Master of the mask


She refused to admit the truth that lay just before her. She was stubborn that way.

But there is a reasonable excuse for this. She was the grandaughter of Dae Mok, the leader of the most powerful organization in Joseon. Therefore, she was used to getting whatever she wanted, but despite this, she never really wanted anything in her life. Why would she? She was brought up with a silver spoon in with not a single worry in her mind. 

She did whatever she was asked to do, unlike her older twin sister, Hwa Goon, who had the constant need for rebelling. She was the perfect lady in everyones eyes. That was the case until she met him. 

He was a nobody who had nothing valuable in his possesion. There was nothing particularly special in him when a stranger gazes at him. His family did not conatain a name that made people want to gaze upon their faces. He was dirty and weak. But something in his broken and defeated eyes pulled her towards him. Like a defenseless deer drawn to the mere sight of grass during a cold winter. 

She didn't want to admit it, but he was important to her. 


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