Chapter 2

The hidden story to the after story (Fiancé? Andwae!)

<< Park Ha Seung >>

"Yoseob Oppa, it's just right around this corner. You can just park along this road,"

"Thank you babygirl, see, I need you in my life. What would I do without you?" Yoseob sheepishly grinned at me with his widen eyes.

I can't help but roll my eyes at his remark. How did I fall in love with this cringe-worthy man beside me?

And can you believe that we will be wedded in just three weeks? I'm still shook.


"There they are!" Dongwoon pointed towards us as we walked into the diner.

We had planned to meet up with Beast - now called Highlight after Hyunseung Oppa departed from the group.

"You guys come from the same home, how are you guys late, again?" Gikwang declared, a matter of factly.

"Sorry bros, we just came from the fitting," Yoseob greeted s.

The boys raised their brows and mildly hooted teasing us. Eventhough I have gotten used to them teasing me and Yoseob at every chance they get, I still feel heat rising up my cheeks every single time.

"Look at Ha Seung turning red again, ooooo" Dujun teased.

I lowered my red face and lightly smacking Yoseob's upper arm - a habit I always do when I get embarrased.

"Okay okay we get it guys, you can stop now," Yoseob tried to take hold of the situation.

"I have never seen you guys glow this much. If only Hyunseung was still here, he would be so happy for you," Junhyung commented.

At the name, all my bashful feeling flushed straight out of my system. There was a solemn silence.

Yoseob cleared his throat. "Gosh I'm starving," he added to change the subject.

"What would you like to have sweetheart?" he turned to check on me, handing me the menu. 




A year and a half ago 

I had finally settled down in Australia, gaining my momentum to stabilise my late father's business.

And I was finally getting some sleep at night, when I have been getting barely any since I got here six months ago.

I was starting to eat right, sleep right and meet some colleagues when things were going right.

But when times get tough, when I yearned for Yoseob, yearned to be by his side, I never failed to shed tears. I was longing to hear his voice, longing for his embrace but I know I would drop everything and go back to Korea if we had the slightest contact.

So I took all I had to stop myself from contacting anyone in Korea, besides my family.

But one fine day, when I had it all together, I had an unexpected visitor at my doorstep. In Australia.

I gasped at the sight of the slender man standing at the steps, "H-hyunseung oppa? What are you doing here?"

The beginning of my worst nightmare. 


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