My Brother's Best Friend .

My Brother's Best Friend .

Yunha's POV

Why can't I find a steady boyfriend? All the 18 ex-boyfriends that I dated dumped me before we even kissed. I don't even know what went wrong.  To be honest, I've never been kissed. 

I told my brother, Bang Minsoo, that I've kissed and he really believed me. I don't want anyone to think that I've never been kissed. It's embarrassing.  Bang Minsoo or CAP, is my brother wait- add overprotective in front. He's the most over protective brother out there I bet. He's even more overprotective than our parents. 

I know he cares for me but sometimes it gets so irritating that I just want to tear him into pieces. Not to mention, he's the one behind me failing in my love life.  Yes, I know that he's been telling all my past boyfriends to break up with me or never live again.  He thinks I don't know about it. He's being obvious.

When all my boyfriend broke up with me, on the day itself my brother asked about my boyfriend. He never cared when we were dating.  It could only lead to one thing. Him telling my boyfriends to break up with me. 

I don't want to tell him because I'm scared I hurt his feelings. After all, he's the one who took care of me when our parents went overseas. I don't want to be a bad little sister. 


Another mission completed.  I managed to break Yunha and her boyfriend apart.  That makes me feel more at ease. All the boys that she dated never really cared for her genuinely.  They probably want her money because our family is rich. And more importantly, they obviously want to take advantage of my poor, innocent little sister. 

Those dirty old men. 

Although Yunha is going to hate me forever if she ever found out about this, I can't ignore these kind of people.  Better be safe than sorry.  There are tons of good boys out there and I'm sure she's going to find the one so there's no need to rush into things.  I wish I could say that to her. 

Yunha's POV

Another day without a boyfriend seems like a boring day. Haera, my best friend, is comforting me like always when boys dumped me.  It's like a routine.  The both of us found a table and sat down. Haera is busy talking about a book that she recently read. She's talking non-stop and really fast.  That's how she is when she's excited. 

I've always wanted to tell her That she has a chance of being in a girl group as a rapper since she talks real fast. It sounds as if she's rapping. Oh and I'll let you in for a secret! Sshh! Don't tell anyone!  My best friend, Haera is deeply in love with my brother for 3 years! It's an unrequited love for her. CAP don't notice her maybe because she doesn't put effort in her appearance. 

Actually, I am a little jealous of Haera. She's been loving only my brother for 3 years! And me? I keep on changing. I want to be loyal to only one guy too.  When I asked if she wants my help, she always rejects saying that if he's really the one, he's going to approach her.  Which I think is ridiculous. No one at this time and age will ever do that. It's old fashion.  And again, I never say that to her because I'm going to hurt her feelings. 

Just when I was about to eat my salad, my eyes laid on someone who's exceptionally gorgeous. Even more beautiful than me.  No, it's not a girl. It's a boy.  Following behind him, was my CAP or Bang Minsoo, my brother. Haha my brother. Wait- MY BROTHER?!  WHAT THE HECK IS THAT CUTE GUY DOING WITH MY LAME BROTHER? 

Aside from that, I think I fell in love with that cute, hot and beautiful guy at first sight.  The longer I stare at him, the more I start to feel something. From my experience, it's definitely love.  Yup, I fell in love with him at first sight.  When I get back home, I am so going to ask my brother everything about him.  Talking about that mystery guy, how come I never see him before? Is he new? I never actually care about my brother's friends because I never thought they were going to be attractive.   

Dang, I was so wrong. 


"Hi brother! Welcome home!" I greeted CAP when he came home. 

CAP looked at me as if he saw a ghost. His eyes were practically eyeing me up and down.  He touched his forehead and mine. I guess he thought I was down with a fever.  I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm not sick." I gently pulled his hand from my forehead. 

"What's with the apron and the food at the table?" he suspiciously asked. 

"Oh! Right!" I cleared my throat, "I cooked dinner today! I'm feeling great today! So I thought I'd cooked today instead of you."  I pushed CAP to the table. His eyes were looking around the table, amazed. I pulled the chair out and he sat down, never leaving his eyes on the food. 

I smirked. Victory is right in front of my eyes.  "Did you cook all this?" He asked.  I looked at him with a straight face. "No, the food cooked by itself. Obviously yes!" 

"I was just asking. Chill, woman."

He tasted the kimchi and he kept nodding his head.  "Is it nice?" 

"Absolutely. I didn't know you could cook!" He said. 

I folded my arms proudly, "Of course I can. I'm just lazy to cook. That's all." 

"Okay. Spill. What do you want?" He said, without looking at me. 

Was I exposed?! I haven't even ask! What is he? A psychic?! 

"W-what are you saying, brother?" I carefully said, eating small bites. 

"You obviously have something up your sleeves that's why you went through the trouble to cook for me. What do you want?" He asked.  Bullseye! My brother is definitely my brother. He knows me more than I know myself.  I let out a small laugh to lighten the atmosphere. It was getting too heavy. 

"Haha. You sure know me well, brother." I said, hoping I managed to avoid the subject. 


I sighed and place my chopsticks down. "Ermm... Brother, I saw you at the cafeteria today. I saw you with your friends. And umm.. I kinda saw this guy with dark brown hair. He's kinda shorter than the rest of you. What's his name?" I asked, hoping that I don't sound like I want to date him. 

CAP was quiet for a while. He was silently eating his dinner. I was about to get angry when he said something. 

"Lee Byunghun or L.Joe. Like me, he's a senior. He's in my class." He replied. 

I nodded my head in understanding.  "Then how come I never see him before?" I curiously asked. 

"He's always in the dance studio. When he actually went for lunch in the cafeteria, you weren't there. Vice versa." He explained. 

That makes sense to how I never see him before. He's probably wants to be an idol like my brother.  Big dreams huh. 

"No, you don't date him." CAP suddenly said.

I could hear the floor cracked when my jaw dropped. How the hell does he know that?! 

"Why not?" I challenged him. 

"You're too good for him. I know him. He's a playboy. You do not date him." He said. 

A playboy?! That hottie is a playboy?! Why am I not surprised. Of course he's one. He has the perfect face that anyone could fall for.  Why oh why do I have to fall in love with a playboy?! 

But the feeling inside of me when I first saw him is something new. It's not like how I felt with my other 18 past boyfriends. 

The next day, I told Haera about my current crush and she immediately give me a thumbs up.  She helped me with my investigation and observation. The both of us stalked him in school and outside of school. 

I wrote down notes about him like where he go after school, what he likes to eat and etc.  Haera bought a binocular to help us see better from far.  We also found out that he's currently single. I jumped at joy when Haera found that out.  Most importantly, the longer I stalk him, the deeper I fell. I fell for him harder than before.  It's like he cast a spell on me. When I looked at him, I could hear the birds chirping and a rainbow in the sky.  My heart starts to thump when he laugh about a joke or when he smile. And when he smile, it's a good day. I couldn't help but smile too.  When he pass by me in the hallways, my heart went our of control. Our hands would sometimes brush against each other. I could feel my face burning.  This is definitely love. He is the one for me. 


"You lost him?!" I shouted.  Me and Haera continued our daily stalking. We were behind the bushes stalking them while we ate fries. 

"I was hungry! I took my eyes off him for a second and bam! He's gone." Haera said. 

"Great. Now I won't be able to see him til Monday. This ." I sighed.  Haera widened her eyes. She was pointing to someone behind me. She covered in shock. I was too depressed to care about where she's pointing to.  Feeling annoyed I asked her, "What are you pointing at?" 

"T-that." She stuttered. 

"What? Did you see CAP or what?" I rolled my eyes and turned behind.

I quickly crawled behind in shock. I was absolutely shocked by what I saw.  My brother was standing there, folding his arms, with his other 5 friends looking at me and Haera. That includes my crush, L.Joe.  I gave Haera a look. "Why didn't you say so earlier?!" I gritted. 

"What are you doing here, Yunha?" My brother asked.  He is so angry at me. I am so going to be dead when he come home. 

"Umm... You see..." I turned to look at Haera for help but she was looking at CAP instead. 

Think, Yunha! Think!  You cannot spoil this! L.Joe is looking at you! 

An idea popped in my mind. "You see Haera lost her earrings. And we were looking for it." 

"But she doesn't wear earrings. You told me that before." CAP said, knowing that I lied. 

Oh my god. How can I forgot about that?! Think of something, Yunha! 

"Actually, it's mine. I lost my earrings." I quickly covered up. 

"O-oh! I-I found it, Yunha!" Haera shouted. 

"Haha. We found it! Well, we better go then. Bye brother!" I quickly stand up and walked as fast as I can.  But CAP hold me back by the shoulder. I grunted. 

"I heard that 'you lost him' and 'you won't see him until Monday' Who's this boy you're talking about?" CAP asked, emphasizing on the word 'boy'. 

"Oh my god! Your friend! He look like he hurt his leg!" I fake a gasp.  His friends turned to look at each other, confusingly. CAP turned around to see what's happening. Using that opportunity, me and Haera quickly ran away. 

"Yah! Bang Yunha! You are so dead when I come home!" CAP shouted. 

The next day at school, I managed to avoid CAP. He probably wants to settle scores with me.  When I close my locker, I turned to face L.Joe who was smiling while leaning against the locker beside mine.  I accidentally dropped my books. My mouth was wide open. My brain wasn't functioning well. 

L.Joe picked up my books for me and put it on my hand that was originally dropped from. 

"Hi, Yunha-ssi." He smiled. 

"H-hi." I stammered. 

"I'm Byunghun. But you can call me L.Joe." He pulled out his hand. 

I took his hand and gave me a handshake.  "Let's be friends, Yunha-ssi." He smiled.

My legs almost turned to jelly and I hold on to the lockers for support. 

"Just call me Yunha." 

"Sure. Then call me L.Joe." 

I smiled. Next stop, lovers. 

Me and L.Joe became friends sooner than I expected. He came by my locker when he had time and we chatted before getting to class.  My feelings for him deepen. Now that I know more about him, my feelings for him grew stronger.  Him being a playboy was already at the back of my head. I don't mind getting my heart break. Because at this point, I'm sure that I would regret for the rest of my life if I don't give a try. 

L.Joe asked me if I'm free on Saturday. I immediately agreed.  Of course, I didn't tell my brother. He is going to be like a volcano erupting if he found out.  I asked help from Haera on tips and what I should wear. Haera is an expert at this and I could count on her. But I don't know why she never use it on herself. 

I was never nervous before but when it comes to L.Joe, I'm like a hopeless girl. I was nervous about everything. I couldn't help but walking back and forth in my room.  I shouldn't have been so nervous because L.Joe would make me comfortable. Why the heck was I even nervous in the first place.  He brought me to Lotte world. It was my first time in a few years. The first time I went was when I was a kid. 

We bought hair bands for the both of us. L.Joe chose for me a bunny ear and I chose for him a cat ear. He looked adorable that I wanted to pinch him.  We took pictures with the hair bands. I could hear people talking about how cute we looked as a couple.  I blushed. Even though we went out as friends, it made me feel like we were a couple. I wonder if L.Joe thought the same. 

We went on every attraction. Everywhere we went, there would definitely be people talking about how cute we look.  I looked at L.Joe who was smiling and laughing after the last ride we took. I couldn't help but smile. 


"I'm sure you know where Yunha is going? Tell me where she go." I asked Haera. 

Yunha was dressed like she's going on a date. I didn't know that Yunha was dating and I had to ask Haera. 

"I-I don't know. H-honest." Haera replied. 

"Tell me please. Take it as if I'm begging."  I pleaded. 

There was silence on the other side of the phone but she replied.  "Lotte world with L.Joe." She replied. 

"What?! L.Joe?! Are they dating?!" 

"No. They went there as friends. But CAP-ssi, this time it looks like Yunha is really in love with L.Joe. Please don't break them up." 

"Thanks. Bye." I hung up. 

Yunha is in love with L.Joe? I told her that L.Joe is a playboy and she still went out with him. Stubborn girl. She's going to get it from me when she come home. 

L.Joe's POV

I don't want to admit it but I think I'm in love with Yunha.  She's different from other girls. She's not clingy. She's not acting like someone else. She's being herself. When I saw her stalking me, I found her cute instead of creepy. I acted as if I don't notice but I secretly look at her at times.  I love the way she smiles. My heart flutters when she calls me. My heart skips a beat when she touches me when she's dragging me practically everywhere.  I'm just in love with her. No words can describe what I'm feeling for her.  As for her brother, I'm definitely going to show him that I love her and I'm not going to let her go. 

Yunha's POV

L.Joe sent me home. It was night time by then. I don't want it to end. I want to be by his side 24/7.  We reached my home. I thanked him and walked inside. But he grabbed my arm and looked into my eyes.  I could feel my heart beating. My face was getting red.  "Good night, Yunha." He whispered and kissed my forehead. 

I closed the front door and leaned against it. My heart was still beating crazily. The touch of his lips was still fresh.  "He's just heavenly." I whispered. 

"Did you have fun?" CAP asked. 

Oh crap. 

"I thought I told you to stay away from him. Why are you so stubborn?!" CAP raised his voice. 

I winced at the tone of his voice. I knew I was in deep trouble.  "Haera told me that you went out with him to Lotte world. She also told me that you're in love with him. Is that true?" CAP asked. 

"Yes." I hung my head low.  "Why are you so stubborn?! You're grounded for a whole week! Don't talk to L.Joe too! I'm going to be around you in school too!" CAP said. 

My tears threatened to come out. I was grateful that my hair was covering face. I was silently crying.  "Why can't you let me be with him?! Is he that bad?! I'm the one who's in love with him, not you!" I exploded.  "Even if we got together, you'll do everything to break me up with you, won't you? I know what you've been doing, Minsoo." I glared at him. "Do whatever you want." 

I took my bag and went up the stairs. I slammed my door hard. I cried into my pillow. Tears were flowing.  I'm angry. Angry at my stupid brother who don't know anything. If Haera told him that I'm in love with him, he should know that I'm serious.  Why the hell does he not understand?! Forget it, a brother like him won't understand. 

I won't care anymore. 

For the whole week, CAP really followed me everywhere I go. Students were looking at us but I ignored their stares.  I ignored CAP for a whole week. I didn't talk to him at all. He tried talking to him but I pretended that he wasn't there.  L.Joe tried to talk to me but my stupid brother would be there to stop him. What? I can't be friends with him? 


I really done it this time. Yunha is really mad at me. Have I gone too far?  Yunha really like L.Joe and I hurt her by telling her not to talk to L.Joe. What a brother I am.  All this time I thought that Yunha doesn't know about what I was doing to her past boyfriends. She actually knew but didn't tell me.  I really need to talk to L.Joe. 

At the dance studio, I talked to L.Joe privately. I guess he was probably feeling nervous.

"Do you really like my sister?" I asked. 

"Yeah. I do. She's the most beautiful-" 

"I didn't ask you why." 

"Sorry." He apologized. 

"Don't be sorry. I'm just testing you. Why do you love my sister then?" I asked. 

His expression immediately brightened. "When I met her when she was stalking me, I found her cute and adorable. When I see her smiling, it makes me happy. It's like as if she got this effect on me. When her skin touches me, it's like electricity passing through me. When she calls my name, it's like melody to my ears. My heart goes crazy when I'm with her.Before I know it, I was madly in love with her." I gave him a disgusted look.

He described it too detailed that makes me want to puke.  "What?" He asked. 

"You're crazy."

"Crazy in love." He smiled. 

"No. I meant crazy. As in crazy. You're giving me too much detailed information. It's so... cheesy!" I said. 

"I don't know. Yunha turned me into a fool. I just love her. The things I told you is not all. Do you want me to continue?" He asked. 

"No!" I immediately replied.  He laughed at me. I pushed his head lightly.  Seeing his face when he described why he love Yunha made me change my view about him. 

"Approved." I said. 


"Approved. Approved of being Yunha's boyfriend." I said. 

"Thanks, hyung!" He said and ran off before I could say something. 

L.Joe's POV

Now that I passed Yunha's brother, I'm going to tell Yunha with a surprise.  I'm going to prepare an event for her where everyone can see. And I'm going to confess to her.  Yup! I'm going to do just that. I have the perfect idea. 

Just wait and see, Yunha. I'm coming for you. 

Yunha's POV

Today's going to be another long day with CAP following me around and L.Joe trying to talk to me.  Thank god that CAP went to school earlier. I have time on my own finally. But I wonder why CAP is going to school early.  Walking to school alone is probably the only time I'm having time on my own. So better make full use of it. 

Looking around, there's no one from my school. Usually, there are lots of students walking to school and today I see none.  This is getting creepy.  Thankfully, the school is around the corner. I can just run so that I won't get murdered. Seriously, no one from my school was there and maybe they got kidnapped or something. 

As I got closer to the school, I could see balloons all over the school. They were hung at the trees, entrance, gates and etc.  I smiled. I wonder what's happening in school today. I peeked inside the school before stepping in. And suddenly, someone started playing the piano.  I squint my eyes to see who was playing the piano. It was none other than L.Joe! 

He was playing the piano with full of emotions and it's luring me into the piece. I closed my eyes to feel the music.  I stepped out of my hiding place and stood at the front gate. I opened my eyes a little to take a peek at the guy I love.  The song started to come to an end and suddenly a new music started playing. It was a more upbeat song. 

Students from different directions started running happily and clapping their hands to the beat. They started dancing to the song.  Their moves were synchronized and it look nice. There were 5 people in front of the student body. CAP and his other friends were also dancing.  They danced with passion and their movements were slicked. No wonder they were crowned champion in the recent underground dance battle. 

Suddenly, the students that were dancing started splitting up and formed a lane in between them.  A few girls started escorting- more like pulling me nearer to the stage where L.Joe was performing. I started to blush when I realised that the event was planned for me.  I looked up and saw L.Joe smiling down at me like an angel. My lips instantly curved into a smile. He went down a small plight of stairs, his eyes never leaving mine.  In his hand, he was holding a pink balloon and a rose. I smiled. I was feeling embarrassed but even so I can't look away. 

"Bang Yunha, will you be my girlfriend?" L.Joe asked, holding out the rose and the balloon at me.  Tears of joy started rolling down my cheeks. His childish event touched my heart and it makes me cry. 

"Yes, pabo." I jumped at him and hugged him tightly. 

The students started aw-ing and clapping. I cried even more.  We pulled away and he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I gladly kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck while he placed his arms on my waist.  The crowd cheered and clapped even louder. I smiled through the kiss. 

"Did it hurt when you fell down from heaven?" He smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and instead of answering him, I pulled him in for another kiss.  I fell deep for my brother's best friend, L.Joe.  This love story is just the beginning. No matter what the obstacles we have to face in the future, well face it. Together.

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Chapter 1: Omg! That was so adorable!!! Minsoo is such a protective brother it's nice but he wet over board and it got annoying... L.joe's confession was great!!
So cuteeee!!<3
How come the others doesnt subscribe this story?
This is so cuteeeee <3
Awww... Sooooo Sweet!! :)