Don't be Afraid


Hoseok has a questionable encounter with a guy from a club, which results in him being sick for weeks afterwards. He hungers for nothing, and develops a rare allergy to sunlight. He doesn't want to admit to what it is, though all hints point to only one thing.... He becomes scared of everything, even himself. However, when he meets Jooheon, he finally feels that everything can change for the better. 


“Honestly, hyung,” Kihyun tells the older, rolling his eyes as he inspects the empty fridge. “When's the last time you've eaten?”

“I'm not hungry, Kihyunnie,” Hoseok whines from the couch. He stares dully at the ramyeon his dongsaeng had cooked for him upon arriving, aka the last ramyeon in the apartment. He had tried eating it, he really had, but he just couldn't bring himself to. So now it just sits, growing colder by the second.


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SabriGues #1
Chapter 2: Okay, i am really curious about this story!! Need more wonheon/jooho in my life and knowing this one just made my day !!