long