chapter 2


One Among A Hundred


Winter sun had not risen. It was still dark. Yunho got up immediately. He must begin his morning activity to earn money. For 12-year-old boy, not much work he can do. Only work that requires energy, and for that he must compete with adults who are of course its more powerful. However, Yunho is not a child who easily gave up. For him, while he was still strong, he will do till the end. Yunho saw Jaejong which docked in his sleep. This child is sleeping like an angel. Although Yunho didn’t  have the heart to wake him, but he should because he might not  leave Jaejong home without money and food. '

''Jaejong, wake up,'' Yunho shook Jaejong shoulder gently. Shortly Jaejong only stretched, but slowly he opened his doe eyes.

''Hyung?  it's time towake up? ''he said as he rubbed his face.

''Ne, let's wash you  face first.  You said you want to come work with me,''

‘’Hmm ...'',''Jaejong nodded and Yunho pushed him toward the bathroom to wash up.

After cleaning up, Yunho immediately put on a coat, his hat and gloves worn. He wrinkled  look Jaejong clothes very thin. Yunho realized that Jaejong wearing only thin clothes from yesterday.
Yunho's looking at his clothes box. His clothes are not much but at least he have a change clothes.  He issued his old jacket's that too small for him, his grandfather's knit hat and gloves. He handed it to Jaejong who happily used by younger boy.

Yunho could not help but smile to see his grandfather's hat over jaejong  face  and almost closed his eyes because of the greatness. Jaejoong wear it with upward folded

''Ok, hyung,''he said.

Yunho immediately took Jaejong hand. After walking at least 30 minutes in the cold air, Yunho and Jaejong arrived at a large building.

''Hyung, what this place?'' ask Jaejong

Yunho did not answer the question and just pulled Jaejong hand into the building.

‘’Ajuhssi, I came,'' Yunho greeted an uncle who was busy arranging a bottle of milk in the basket. Jaejong gawk because the place was full of milk and newspapers.

''Ah, Yunho. You've come sooner. Please delivered this milk and newspapers to  the usual place, '' the uncle said, without looking at Yunho and just waved his hand toward the milk and newspapers that he had compiled.

''Ok. Ah, uncle, let me intoduce you someone. This is my dongsaeng,  Jaejong ''said Yunho while pushing jaejong toward people who are Yunho called  uncle.

The uncle looked up and saw the boy with oversized knit hat at him. ''Your sister?''

''No, Jaejong boys,''Jaejong replied sullenly.

''Ahahaha, you're a boy? But Yunho, I do not know you had a brother,''said Jae Suk, the owner of the milk and newspapers.

''I've got now. Can he help you here?''

Jae Suk saw Yunho hopeful gaze. Frankly he was impressed with Yunho. At first he was only feel sorry for the children of 11 years old  standing in front of his store to ask for a job as a milkman and newspaper. But for a year working,  Yunho never disappoint him. In his age now,  Yunho had a strong and responsible nature, even more responsible than adults. But although he was amazed, he cant add another employee because of his business are not too advanced in recent years.

''I'm sorry Yunho, but I don’t  need more workers,''said Jae Suk feel guilty when he saw Jaejong heads bowed and see Yunho's sad eyes.

''It's fine ajuhssi. Jaejong can help me bring the milk and newspapers. My jobs can be lighter,,''said Yunho smiled happily as he patted Jaejong  head full of affection, trying to comfort  his dongsaeng.

‘’Jaejong come on, help me lift Newspapers and milk. ,'' invited Yunho. ''We go now, uncle,'' Yunho said goodbye on Jae Suk.

Jae Suk only pay attention to the two  little boy who disappeared from his sight. Jaejong small body strive to lift newspapers. Somewhat he staggered followed his older brother who lifted bottle of milk.

Although heavy, Jaejong follow yunho happily. There was at least he could do to alleviate the burden of his brother. Yunho put a bottle of milk that should he deliver on the basket on the bike and Jaejong sat behind, carrying a newspaper. Arriving in housing, happily Jaejong follow all Yunho orders. Where he should place the newspaper or when to throw it. While Yunho put the bottle of milk in each house.

After nearly two hours delivering newspapers and milk, both brother slumped in front of the Jae Suk store. Yunho felt a hurt on his stomach because he was not eating all night. But he is covered with a smile when he saw Jaejong looked at him with worried.

''Yunho is you paid,''said Jae Suk as he handed over 1000 won at Yunho who gladly accepted.

''Thank you uncle,''said Yunho smiled. Although not much, but with that  money he  could buy bread for him  and Jaejong eat today.

''Wait, this is for both of you,''said Jaesuk while give bottle of milk and bread. ''This milk is left today. Drink with your brother,''

Yunho smiled happily. Jaejong indeed his brother luck. It's not often there is milk left in the Jae Suk  shop. Usually if there is residual Jae Suk uncle gave it to him and now in addition to milk, he was given bread, too.

Yunho immediately unwrapped the bread and divide it into Jaejong. Both eating happily. After finishing work and hunger, the bread becomes the world's finest foods for Yunho and Jaejong.


‘’Where we are now, Hyung?''Ask jaejong to  Yunho.

''Looking for another job''

‘’What Job?''

''Because of snow fell last night, let us offer our energy to clean the snow into homes,''

''Hmm ..,'' Jaejong nodded. Despite his small body was tired after drove newspapers and milk, but jaejong don’t  want to complain. Because he knew Yunho definitely more tired  because he  have to ride a bike when delivering milk.

Yunho and jaejong first arrived at the house that looks his front yard covered with snow and ice. Slowly they walked inside. Because they shoes are worn and had thinned its base, they must be careful to avoid falling. Yunho then knocked on the door of the house. Not a long , the door open by the middle-aged man.

''What?'' said the man was not friendly.

''Sir, do you need the service to clean up ...''Yunho had not completed his speech, the man immediately shut the door loudly making Jaejong jump. Yunho looked Jaejong with smiled and shrugged.

''One fails, let's try again,'' said Yunho.

It's almost five home  they visits . All failed. There are denying them with  a smooth way butthere is also a cast them in a roughly way.  Jaejong almost cry when one homeowners who cursed Yunho as vagrant children don’t know how to behave before closing the door loudly.

''Hyung, let's just looking for another job. They don’t  like to see us,’’ Jaejoongsaid,almost crying.

Yunho then stand  in front Jaejong holding his shoulder. ''Jaejongie listen to me. My grandfather said, among a hundred chance  fails there will be a successful one.So do not give up easily. Let's try again. In winter, these jobs make money. At least it could be 1500  won. Imagine with that  money we can buy ramen instant,’’ Yunho tried to encourage Jaejong.


In the eighth experiment, Yunho and Jaejong knocked on the door. This time it was opened a man aged about 50 years.

''What's the matter son?''He said kindly.

''Do you need the service to clean up snow in front of the house. We can do it. It’s paid up to you,''Yunho said with a smile. Jaejong looked at him with worried.  He was afraid the homeowner yelled again like homeowner before.

''Well, I think today I can not clean the snow because my rheumatic recurrence.  Take the equipment behind the house. I'll pay you after seeing your work,''said the old man smiling towards Yunho.

''Thank you sir. Come Jaejong,''said Yunho bowed his head as he thanked followed by Jaejong.

Yunho grabbed a shovel from the back of the house and give the Jaejong broom.

''I'm a shoveling snow, you clean the rest,''

''Ne Hyung!''Said Jaejong excited.

Although looks easy, but clean the  snow was not  as easy as it seems. Because of the cold air, Jaejong hand froze and he is very difficult to sweep the shards of ice freezes and lags behind the rest of the snow. Due to his feet and hands frozen, jaejong moving stiffly until he fell because of slippery.

''Jaejong, are you okay?,''Yunho immediately approached to Jaejong who wincedi n pain.

''Hyung, my hurt,''Jaejong whined, rubbing his  which banged hard.

Yunho saw oversized knit hat covered Jaejong eyes, his lips form adorable pout.. The sight made Yunho wanted to laugh but trying to hold it so Jaejong not feel ashamed. Yunho then helped jaejong stood up and dusted his clothes from the snow.

‘’Still hurt?''Said Yunho reward with winced in Jaejong face while he tried to raise his sagging knit hat.

‘’Sit first. Let me do the rest,'' Yunho support  Jaaejong to sit at homepage.

After nearly an hour of shoveling snow, finally  they finished their work well. It was almost noon, and the energy of the bread and milk that they ate that morning seemed to disappear not a trace. Jaejong stomach rumbling loudly because of hunger.

''You're hungry,?'' ask Yunho

''No,  Hyung,'' jaejong lied, don’t wantYunho worry about him. But his stomach loud rumble again shows that he is really hungry. ‘’Stupid stomach, stop rumble,’’'said Jaaejong scold his stomach.

''Don’t  scold your stomach. After this we buy food, ,''said Yunho and immediately return the equipment into the warehouse before knocking on the door of the host.

Homeowners then opened the door and see their work and smiled. He was amazed with Yunho and Jaejong work. The owner frowned when he saw that the two children was not only clean the front page but also the backyard.

"I'm not asking you clean my backyard,''he said.

''That's a bonus for  you  uncle. You said your waist pain, so I clean the backyard too. So you can be safe walk on it, ''explained Yunho with his sweet smiled.

''You're a good kid. Call me uncle Lee. Wait a minute, I took the money to pay you,''said Lee as he headed into the house. A few minutes later he came out carrying a parcel. ''It's your money. And this for your brother,''said Lee as he gave 2000 won to Yunho  and the parcel to Jaejong

''What is this uncle?'' ask jaejong look the  parcel in his hand,  curiously.

''It's clothes for you. It marks my grandson, but he had not used anymore because of the narrowness. There are hats and gloves as well. Wear it, so you're not cold,''said Uncle Lee.

Jaejong see his package with a happy and smiling sweetly at Uncle Lee

''Thank you uncle, ''said Jaejong

''Thank you uncle. We said goodbye now,''Yunho said as he bowed his head to uncle Lee.

''You're welcome. If there is snow again, come back here to clean up my page,''said Uncle Lee said, wave back to Yunho and Jaejong before closing the door. ''Good kid ,'' Lee mumble before going inside his house.

'' Hyung,Uncle Lee is kind,''said  jaejong happly.

''Yeah he's  kind person. Now we buy packs of ramen for lunch,'' said Yunho. Today they gets enough money. So no need to buy bread to eat. With excited they go toward the nearest store.

Today  jaejong learned a lot from his Hyung. Among a hundred chances to fail there will be a successful one. For that , he should not be give up easily.



One of Yunho and Jaejong life journey finished. See you in another life journey

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mickeycute #1
Chapter 13: OMO!!!!! pl update this.. this is a very good story.
shibitan #2
Chapter 13: finally an updaaaaate~ thank you very much, i feel so happy ♥
and i still think that angst is approaching.
Chapter 13: so tat suppose to be jaejoong mother??!!!
Ichiro #4
Chapter 13: Nice story
Chapter 13: yes still reading ^-^ so happy for the update but omo does this mean YunJae will be separated? hope not :( anyways thank you so much for this ^-^
Dione_8 #6
Chapter 13: No.
Please don't tell me that fate want to make YunJae be sparated.
They're look so cute and perfect when together... And Mr.Jung really love them like his grindchild.
I can't imagine how their life when Jaejoong have to live with his real mother ;(
Chapter 13: ahhh i remember this plot.. is it from yunho prank from.years ago???
yunho truely belove leader n such good brother...
and i still waiting n enjoy this pic... keep writing nee??
Dione_8 #8
Chapter 9: Again. I am crying again.
Usually I don't read angst.. I am afraid to cry and make my heart feel so hurt.
But this story is SO special...
This is about humble love from 2 pure boy :')
Dione_8 #9
Chapter 7: I am crying :')
Your story so amazing and make me learn dear.
I am looks like see the miror of the world.
I really love your story.. Amazing :') *deep bow*
Chapter 13: oh go thanks for updating , i'm so worried about the two boy's hearts , like for real , why will they do that to them . it's so crul.